重庆金科博翠未来 | ACA麦垦景观

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重庆有山 未来有水

重庆是一个 3D 魔幻的城市,“重”为千里,“庆”指广大,山与水的魔幻组合,也被称为“江之城,山之都”,而将这片土地连接在一起的纽带,就是那千千万万座桥梁。因此重庆有着千万桥梁编织的奇景。项目位于重庆市区,距离嘉悦大桥约 2.5 公里,紧邻中环快速干道,这里规划了自贸区与商务中心,周边景观资源丰富,教育资源齐全,商业配套完善。

Chongqing is a 3D magical city, "Chong" means thousands of miles, "qing" refers to the vastness, the magical combination of mountains and water, also known as "city of rivers, capital of mountains", which connects this land together The bond is the thousands of bridges. Therefore, Chongqing has a marvelous scene of weaving thousands of bridges.The project is located in the urban area of Chongqing, 2.5 kilometers away from Jiayue Bridge and close to the Central Expressway. There is a free trade zone and business center planned here. The surrounding landscape resources are rich, educational resources are complete, and commercial facilities are complete.

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绝佳的场地自然资源可遇而不可求,我们需要面对的大部分项目是一片平整过的荒地,面积不大,缺乏场地文化。项目周边同类型项目竞争激烈,如何营造出多重体验感受,本土深挖 则变得尤为重要。

The natural resources of the excellent site is available, and most of the projects we need to face are flat wasteland with a small area and lack of site culture. The competition for projects of the same type around the project is fierce. How to create multiple experience feelings, local digging becomes particularly important.

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However, it brings both challenges and opportunities. As the front field is close to the municipal road, we hope that the municipal interface of the demonstration area will form a memory point of urban space with strong guidance and visibility, to reflect the spirit of the city as the municipal interface, and to demonstrate vitality and vitality with the landscape form full of a sense of power.


现代  水系  漂浮  轻盈

符号化/ 陈列化/ 堆砌/ 拼凑/ 地域化不足

我们怎么应对:体验化/ 感受化/ 单一线索/ 本土深挖

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 "What was has always been, what is has always been,what will be has always been.”

- 路易斯康探讨建筑的本质,即“过去是什么,现在是什么,将来成为什么”




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场地前场空间相对局促,缺乏足够的展示空间,我们需打造以虚拟为隐、漂浮而起的景观亮点。为了体现建筑特色,我们利用前场开阔的视线,将建筑抬高,大面水景衬托景观,营造漂浮感。除了轴向空间的打造, 横向空间起到场地延展的作用, 以层叠式、怀抱式的极具大气的入口形象, 树立起开放、接纳的精神领地。

Site front space is relatively short, the lack of enough display space, we need to build a virtual as hidden floating window in order to embody building feature of landscape, we use the front open view, building up, bedding face foil waterscape landscape, to create a sense of floating in addition to the axial space, have the effect of field extension, lateral space with cascading arms type of atmospheric entry image, set up open embrace the spirit of the territory.

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入口融合极简美学,长达75 米的昭示迎宾入口,跌级而上,任山川瀑布印在时光的幕布里,带着美学记忆推开未来居所的大门。

Entry fusion minimalist aesthetics, 75 - meter - long show guest entrances, lower grade, President of mountains and rivers falls in the curtain of time, with the aesthetic memory pushed open the door to future home.

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There were feathers floating on the quiet water

Like the trail left by a bird

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九千九百九十九块定制艺术玻璃拼合成的弧形翎羽, 在阳光下呈现不同的纹路, 将光的艺术展现的淋漓尽致。

Ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine curved feathers made of custom art glass show different patterns in the sun, giving full play to the art of light.

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最初设想, 打造极致丰富的景观, 递进式的归家体验, 在我们反复推敲的过程中, 发现场地狭小并不能兼容多功能空间。设计又进行新一轮风暴思考, 回归场地本身, 回归城市地域。“ 重庆周围有高山围绕, 本地人在盆地里的生活被环绕、被包围, 就有个盆地意识。它其实就是一个大容器, 里边什么都能装, 也有很强的包容性。” 一个景围绕整个空间。

The original idea was to create extremely rich landscape and progressive homecoming experience. In the process of our repeated deliberation, we found that the narrow space was not compatible with multi-functional space design and carried out a new round of storm thinking, returning to the site itself and the urban area. Chongqing is surrounded by mountains, and the local people's life in the basin is surrounded and surrounded.  Therefore. there is a basin awareness that it is actually a large container, which can contain everything, and it is also very inclusive.

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建筑一层、负一层同享最大中庭, 打造开阔的视野。利用天井串联景观空间, 大面积的水域如聚宝盆造型, 通过浮桥蜿蜒到后场。

The building enjoys the largest atrium on the ground floor and the ground floor, creating an open view and connecting landscape space with patios, and a large area of water like a corneal shape, winding to the back field through a pontoon bridge.

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Under the existing conditions, do oblique section, widen the line of sight ,

so that the upper and lower layers are connected in series.

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下沉空间采用LED 星光水面,点点灯光犹如璀璨星空,亦境亦动,宛若星辰。

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 从建筑出来整个中庭都环绕着潺潺流水声,包容性的文化场景和体验, 带来时间的愉悦

Out of the building the whole atrium ripple around, inclusive cultural scene and experience, to bring the pleasure of the time.

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雀翎浮桥承担链接城市与“ 未来” 的作用, 穿梭在林泉之间, 聚向的水流涌动着节奏感, 带领我们即将进入光、影、 林的一方天地之中, 宛若漂浮在闹市中森林美术馆, 自然静谧, 悠然。

Qiling pontoon bridge plays the role of linking the city and the future, shuttling between the forest springs, the gathering water. surging with a sense of rhythm, leading us into the light and shadow, the forest side of the world, just like floating in the middle of the disturbance in the forest art museum, natural quiet, leisurely.

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漫步于无边际的浮桥上, 耳边水声潺潺, 眼前光影掩映, 树影婆娑, 零星点缀的树池与水景交相呼应, 让人不禁停留驻足, 建筑与森林在方寸之间静默交融下透露出对宁静美好的神往。

Strolling on the endless pontoon bridge, we hear the gurgling stream, shaded by shadows and shadows before our eyes, the

trees are whirling, and the scattered dotted tree pools echo the water scene, making people stop and stop. The quiet blending of architecture and forest reveals a yearning for serenity and beauty.

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我们这样忙碌, 当然有许多无可奈何的理甶, 但是我们很快会厌倦这种生活方式, 希望远离城市的喧嚣, 到大自然中去治愈我们的焦虑与紧张, 重视自我, 去感受生活的真谛。这就是我们为什么在混凝土的城市里建造一座完美的避难所, 预见未来生活映像。

This quiet night in spring, the hill is empty. The moon comes out and startles the birds on the hill, feel the joy of the written word, this is what I look forward to living in the future.

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施工过程是一场即时的行为艺术秀,设计师用景观的手法设计书写场地生活和时代故事,施工人员在空间场地的舞台上呈现设计方案 ,直至项目化身为城市的舞台背景,演绎各自的主角故事。

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