悉尼环形码头巷道 | ASPECT Studios
阅读:3428 2022-06-10


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ASPECT Studios have designed a porous city precinct that layers different kinds of public activity in Sydney’s new Quay Quarter. The precinct is a sequence of places connected through a habitable, pedestrian-focused public domain. The project as a whole builds upon the existing network of streets and laneways to creating new platforms for public activity that respond to the highly articulated street addresses of the new city buildings.

ASPECT Studios为悉尼新环形码头(Sydney’s new Quay Quarter)打造了一处多孔城市区域,通过丰富的空间层次满足不同的公共活动的需求。该区通过宜居、以行人为中心的公共领域设计将一系列空间串联起来。整个项目以现有的街道和巷道网路为基础,将城市新建筑所在的街道相连接,为公共活动创造了新的平台。

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By enlivening three city streets through this careful design, ASPECT Studios are creating a cohesive precinct where people can work, live and play in the CBD. Quay Quarter Lanes is the rejuvenation of a city block comprising of Phillip, Young and Loftus Streets in the heart of Sydney City at Circular Quay. The project comprises a collection of new and restored buildings, arcades and laneways. Together with a suite of neighbouring Circular Quay rejuvenation projects, Quay Quarter Lanes contributes to a generational reshaping of this gateway neighbourhood to Sydney Harbour. 

ASPECT Studios通过精心巧妙的设计为三条城市街道注入活力, 在悉尼中央商务区(CBD)为人们打造了一个具有凝聚力的区域,满足人们在此工作、生活和娱乐的需求。悉尼环形码头巷道项目(Quay Quarter Lanes) 包括对位于悉尼市环形码头中心 (Circular Quay )的菲利普街 (Phillip Street)、杨街(Young Street)和洛夫特斯街 (Loftus Street) 街组成的城市街区的重新改造,由一系列新的和修复的建筑、拱廊和巷道组成。 该项目与邻近的悉尼市环形码头重建项目共同为这个通往悉尼港( Sydney Harbour)的门户社区的重塑做出了贡献。

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Nowhere are these ambitions more clearly embodied than in Loftus Lane, where ASPECT Studios has created a new central spine that provides a moment of fine-grain intimacy and reprieve from the scale of the overall development and the more monumental scale of this part of Sydney. Once a service lane used only by delivery drivers and the odd taxi, the design returned the laneway to the people by rationalising the vehicular building entries into a single basement entrance – sweeping the cars out of the laneway and replacing them with a human-scaled, lively public space. 

这些愿景在洛夫特斯街 (Loftus Lane) 体现得淋漓尽致,ASPECT Studios在此打造了一个新的中央主干道,为该开发项目的整体规模和悉尼该区域的巨大规模之间建立了细致而紧密的联系。洛夫斯特街曾经是只有送货司机和零星出租车使用的服务车道, 设计通过将建筑的车辆入口合理转化为一个单一的地下停车场入口,让车辆不再占领该巷道,并还给人们一个人性化、生动活力的公共空间。

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The landscape architecture responds to the articulated frontages of the new buildings by carving out miniature plazas and squares in the space left by set-backs and recesses, meaning that the lane continually changes in shape and size, creating a mix of semi-defined spaces that invite people to linger. 


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Part of turning this disused street into a public asset involved lavishing attention on small details. Filigree brass elements will weather as time passes, with the changing patina a reminder of how this space belongs to the public. A warm material palette that references the two sandstone buildings addressing the lane creates a sense of cohesion and a unique visual identity. The planting throughout the space is rich and stimulating and enmeshed within the landscape are artworks by Jonathan Jones which invite inquiry and reflection on the interplay between the city’s First Nations and colonial heritage. 

ASPECT团队通过在设计中对细节有着高度的重视和把控,将这条废弃的街道转变为富有价值、意义的公众资产。金银丝工艺的黄铜元素将随着时间的推移而逐渐褪色,不断变化的光泽度提醒着人们这个属于公众的空间的过往。巷道里采用的暖色调材料调色板与两幢砂石建筑的色调和谐一致,相互辉映,形成了一种凝聚力并创造了一个独特视觉效果。整个空间里充斥着丰富、生动的种植,空间中所点缀着的乔纳森·琼斯(Jonathan Jones)的艺术作品与景观融为一体,激发人们对土著民族和殖民地遗产之间相互作用的探寻和思考。

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The ASPECT Studios-designed spaces to come include a publicly accessible rooftop at 50 Bridge Street, where views of the harbour bridge and a new artwork by Olafur Eliasson have been designed in partnership, and Goldsborough Lane, a through-site-link which restores the long-lost linkage of Young Street with Phillip Street. 

ASPECT Studios所设计的空间包括位于悉尼大桥街50号(50 Bridge Street)的塔楼屋顶的户外空间,在此人们不仅能领略到奥拉维尔·埃利亚松(Olafur Eliasson)的新艺术作品和悉尼海港大桥相映成趣的风光,还可以体验全新的戈尔兹伯勒街(Goldsborough Lane),一条修复了杨街和菲利普街之间久违联系的巷道。

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Sacha Coles, Studio Director for ASPECT Studios’ Sydney studio, said,One of the most interesting aspects of the project was working with each of the architects on the interfaces to their buildings. That collaboration led us to create something that harmonizes those architectural voices without attempting to flatten them into a single expression.  

Sacha Coles, ASPECT Studios悉尼工作室总监表示:“该项目最有趣的一个方面是我们与每位建筑师在他们的建筑界面上进行合作。这种合作使我们创造了与建筑设计和谐共处、相互映衬的作品,而非单一独立的表达手法。” 

“Part of the delight of Loftus Lane is that it features a surprising mix of details, materials, colours and textures, which creates a sense of liveliness not unlike what you might find in an old European city.”


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Project Name: Quay Quarter Lanes

Client: AMP Capital

Location: Sydney, NSW

Team: ASPECT Studios, SJB, Silvester Fuller, Studio Bright, Carter Williamson, Lippman Partnership

Photography: Florian Groehn,Sara Vita 


业主: 安保资本


项目设计团队:ASPECT Studios, SJB, Silvester Fuller, Studio Bright, Carter Williamson, Lippman Partnership

摄影:Florian Groehn,Sara Vita

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