Habitat Qinhuangdao (phase II)
秦皇岛 Qinhuangdao
已建成 Built
住宅 Urban Housing
© Safdie Architects
© Safdie Architects
秦皇岛海碧台的设计源自建筑师摩西·萨夫迪(Moshe Safdie)于1967年蒙特利尔世博会创作的都市人居代表作“栖息地67”(Habitat '67)。
Habitat Qinhuangdao's design draws on the principles and values pioneered in Habitat '67, Moshe Safdie's groundbreaking urban housing project created for the 1967 World Exposition in Montreal.
More than 50 years later, Habitat Qinhuangdao reaffirms the concept as highly scalable and widely transferable. By prioritizing daylight, natural ventilation, views, and outdoor green space, Habitat Qinhuangdao creates a vital waterfront neighborhood that nurtures community and fosters connection to nature—conditions that deliver quality of life rarely achieved in large-scale, high-density development.
© Safdie Architects
“The demand for quality multi-family housing in China's growing cities has allowed us to apply the principles that informed Habitat '67 at a greater density. By breaking down the mega-scale, Habitat Qinhuangdao is a model for high-density housing where the amenities surpass that of the typical high-rise complex without sacrificing the structure's efficiency or humanity.”
For Habitat Qinhuangdao, Safdie Architects organized the housing into a series of stacked residential blocks of 16 stories that are offset and surrounded by gardens at the base and linked via skybridges at the 17th and 32nd floors. The buildings’ stepped and staggered forms create private terraces, balconies, and solariums and enclose grand “urban windows”—view corridors between the city and the sea—that humanize the scale and connect the development to its context. The buildings’ long elevations face east, west, and south to take in sunshine. North-facing interiors borrow light that filters through the large urban windows. As a result, the development feels bright, airy, and open.
© Safdie Architects
© Safdie Architects
Sean Scensor
“In Kerry Properties we had an ambitious client who saw how our design philosophy would resonate with the local culture and context. When you stagger and offset units from one another, stepping the buildings away from the sea, you create beautiful terraces that make each unit feel like a penthouse. The project is simultaneously visually intriguing and inherently rational.”
Surrounding the buildings are a series of intensively planted parks that celebrate Qinhuangdao's natural landscape and support both passive and active recreation. Each park offers residents a different experience, rich and layered with varied topography, diverse flora, and engaging amenities, which include adventure playgrounds, a landscaped amphitheater, planted promenades, and water features. Additional community gardens and pool areas occupy the skybridges that link the residences and provide novel outdoor experiences amidst views of the sea, city, and the sky.
© Safdie Architects
© Safdie Architects
The 160,000 square meter community public space and landscaped gardens not only foster intimate communication and harmonious coexistence between humans and nature but also provide multiple daily social spaces.
The approximately 5,500 square meter art center, which combines exhibition spaces, fine dining, and coffee, along with the landscape and supporting facilities on the ground and in the sky, offers residents a rich array of cultural and leisure spaces. It is not only suitable for community activities such as sports, families, art, humanities, and poetry but also supports special events like seasonal fruit and vegetable picking, sea fishing, and garden exploration, making Habitat Qinhuangdao a vibrant and three-dimensional garden community.
© Safdie Architects
© Safdie Architects
回看海碧台的设计之源,来自“栖息地67”的 “一人一花园”(For Everyone A Garden)理念,不仅拉近了人与自然的距离,更拉近了人与人之间的距离。这一极具生命力的理念,一直推动着萨夫迪建筑事务所进行跨越建筑类型、地理、尺度和时间的设计实践。
2010年,萨夫迪建筑事务所在为期一年的学术研究项目“未来栖息地”(Habitat of the Future)中,将“栖息地”的概念应用于不同的空间尺度、城市密度、气候环境及文化背景下,重新审视了其基本原则。而在专业研究和深刻洞察之上,这一概念的发展更扎根于其在不同城市的落地实践,包括新加坡的SkyHabitat(2016)、斯里兰卡科伦坡的Altair(2021)、厄瓜多尔基多的Qorner(2022)以及中国秦皇岛的海碧台(2024)。
Habitat 67's animating belief—“for everyone a garden”—continues to propel Safdie Architects' design approach across typologies, geographies, scales, and decades. In 2010, Safdie Architects reexamined its foundational principles in a year-long research fellowship, Habitat of the Future, which tested the concept at different scales, densities, climates, and cultural contexts. Habitat Qinhuangdao's design draws on insights from this research, as do Safdie Architects' other recent Habitat urban housing developments—SkyHabitat in Singapore (2016); Altair in Colombo, Sri Lanka (2021); and Qorner in Quito, Ecuador (2022). While each iteration offers a unique response to site, context, and culture, the underlying goal of the design team is consistent: to create vibrant and livable communities. Habitat Qinhuangdao is the largest built example of these ideals to date.
© Safdie Architects
秦皇岛海碧台二期 - 剖面图
© Safdie Architects
栖息地系列 / Habitat
自1967年加拿大蒙特利尔Habitat '67城市住宅项目声名鹊起开始,摩西.萨夫迪与他的团队便一直在不断研究探索“一人一花园”的居住理想,并在全球范围内不同气候条件中,实现了多个版本的栖息地居住项目,成功的将城市住宅的“高密度”与郊区住宅的“自然元素”相结合。五十多年以来,在新加坡、美国、加拿大、马来西亚和中国等国家完成了多个栖息地系列居住项目。
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项目信息 / Credits
Habitat Qinhuangdao (Phase II)