深圳腾讯总部竞赛设计方案公布 | 丹麦SHL建筑事务所
阅读:8468 2020-04-03

深圳腾讯总部竞赛设计方案公布 | BY SHL



Known as “Tencent Crystal City” the proposal focusses on combining nature, community and technology into a project that maximizes flexibility, ecology and innovation.

Tencent Crystal City is an ambitious vision driven by one of the world’s largest internet companies Tencent.

深圳腾讯总部竞赛设计方案公布 | BY SHL



The project aims to create 2 million sq meters of space for Tencent employees focusing on workspace, residences, a convention center, a hotel, and supporting facilitiesfor education, health, sport and infrastructure.

The proposal breaks away from the typical urban planning typologies in favor of a series of pyramidal crystal-like structures that provide both large scale floor plans (required by the client) to smaller more regular floor plates.

深圳腾讯总部竞赛设计方案公布 | BY SHL


The crystalline shapes of the campus seek to create an iconic focal point for the entire district, and a new symbol for Qianhai. The multifaceted form of the project reflects Tencent itself; a company with many different divisions working together to create global impact.


Qianhai Green Loop

深圳腾讯总部竞赛设计方案公布 | BY SHL


The new district will become an extension of the grand public ring around Qianhai Bay. A rich wetlands park is designed to connect directly with an entirely public level that will become a new landmark in Shenzhen for visitors and residents. Generous green spaces are designed on either side of the headquarters buildings in order to provide a buffer from the neighboring container port and to provide active waterfront public spaces.

深圳腾讯总部竞赛设计方案公布 | BY SHL

深圳腾讯总部竞赛设计方案公布 | BY SHL


Icon for a New Economy

深圳腾讯总部竞赛设计方案公布 | BY SHL


The container port adjacent the site is a symbol of 20th century commerce: industrial, physical, economically organized. Tencent Crystal City will instead become an icon of 21st century commerce: social, green,creative, human. This prominent location ensures both amazing views of Qianhai and is constantly on display from the city itself. The crystalline form of the buildings takes advantage of this by creating an iconic presence from afar while giving many opportunities for terraces and views from the buildings to the city.

深圳腾讯总部竞赛设计方案公布 | BY SHL


Nature+Community+Technology=New Tencent Lifestyle

深圳腾讯总部竞赛设计方案公布 | BY SHL


The campus will exist at the intersection of nature,community, and technology. The district will be an enormous testing ground for a new Tencent lifestyle that combines smart passive strategies in the urban landscape and active technologies to create new communities. Tencent can also use the connection to the public to exhibit and test new initiatives and products. In contrast to the closed nature of many tech headquarters, the raised building offers privacy for employees while turning the landscape below into a public destination.

深圳腾讯总部竞赛设计方案公布 | BY SHL


Flexible Future

深圳腾讯总部竞赛设计方案公布 | BY SHL


In the time that it takes to fully design and build such an ambitious project, the needs of a quickly growing company such as Tencent will continue to change. The project is designed to be as flexible as possible for future changes in strategy and needs. Large, tall, open floorplates are highly reconfigurable to allow for future changes in working styles and company direction. Space under the landscape deck also flexible to future changes, even after construction, as forces such as automated driving threaten to up-end the way that cars are used and parked.

深圳腾讯总部竞赛设计方案公布 | BY SHL

深圳腾讯总部竞赛设计方案公布 | BY SHL


New Nature+Local Ecology

深圳腾讯总部竞赛设计方案公布 | BY SHL


The waterfront park will return the coastline to the Mangrove filled wetlands that existed before Shenzhen urbanization to help clean the water of the bay. New landscape features such as sports fields and green amphitheaters combine functionality and beauty as well as create microclimates to mitigate the tropical environment of Shenzhen. The extensive landscaping and wetlands park help to manage rainwater and protect the campusin stormy conditions.

深圳腾讯总部竞赛设计方案公布 | BY SHL

深圳腾讯总部竞赛设计方案公布 | BY SHL


Active Campus

深圳腾讯总部竞赛设计方案公布 | BY SHL


The campus is planned from the start to cultivate a healthy body and mind for employees and residents. Healthy transport options such as shared bikes and walking are promoted over auto use by providing a large shaded podium and pathways lush with nature. A multitude of sports courts and connections to the bay encourage an active balance of recreation and work to retain an engaged happy community of professionals.

深圳腾讯总部竞赛设计方案公布 | BY SHL

项目概况 FACTS

业主 Client/ Tencent

建筑设计 Architect/ 

Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects

结构设计 Structural Engineer/ 

SBP (Schlaich Bergermann Partner)

景观设计 Landscape/ SLA

其它合作方 Other collaborators/ 

Shanghai Urban Transportation Design Institute

项目规模 Project Size/ 2,042,160 m2

竞赛方案 Competition/ 2018



About Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects

丹麦SHL建筑事务所于1986年创立于丹麦奥胡斯。作为斯堪的纳维亚地区最富盛名的设计事务所之一,公司目前在丹麦哥本哈根、奥胡斯和上海设有办公室。我们在全球范围内提供专业的建筑服务,在国际上拥有诸多享有口碑和影响力的设计。主要设计领域和项目实践有:文化公建和教育建筑、办公建筑、商业及零售建筑、多功能建筑及城市综合体、改造和城市更新设计。我们提供完整的设计方案,从室内设计到整体设计,从概念设计到总体规划,从建筑细节到城市发展、景观规划。我们在图书馆、文化和大型公建项目上尤其经验丰富,拥有许多地标性的设计。我们的设计根植于开放包容的斯堪的纳维亚建筑美学传统,将美感、光线的利用、可持续性和社会责任紧密结合。我们在建筑设计上的创新性、可持续性和开放性吸引了许多国际上的关注,也为我们赢得了100多个国内外著名的奖项。2018年,SHL加入Perkins and Will。更多详情,请前往www.shl.dk.

Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects was founded in Aarhus, Denmark in 1986. The firm is one of Scandinavia’s most recognized and award-winning architectural practices. Working out of studios located in Copenhagen, Aarhus, and Shanghai, the firm provides skilled architectural services all over the world, with a distinguished track record as designers of international, high-profile architecture. Cultural and educational buildings, offices, commercial, retail, and residential buildings, often in mixed-use developments and complex urban contexts, are cornerstones of the firm’s output. The practice has extensive global experience in the design of libraries and other public and cultural landmark buildings, and its innovative, sustainable, and democratic approach to architecture has attracted global attention, winning more than 100 national and international awards. In 2018, Schmidt Hammer Lassen became part of global architecture and design firm Perkins and Will. For more information, visit www.shl.dk.

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