800秀携手罗昂发布白皮书回顾展望十年芳华|logonX800 Show Unveiled WP for 10th Anniv.
阅读:4115 2019-11-30

On this ten years' anniversary for 800 show,  we retrospect the fruitful pastand outlook for brighter future,  having our exciting story goes on. 

由上海800秀文化创意产业园区举办的800 x伽作设计节开幕暨800 秀十周年回顾与展望庆典活动于20191127日于800秀主秀场隆重举办,活动得到上海市静安区商务委员会及文化创意产业协会的支持。

The 800 Show x Jia Zuo Design Festival launched its grand opening, as well as celebrating the 10thanniversary of the 800 Show on November 27, 2019 at the main hall of Shanghai 800 Show Cultural and Creative Industry Park. In spite of celebrating, the event also gave review and outlook for its 10 years fruitful management supported by the Business Council of Jing’an district Shanghai and the Shanghai Cultura land Creative Industries Association.



Lu Xiaodong, party secretary of the Jing'an District Committee, recalled in his opening speech: "Ten years ago, it was an abandoned area here at No. 800 Changde Road with several old factory buildings. This 115-meter long main hall was fully filled with various industrial and domestic wastes. You even needed to wear a safety helmet when was in and out of here. In November 2009, after a year and a half of careful design and reconstruction, the dusty pearl shined again!"

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(Party Secretary of Shanghai Jing'an District  Committee Secretary Lu Xiaodong giving an opening speech)


In the past ten years,  the 800 Show has not only been the only designated off-site venue of the Shanghai World Expo,  but also the venue for international cultural events such as the Shanghai Fashion Week Show,  Shanghai Art Festival,  and Forbes Forum.  Lu said: "Although many people are operating industrial parks now, not everyone can manage the park well and sustainably. The 800 show is one of the successful projects."

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在园区成立10周年之际,800秀特邀罗昂设计联合创始人及首席执行官王芳女士,宣布800 秀文化创意产业园区白皮书-人本理念的十年运营总结与战略思考》正式发布。向建筑设计以及文化创意业内外人士展示设计如何从用户的需求出发,深度解析80010年以来场所塑造与活动举办、物业运营的成功经验,主要包括:800秀对经济政策的回应、定位设计策略、执行措施以及三大运营支柱。

Thanks to the 10th anniversary, 800 Show specially invited Ms. Wang Fang, the co-founder and CEO of logon.design, to announce the official release of the 800 Show Cultural andCreative Industry Park White Paper – the Ten-year Operational Summary andStrategic Thinking of People-oriented Concept, showcasing to the industry players inside and outside how to design from the users’ perspective, andin-depth analysis of the successful experience of space creating, event hosting, and property operation since its opening. The books structure isincluding: the  response to economic policies, positioning & design strategy, implementation measures, and three major operating pillars.

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Professional designers and experts were invited to the penal discussion for symbiotic development of urban renewal and cultural creativity from different perspectives. 

Wang Fang shared: "logon.design has grown up with the 800 Show in the past ten years. I am very excited to see many old friends and fellows on this special day! 800 Show has witnessed Shanghai's transition from a post-industrial city to the global service-oriented city; witnessed the fundamental change of society's attitude towards creative industries and the construction ofindustrial sites; as well as witnessed the significant development of Shanghaiurban renewal. Compared with other completed industrial parks built along with oreven after 800 Show, she has a life cycle extended and continuously growing!"

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(对话嘉宾从左至右: 罗昂设计CEO及联合创始人王芳女士、上海市文化创意产业推进领导小组办公室副主任强荧先生、上海时装周附秘书长吕晓磊女士、伽作创始人诸侃麒先生)

(Penal guests from left to right: Ms. Wang Fang, CEO and co-founder of logon.design, Mr. Qiang Ying, Deputy Director of the Office of Shanghai Cultural and Creative Industry Promotion Leadership Group, Ms. Lu Xiaolei, Secretary General of Shanghai Fashion Week, and Mr. Zhu Kanqi, Founder of Jiazuo)

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