Landscape exchanges emotion with his user in an endless period of time.
The origin of River Fei
合者,枝津汇流成河乃合;肥者:归异出同曰肥。合肥——一座成长于水中的城池。而场地与水的缘分,起于淝水,不止于江流:项目孕于合肥、居于滨湖板块、比邻巢湖……水之为因,水之为缘,水之为魂——这是我们通过对场地本身的位置解读而感悟到的。“He”, means what different anabranches of a river join into one place; ”Fei”,means which begins with same place but end at different places. ”Hefei”—— is a city which grows in water.
The destiny between the site and water begins with River Fei, and does not end at river: the project was born in Hefei、live in lakeside plate、next to Lake Chao……Therefore, water is origin, water is destiny, water is soul——these are realized by thinking the location of the site itself.
If you want to observe postures of waterSteady as well as decorousLeisurely drops into a glass of waterEmbrace——Mix——Blossom——Calm——This is the river、lake and sea before table、 the world of mortal and dream
The waves
“Concise but deep”, means concise in landscape but deep in artistic conception
Billows revolve, last and stretch——gradually but powerfully, which is our reverence and description of nature.
When the time stops, people can focus on natural change and open heart.
The door of heart is not a real door, is a shade of flippancy and common customs; the door of ”Tianhui” as still ripples, cleanses past of life and make calm about nowlife. Looking at the door, is a communion with heart、a conversation free from vulgarity; a narration、a monolog.
Interlaced between black and white, is like wavelet that form from falling down of waterfall, also blends water and texture to the east grass terrace. The atmosphere of this space is like drop into the billows, which can soak thinking, change according to changing circumstances without ourselves.
I would like be a bird in the forest to experience beautiful life.
When everything is mere worldly possessions, life will be materialization、visualization, enjoy、play、interact and revere by people……Life like this, so is landscape. Landscape not only make sense of human participation, but also get sublimation by producing more possibility because of communication and interaction between human being.
The waterfall
“Elegant interest”, means interest free from vulgarity.
Water——is a gift from nature、a memory of site、a treasure of future——waterfall born in ground and gradually drop off.
八十余米长的落水水景,萦纡起伏,像场地内的精灵,牵动着每一缕碧波,涤荡观者的心灵。震撼之物,在于其以非常规的尺度展现于人眼前——陌生到心生畏惧;和蔼到触手可及。如丝的水纹缓缓流动,像时间的脉络,水下的金属材质将周遭的或是蓝天白云、或是婆娑树影纳入其中,回游观之,妙不可言 、变幻莫测。
A more than eighty-meters-long waterscape is ups and downs, as a fairy in the site who can involve each waves, purify visitors’ hearts and soul. It is the unconventional scale that shock people——strange to awestruck; amiable to touchable. Gradually flowing water likes time sequence of thought. Surroundings such as sky、clouds、trees invert reflection in underwater metal, which make a deep impression when people visit.
“He” is a fine gauze that stop in a moment, then become into waterfall.
“He” lives in the site, experiences and reflects everything surround, gets rid of wonderful outside.“He” is a knight of pen, who pursue elegant interest into spiritual ballast which is different from normal people.
The lake
“Wide and integrated”, means that the number of landscape is small but integrated.
Winding wave is wavelet from waterfall, will end in lake and sea; this is a melody from active to quiet, which can link body as well as sense to move、follow、up and down……
Starry path is a fusion and reproduction of past memory: 365 star lights lead to a road free from vulgarity.
静湖如镜,映射着她周围的一切:含情脉脉的柳杉林、婀娜多姿的染井吉野,即使春花凋零,亦有碧树拂岸的一抹幽深……甚至日光、甚至鸟语花香;由水面飘摇而上的雕塑,是水精灵的曼妙舞姿, 时间再一次静止:景观、建筑、人——氛围如沁人心脾的美酒,空间亦灵动而妙不可言Quiet lake as a mirror, reflects everything surrounding: grove of Cyptomeria Fortunei、beautiful Weeping Yoshino Cherry, there are still dark trees even if flowers withered.
The stream
“Natural”, means landscape mainly consist of vegetation. To create unique landscape by using “forest” form.
溪之天然,是幽幽深谷的清流回绕,而幽深不只二维空间的迂回,更有时空飘移的穿越感。好的空间,就像是一篇耐人寻味的文章;而空间与空间的衔接,有时候是一段冗长的文字,有时候却只需一个精炼的标点——上下之行——时光通廊Natural stream, revolves around of valley, but the depth is not only circuitous two-dimensional space, but also the sense of passing through the drifting of time and space. Nice space, is a stand careful reading article; the link between different spaces, sometimes is long words, sometimes is a refined punctuation——up and down——time corridor.
Arrived at sinking garden, building is deep valley, landscape is soft stream: Sedum Lineare brings deep meditation atmosphere in the space; Black Stainless Steel and Mountain Tai Stones are imaginal landscape.
Waterfall comes into suddenly, the sound of water set off quiet valley. I would like ride a boat into this dream without thinking.
The space and fate
There is nothing that exists alone, everything is begin with its own reason. Because of the site, it has combination with landscape、buildings and interior design. The reason why people have house to live is that we have space firstly.
Space has boundary but is infinite.
Because of waterlike heart and soul、Because of forward us.
Potos of the project
Work progress
委托方设计团队:孟广超 母莉娜 邹翔 朱光 徐炎炎HZS滙张思建筑顾问/伊波莱茨建筑咨询服务室内顾问/广州品辰公共艺术景观设计雕塑顾问/合肥见微知著标识顾问/上海汉槿项目团队:刘鑫 赵晓雪 吴俊华 侯凯悦 刘丹 赵娟 廉玉芹 李洁 李亚楠