宁波金地·德信·湖成大境 | 伍道国际
阅读:3709 2021-11-29



The "historical business card" is reborn, and the city memory is renewed in the Hucheng region. Through some recognizable memory points, diverse functional layouts, and warm community landscapes, the whole age group "home to heart" community life can be realized. Landing, from functionalization to scene-based, realizing multi-dimensional life demands.



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This project is located in the core area of Dongqian Lake New Town in Ningbo City, adjacent to the national tourist attraction Dongqian Lake. The design intends to integrate the landscape and the ecological nature represented by Dongqian Lake. Human emotions blend.



The design takes into account both aesthetics and functionality. From this, geometric design elements are extracted for changes and combinations, so that they are integrated into the whole, rather than isolated individuals, and finally achieve the integration of architecture and landscape, and the landscape demand of harmony and symbiosis of nature and people. concise and clear regional division, through unified tone and material, to maintain integrity; scenes for all ages Design considerations not only meet the sharing requirements but also protect the privacy of users.

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The design rationally plans and builds the central axis, grouping, and entering the homes of the community people in the process of returning home, integrating details and space, past feelings with current life, recalling the past of the site, and looking forward to future life.

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Walking along the water and down the slope, the simple linear waterscape and the clean lawn create a quiet and ethereal experience atmosphere. The regular linear waterscape is dotted with flowing natural springs.

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The layout is open, regular and orderly, and pays attention to the interaction between man and nature, and the lines, spaces, and sight lines are changeable. The design extracts its bright colors, concise form, fashionable atmosphere and classic elements from the architecture, and organizes it into a garden landscape with rigorous order and classic aesthetic proportions, thus portraying an ideal residence with exquisite art and full of emotion.

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The greenery accompanies the fresh air to infiltrate the site, and with the natural greenness and to dissolve the impetuosity of the heart, the posture of the characteristic sculptures declares the tranquility of the moment.

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The penetration of light and shadow has become the most beautiful visual surface outdoors. The design hopes to create a memorable scene. Through the hollow design of the gallery frame, the rich changes of light and shadow are formed. At the same time, the entire area forms the neighborhood center of the community, allowing everyone to communicate here and enjoy a good time.

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Through the control of the overall layout of the building, the overall layout effect of space blanking is achieved, creating a fantasy mood of virtual and real changes.

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The landscape is pure, and the material blends with the light.

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The starry sky is a distant place that children want to explore.
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Interstellar Paradise has become a children's dream paradise that children love, artistically reshape the children's paradise life, allowing children to interact with nature.

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项目名称 | 金地·德信·湖成大境
项目地点 | 浙江·宁波
完成时间 | 2021.12
项目业主 | 金地东南区域·金地东南宁波公司·德信地产宁波公司
景观设计 | 伍道国际
建筑设计 | 上海柏涛
项目拍摄 | 孙圣喜

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