上海彼友商业中心 | Aedas
阅读:5268 2021-11-09


由Aedas全球设计董事林静衡(Christine Lam)、全球设计董事祈礼庭(David Clayton)共同打造的彼友商业中心位于上海青浦区盈港东路,项目地理位置优越,临近上海城西综合交通枢纽,距上海虹桥站和上海虹桥国际机场仅地铁两站地,周边分布着重要地标,包括同样由Aedas设计的虹桥世界中心,以及国家会展中心。
Located in Yinggang East Road, Qingpu, Shanghai, BU Center is optimally situated near the city’s West transportation hub, with the Shanghai Hongqiao Station and Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport two stops away via the city metro line. It is also in close proximity to key attractions, such as the Hongqiao World Center, also by Aedas, and the National Convention and Exhibition Center.

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Elegant architect

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The site


The primary design objectives are to design a retail hub that integrates a plethora of functions, office spaces, commercial and hotel facilities; as well as to promote an innovative office experience and urban lifestyle with extensive public spaces. The mixed-use development is comprised of three high-rise office blocks, three low-rise office blocks, a luxury hotel, a convention Center and a mall and retail street. 


The hotel is located on the east side for circulating visitors arriving from subway into the shopping mall, while the office buildings are on the west, where it faces picturesque riverside scenery that induces a serene working environment. The central boulevard serves as the spine of the development for it connects different programs and spaces. It is a designated pathway accompanied by a series of green spaces that encourages interaction between the visitors and landscape. 

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Overall layout

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The central boulevard


The design takes inspiration from the classical Chinese gardens from Jiangnan. They are constructed landscapes of rocks, hills and rivers, harmoniously integrated with the architecture elements. 

“我们希望在项目中具象化诠释花园城市的概念,将花园式办公与花园式商业相结合,通过古典园林移步换景手法,营造出大量的公共绿地,以鼓励员工之间的互动交流。同时屋顶花园和林荫绿道相互交融,也为消费者营造出一个惬意放松的购物社交空间。”Aedas全球设计董事林静衡(Christine Lam)如是说。

“The concept is reified by the creation of the Garden City, a marriage between a Garden Office and a Retail Parkland. Through adopting classical garden’s praxis of shifting scenery, the design installs a flourish of public green spaces for the sake of encouraging interactions amongst workers, while fusing with roof gardens and planted walkways to create a place where shoppers can relax and socialise.” Christine Lam, Aedas Global Design Principal explained.

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Public space

Garden office


The design subverts traditional office typology by reshaping the 23 low-rise office blocks into a series of open courtyards. A variety of sceneries is made possible by the dissection of building blocks, which generates a vast array of interstitial spaces to contain the multitude of sceneries and encourages connectivity. On the other hand, the high rise office blocks are designed to be highly efficient spaces wherein the outline is sharp and clean, the layout uniform.
Fulfilling the objective of servicing an innovative office experience


Modeled on the traditional Chinese eaves, the canopy is elevated to creating a floating effect. It unites the disparate building blocks and enables the harmonious coexistence of spaces under one roof, serving as a talisman for the building’s overall identity. 

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Floating canopy modeled on the Chinese eaves

设计从总体布局规划到建筑幕墙细节,以现代的建筑语言全方位诠释古典园林元素。 “低层办公区的折叠式幕墙以中国古代折叠式屏风为蓝本,而高层塔楼则以铝制格栅模拟竹林,寓意繁荣奋进,同时也起到遮阳效果。

Elements of the classical gardens are reinterpreted in modern architectural languages, and implemented throughout the development from the master layout plan to facade details of the buildings.  “The low-rise folding facade is derived from ancient Chinese folding screens, whereas a series of bamboo-like aluminum fins are wrapped around the high-rise tower, serving as a shading device, and symbolising prosperity.” 

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Folding facade

Retail Parkland


Based on the image of rocky hills, the design language challenges the traditional mixed-use typology by stacking a mountain of programs upon each other, a spatial arrangement that creates visual breaks in the building mass and enriches user experience infinitely.  

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The unique space


The mall and retail streets are embellished with outdoor terraces where users could explore the public food and beverage spaces. The design installs a sunken staircase that mirrors the natural terrain, blending modestly with its surroundings; whereas a curvilinear interior staircase is actuated by the visual of cascading waterfall, an indispensable feature for connecting multiple levels.  A sky bridge is also erected to bridge together the neighboring subway station and the National Convention & Exhibition Center, connects to city sky bridge platform, forming a tightknit network with adjacent sites.

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Sunken staircase

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Interior staircase 

我们希望在不遮挡青浦城市脉络的前提下,构建全新的城市天际线,基于丰富的绿色空间构建一个鼓励市民参与体验的综合体,为上海未来的城市规划提供全新范本。” Aedas全球设计董事祈礼庭(David Clayton)说道。

“The innovative mixed-use development forms a brand new skyline without obscuring the context of the Qingpu District. It is perceived as a blueprint for the future urban planning of Shanghai, where it sets a bracing standard, offering a flourish of green spaces around an experiential civic hub.” — David Clayton, Aedas Global Design Principal.

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Green landscape

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主要设计人:林静衡(Christine Lam),全球设计董事;祈礼庭(David Clayton),全球设计董事
Location: Shanghai, China
Design Architect: Aedas
Client: Shanghai Xuxi Real Estate Company Limited
Gross Floor Area: 348,062 sq m (including basement)
Completion Year: On-going
Design Directors:  Christine Lam, Global Design Principal; David Clayton, Global Design Principal

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