FUKSAS招聘| 深圳 中级建筑师/媒体及商务专员/媒体及商务实习/建筑实习生
阅读:15522 2024-06-23


工作申请方式在文章末尾   Application Info at the end of this article

 职位要求 Qualifications  

  • 建筑设计领域相关文凭;

    Relevant diploma in the field of architectural design;
  • 至少4年知名建筑事务所工作经验,曾深度参与复杂建筑项目从概念到施工的各个阶段;

    At least 4 years of working experience in a well-known architectural firm, and have been deeply involved in all stages of complex construction projects from concept to construction;
  • 对建筑职业发展有长期规划,对建筑学专业及管理知识有长期学习动机; 

    Have long-term plans for architectural career development, and have long-term motivation to learn architectural professional and management knowledge;
  • 工作高效有条理,突出的时间管理和设计交付能力;

    Work efficiently and methodically, with outstanding time management and design delivery capabilities,
  • 能清晰表达设计思路,独立或组织多人完成阶段性设计任务; 

    Communicate efficiently, be able to express design ideas clearly, and complete phased design tasks independently or by leading multiple people;
  • 熟练掌握CAD, Rhino&GH, Adobe Creative Suite,及渲染软件;

    Proficient in CAD, Rhino & GH, Adobe Creative Suite, and renderding tools;
  • 良好的英语口头和书面沟通能力。

    Fluent English is required, both written and spoken.

 职位要求 Qualifications  

  • 建筑/城市规划、设计、传播/营销或相关领域学位;

    Degree in architecture/urban planning, design, communications/ marketing or related field;

  • 至少一年相关领域的工作经验;

    At least one year of work experience in a related field;

  • 有条理、能独立完成具体工作、注重细节且对职业发展有长期规划;

    Be organized, able to complete specific tasks independently, pay attention to details and have long-term plans for career development;

  • 良好的审美、文字图形工作能力以及积极主动的沟通能力;

    Good aesthetics, text and graphics working ability and proactive communication skills;

  • 熟练掌握 Adobe Creative Suite(主要是 InDesign、Illustrator 和 Photoshop)者优先;

    Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite (mainly InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop) is preferred;

  • 具备视频制作/编辑技能以及熟练使用 Adobe After Effects 和 Premiere Pro 者优先;

    Candidates with video production/editing skills and proficiency in Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro are preferred;

  • 良好的英语口头和书面沟通能力。

    Fluent English is required, both written and spoken.

 职位要求 Qualifications  

  • 建筑/城市规划、设计、传播/营销或相关领域学位;

    Degree in architecture/urban planning, design, communications/ marketing or related field;

  • 有条理、能独立完成具体工作;

    Be organized, able to complete specific tasks independently;

  • 良好的审美、文字图形工作能力以及积极主动的沟通能力;

    Good aesthetics, text and graphics working ability and proactive communication skills;

  • 熟练掌握 Adobe Creative Suite(主要是 InDesign、Illustrator 和 Photoshop)者优先;

    Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite (mainly InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop) is preferred;

  • 良好的英语口头和书面沟通能力。

    Fluent English is required, both written and spoken.

 职位要求 Qualifications  

  • 建筑学学士学位(硕士学位优先) ;

    Bachelor's Degree in Architecture (Master’s Degree preferred);
  • 积极主动,具有沟通和团队技能,具有自我激励和组织能力;

    Proactive with communication and team skills, self-motivated with organizational skills
  • 精通 Adobe Suite、Rhino、AutoCAD,有Grasshopper经验的优先考虑;

    Proficient in Adobe Suite, Rhino, and AutoCAD, Grasshopper is a plus;
  • 6个月实习优先;

    6-months internship is preferred;
  • 良好的英语口头和书面沟通能力。

    Fluent English is required, both written and spoken.

 申请方式 Application 





All the qualified candidates are encouraged to send their CV, portfolio to: 


with name and job title in the subject line, 
and earliest available time in the emal.

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