| 设计愿景 |
The design of the Baiyangdian Waterfront Park is inspired by the original landscape
pattern of ‘Lotus Pond-Reed Sea’, to interpret the past and to solve modern flooding and ecological problems with a series of eco-levees and a new public marina.’
▲ 原有白洋淀泊风光 Baiyangdian landscape © Mu Yu (Xin Hua)
▲ 总平面图 Master Plan © TLS
中国北部有少量广阔的浅湖;雄安新城旧址白洋淀就是其中之一,并且是最大的淡水湖。一个有九条河流的区域分水岭为湖泊提供水。区别于一般湖泊,白洋淀它中心深度只有 3 米,极易受到周围农场的农业污染以及因气候变化而加剧的洪水和干旱循环的影响。通常一个百万人口的新城市的污染会使周边环境变得更差,但白洋淀区域恰恰相反。
Northern China is home to a small amount of vast shallow lakes; Baiyangdian, the site of the new city of Xiong’an is the largest one of them. A regional watershed with nine rivers feeds the lake which despite its size reaches a depth of only 3 meters at the center. The lake has always been fragile and is highly susceptible to agricultural pollution from surrounding farms as well as cycles of flood and drought now intensified by climate change. Normally the outputs of a new city of a million people would only make matters dramatically worse; but this project does the opposite.
▲ 区位 Location Map © TLS
▲ 白洋淀历史变迁 Story of Baiyangdian © TLS&SOM
| 设计理念 |
Keep up with the pulse of the times and deepen the implementation of the planning outline of the Xiong'an New Area. Insist on ecological priority, the water forest field grass as a community of life for unified protection, and unified restoration. Shaping the Chinese style, the scenery of the Baiyangdian lake, the innovative fashion of the cityscape. The project view should be harmonious, blue and green are interweaved, highlighting the scenery of the lake.
▲ 水边的一棵树 Water tree © WEBSITE
Through a regional effort, the inputs from the watershed have been cleaned up and a complex series of planted levees of varying scales and locks regulates water levels. The runoff of the new city is extensively managed and recycled within its own systems before depositing only clean, fresh water into the lake. This new hydrologic stability now allows the lake to begin to clean its waters and sediment once more through the lush native reeds and lotus.
| 设计方式 |
▲ 生态堤剖面 Levee Sections © TLS
▲ 生物多样性 Biodiversity © TLS&SOM
This renews its importance as a major stop on the Asian Flyway and lake and surrounding forests are home to tremendous and highly diverse species of birds as well as aquatic mammals and fish – the lake is again bursting with life.
| 分区设计 |
| 生态堤区域 |
▲ 原有白洋淀泊风光 Mini Levees within the Lake ©Mu Yu (Xin Hua)
▲ 白洋淀采荷 Lotus Harvest in the Lake ©TLS
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The lake has a long cultural history and has been a source of community well-being through the harvests of fish, reeds, and lotus roots.
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People love boating within the maze of channels through the reeds and open water which has led to the construction of a new marina to serve the communities desire for natural experiences and peaceful recreation.
▲生态新堤上的日落 Sunset Along the Big Levee © TLS
▲生态新堤 New Levee © TLS
They love hiking, running, and cycling along the network of levees and embankments some of which extend far into the reeds and water.
▲新堤,老堤,生态围埝 New Levee, Ool Levee, Mini Levee © TLS
In this way the recovered lake can become the key ecological amenity and open space of a new city without being destroyed by urbanization but in fact improved and renewed by it.
| 白洋淀码头区 |
▲ 白洋淀新码头 New Boat Marina and Visitor Center © TLS
▲ 白洋淀新码头 New Boat Marina and Visitor Center © TLS
▲ 新老堤岸上的展览中心 Visitor Center atop the Big Levee © TLS
The new Baiyangdian Waterfront Park was opened to the public including a series of reed-roofed pavilions full of exhibits and historical demonstrations.
▲ 科普展览馆前的游客中心 Entry to the New Visitor Center © TLS
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▲ 展览中心和新码头 Visitor Center and New Boat Marina © TLS
▲ 微缩白洋淀 Mini Baiyangdian © TLS
▲ 用原生芦苇和木头制成的栏杆 Railing Out of Native Sapling Wood © TLS
▲ 新的芦苇荡和芦苇桥 Young Reeds and New Bridge © TLS
The surrounding landscape is a composition of ponds and bridges displaying the ecological dynamics and principal species to be found during one’s afternoon boat excursion.
▲ 新码头驶入淀泊 Boats on the Lake © TLS
The eco-levee and marina project is the first open space / natural system project for Xiong-an, a powerful demonstration of new ecological priorities and the first principles of the new city.
| 设计信息 |
Project Location: Xiong’an, China
Project Area: 2.3square kilometer, Marina Phase I construction:31.95HA ( Land Area: 16.33HA, Water Area:15.62 HA)
Client: Administration Committee for the Xiong’an New Area; Anxin Government
Landscape Design: TLS Landscape Architecture
项目总监/主创设计师:Tom Leader
项目经理/主创设计师:陈巍, 俎菀芃
项目组团队:Brittany Giunchigliani,苏航,Pablo Alfaro, 邢晓烨,李倩宇,陈嘉雯
Project Director/Lead Designer: Tom Leader
Project Manager/Lead Designer: Wei Chen, Wanpeng Zu
Core Design Team: Xin Zhong, Shuang Zhao, Aiai Bao, Yayun Luo, Si Zheng, Yang Yu, Shuping Ye,
Design team: Brittany Giunchigliani, Hang Su, Pablo Alfaro, Xiaoye Xing, Qianyu Li, Jiawen Chen
Local Design Institute: Hangzhou Landscape Institute
Consultant: Shanghai Planning Institute
Architect: Atelier Z+
Photographer: Xiaohui Jin, Mu Yu(Xin Hua)
注:2018年SOM和TLS 团队合作获得雄安新区启动区优胜。2019年开始,TLS开始参与白洋淀滨水区景观设计。
Note: The Xiong-an urban design competition was won in 2018 by the team of SOM and TLS in partnership. Starting in 2019, TLS participated in designing the Baiyangdian Waterfront Area.