阅读:6105 2021-12-10



Digital & Intelligent Technology Build a Smarter City

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Garett Hwang
UNStudio 总监
Director of UNStudio




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WATIC: 我们好奇您最近在关注哪些领域?有什么UNStudio亚洲新动态可以与我们分享吗?
We are curious about which areas you are focused on recently. Are there any new developments in UNStudio Asia that you can share with us?

Garett Hwang:自UNStudio于11年前进驻亚洲以来,我们位于上海和香港的工作室就一直致力于为亚洲建筑市场上不同尺度的多元项目提供更好的设计,思考如何通过设计回应亚洲独特的社会文化
Since UNStudio Asia opened its doors 11 years ago, our two offices in Shanghai and Hong Kong have focused on how to better serve the scale and complexity that the Asian architecture market demands, and achieved designs that reflect the societal and cultural opportunities which are unique to Asia.

Over the years, the  projects in Asia have only increased in sophistication and in ambition and through our more recent projects, we are seeing a universal increase of hybridization of typologies in both commercial and cultural mixed-use projects, which previously used to occur only occasionally. Catering to such demands, we are constantly studying and applying new ways to design with the anticipation of change in mind. 

How our designs can serve the evolving demands of users today can best be solved through us constantly re-defining assumptions, standards, and experiences. This directly affects our approach to design and constructing. During the process of developing, visualizing, analyzing, and building these projects, we are able to better not only the constructed result but also grow as architects.

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龙光神湾游艇会会所 ©Tom Roe

WATIC: 众所周知,建造行业在过去发生激烈变革,如何看待未来建造与科技之间的关系?
As we all know, the construction industry has undergone drastic changes in the past. How do you view the relationship between architecture and technology in the future?

Garett Hwang:设计与“建造”的关系总是会回到最基本的问题:如何建造所“设计”的建筑。当建筑设计领域的创新技术飞速发展时,建造也必须发生相应的创新。若要“设计”方案可以完全按照设计意图建造出来,设计和施工之间的差距永远不能太大。建筑与施工之间的关系是相互依存和促进的,二者的共同发展,才能推动整个行业发展与进步。
The relationship between design and construction always returns to the basic question of how to construct what is designed. When architectural design leaps forward in technological innovation, construction must do the same, as the gap between design and constructability can never grow too wide. The interdependency between architecture and construction thus prompts both industries to drive each other to advance and grow.

Big steps in the construction industry allows for big steps in design. The use of construction management through BIM, fabrication and quality control by the means of digital technology and robotics, and the introduction of new high-performative hybrid materials, all feed into the progress of digital architecture, and free us from geometrical and constructability constraints.

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杭州来福士广场 ©Jin Xing

Technology will continue to bring design and construction closer together. In the future, technology will remain a key driver in architecture, expanding the possibilities of data analysis, generation, manipulation, etc. For application in architectural design. At the same time, technology will serve architecture by answering what is needed and missing in the processes of design. By providing new ways to represent and formulate architecture, technology will keep on providing better means to understand and therefore fabricate what is digitally defined, and thus integrate and tie construction innovation into the design process.

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杭州来福士广场立面 ©Seth Powers

In our projects, such as the Raffles City in Hangzhou and our Wasl tower in Dubai, we used technology as a tool allowing us to analyze and incorporate variables into the design and performance of the architecture and façade systems. In our Lyric Theatre Complex project in Hong Kong, technology contributes from design to construction management. For instance due to the complexity of the site with its very constrained and difficult conditions, one major challenge has been how to allow for the overlaps of construction phases and buildings. This project is a puzzle about designing programmatic spatial integration, while equally balancing site constraints and the contractor’s construction sequencing , none of which could have been solved without parametric design and BIM technology.

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迪拜Wasl塔 ©Methanoia

WATIC: 我们非常关注最近正在进行中的Lyric演艺综合剧场项目。可否为我们简要介绍一下这个具有里程碑意义的项目?在复杂几何造型的建筑过程中,数字工具软件是如何帮助其实现的?
We are quite interested in the Lyric Theatre Complex (Hong Kong). Can you introduce this landmark project? In the construction process of complex geometric shapes, how does digital software help it to be achieved?

