集艾设计两项作品入选第22届Andrew Martin国际室内设计大奖年鉴。作为室内设计领域最权威的国际奖项之一,Andrew Martin 国际室内设计大奖正凭借其深远的社会影响力,不断激励着室内设计领域的发展。能够入选大奖、甚至获得最终年度大奖成为室内设计界的崇高荣誉。
G-ART Works are very honored to be selected as the 22nd Andrew Martin International Interior Design Bible Yearbook. As one of the most authoritative international awards in the field of interior design, the Andrew Martin International Interior Design Bible is constantly inspiring the development of the interior design field with its profound social influence. The global attention received by the grand prize itself made it a winner of the grand prize and won the annual award, becoming a highlight of the interior design industry.
Flexible use of geometric lines and exquisite decorative art, the line beauty with geometric sense of the machine era and constitute a modernist aesthetics of the times.
Combining the classical elements of the East and the West, it portrays a retro modern space with an open and tolerant vision and dramatic artistic techniques.
Expressed richness with space and replacedstylish with comfortable designing, filling the whole space with both coolnessand tenderness.
Crossed over theboundary of styles when he designs his own home. He kept true to the nature oflife, to build the sweet home full of sunlight and love through the combinationof the different home elements.
About Andrew Martin
“Andrew Martin国际室内设计大奖”源于英国,1996年由Martin Waller先生创立。区别于其它国际奖项,大奖的评审团由英国王室贵族、专栏作家、好莱坞明星、银行家、时装设计师等社会各行业精英人士组成。独特的视角和评审机制让大奖具有无可比拟的社会代表性、公正性和权威性。大奖被美国《时代》、英国《泰晤士报》、BBC等国际主流媒体誉为室内设计界的“奥斯卡”,每年都吸引了全世界各地设计师的踊跃参与。不论国际设计大师,还是行业新锐,都在大奖的平台上获得了国际主流生活圈的认可,赢得了国际声誉,并进行了国际间高层次的设计交流合作。
The Andrew Martin Interior Designer of the Year Award celebrates the best of design from around the world. It is originated in the United Kingdom and was founded in 1996 by Mr. Martin Waller. Different from other international awards, the jury of the award consists of elites from various sectors of society such as British royal aristocrats, columnists, Hollywood stars, bankers, and fashion designers. The unique perspective and evaluation mechanism make the award have unparalleled social representation, fairness and authority. The award was hailed as the "Oscar" in the interior design industry.