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香港Lyric演艺综合剧场 ©DBOX 

Garett Hwang:Lyric演艺综合剧场在一个原计划只设置一个大剧院的空间内重新设计了一个可容纳三个不同功能的剧院,以及可供排练的彩排教室,餐饮区等。作为一个地标性项目,它坐落在填海而来的土地上,下面有一条高速铁路通过。该项目不仅是西九龙文化区的一部分,也是该区域地下公共交通空间的重要组成部分,肩负着连接剧院与区域内其他建筑物相连接的重任,项目有一半空间处于地下。
The Lyric Theatre Complex incorporates the programs and functions of three theaters, as well aspractice studios and destination dining, into a small site that was originally designated for only one theatre.  As a landmark project it sits right along the waterfront of refilled land, with a high-speed rail going underneath it. As part of the West Kowloon Culture District and its communal basement for all loading and vehicle traffic that connects the Theatre Complex to the other buildings in the District, the building is also half underground.
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香港演艺综合剧场剖面图  ©UNStudio


So the challenges of the project have always been multi-layered - both spatial, technical, and infrastructural - as the Theatre Project needs to acoustically isolate the multiple theatres from each other within one building, and at the same time isolate the entire building from the vibration and noise outside the building, stemming from the infrastructure and conditions below ground.The solution in this case lies in hybrid box-in-box acoustic isolation within the building, and approximately 670 vibration isolation springs on which the building “sits” on top.

With the phased construction, the basement is already being built, and as a result controlled access to the site and the different elements of construction make the project extremely complicated in terms of management. Digital design and BIM tools have been instrumental and absolutely necessary for construction and fabrication management.

Design wise, every aspect and design phase relied on the use of digital tools: from form finding and analyzing the geometry inside each of the theatres from an acoustic perspective and seating sightlines, to acoustically isolating each of the theatres with floating slabs and nested concrete shells. Weaving the public circulation through the center of the building to connect the multiple theatre foyers introduced layers of complex geometry, which not only had to be modelled for the architectural part but also for the complex structure as we had irregular loading paths due to the overlapping theatres’ volumes and winding public circulation.

The use of digital software was essential to make the building not only perform to user requirements, but also to rationalize and optimize the complex geometry throughout the design for fabrication purposes, and coordinate the various building services.

WATIC: 现在有非常多的设计单位,开始搭建自己的设计平台,增加动态数字体验,也称作“沉浸式设计”,UNStudio是否也正在搭建类似的平台?而这样的独立设计平台是否会对Adobe、Autodesk公司等造成市场份额的冲击?这将对今后的设计板块带来怎样的变革?
Many design firms started to build their own design platform to increase the dynamic digital experience, also known as "immersive design". Does UNStudio also start to build a similar platform? Will such an independent design platform cause a market share impact on Adobe, Autodesk, etc.? In your opinion, what kind of changes will this bring to the design sector in the future?

SpaceForm介绍视频 ©UNStudio

Garett Hwang:突如其来的疫情使得远程沟通变得更加频繁且必要。对于建筑设计行业来讲,我们意识到急需一个帮助全球团队实现高效设计和呈现的工具,以降低差旅需求。
As a result of the pandemic, coordination through remote communication is not only more frequent but required. For the architecture design industry, we urgently need a tool to help global teams present and design more effectively, reducing and eventually eliminating the need for travel.

UNStudio, with BIG, has partnered with Squint/Opera to developed SpaceForm. SpaceForm provides a platform for story-telling and the ability for design teams to turn a project into an interactive narrative experience. Stakeholders can discover their own journey throughout a project while helping make key decisions.

SpaceForm平台向使用者提供沉浸式3D实时空间体验,参与方通过各自的终端连接平台,能够协同审阅设计文档和汇报文件。它还能无缝与其他可视化软件如Rhino 3D、Rivet、Sketchup、Unreal进行数据共享。平台可以在各类终端设备上呈现沉浸式环境,提供项目所在城市数据,有效实现设计视觉化、帮助参与者更好地做出设计决策
Among its innovative features, the platform will simulate immersive, 3D environments in real-time for collaborative reviews and presentations with key stakeholders, and seamlessly connect other visualization software such as Rhino 3D, Rivet, Sketchup, and Unreal to allow easy data sharing. It will also allow you to visualize digital twin and urban data for better decision-making and design choices, and immerse virtual audiences in architectural designs on any device.

ARCHINA 所有平台上发布的项目、招聘、资讯等内容,部分由第三方提供或系统自动收录。资料版权属于第三方,若信息不实或涉及版权问题,需要版权方和第三方沟通,ARCHINA 将配合对接,并在确认无误后删除涉及版权问题的信息,相应的法律责任均由资料提供方承担。
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