漳州建发·和著 | 上海柏涛
阅读:3793 2022-12-27


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The site is located in the west of Zhangzhou City, adjacent to Xiyuanhu Park and Xixi, about 2.3km away from Zhishan Park. It is rich in natural ecological resources, and about 4.2km away from Zhangzhou North Station. Close to mature communities, it has rich commercial, office and educational resources and complete supporting facilities.



The project is located in the project by taking the urban pattern of the ancient city of Zhangzhou, which is characterized by the crisscross of lanes and alleys. At the same time, the project takes the island with Zhangzhou characteristics and combines the story clues of immortals seeking fairyland to show a garden landscape with oriental mystery. You can feel the journey of the secret land in the island fairy mountain.

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The entrance space is magnificent as a whole, and the landscape condenses the natural mountain scenery of Zhangzhou, becoming an open trend, embracing the city and creating a far-reaching and profound Chinese charm space.

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After experiencing the refinement and brilliance of one and two advances, to a certain extent, the perception is a little tired, so the three advances are used as a transitional space - based on the Jiangnan landscape garden, the winding path is secluded, and the poetry is full of gardens.

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▪ “外府内园”的空间格局,融尊贵礼仪与悦然生活于一体。

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▪ 回廊幽转,寻水声起,听林间晓风与心底的遐想。

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▪ 入画中之画,寻世外桃源,人与景并存。

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In the process of garden construction, we rely on the natural terrain of low north and high south to divide the garden space into a pattern space of "symbiosis of lanes and gardens". It provides a rich carrier for community life, you can sit and listen to the wind, you can take a short break and talk, you can play and gather……

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▪ 循序渐进的空间感,闲看春花秋月,醉于林间光影摇曳。

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Qushui Garden is mainly centered on Qushui Liuyu, with leisure stone seats to provide owners with chat, tea tasting, rest and recuperation, and set up a Zen trail to watch Qushui Liuyu up close, increasing the owner's sense of experience, interest and visual beauty.

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▪ 植物与置石相依,“引流觞为曲水”只需静静聆听水声潺潺。

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▪ 山水绿岛的渗透增加空间的层次感,引入归家。

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The activity area is designed with the theme of carp leaping over the dragon gate, which perfectly presents a viewing paradise integrating leisure, entertainment, fitness, reading and viewing.

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The activity venues in the park are designed according to the physical characteristics, hobbies and behavioral characteristics of children of different ages, taking into account the activity needs of different ages, and creating a more interesting, safer and more free activity space.

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The activity platform with the theme of sports and fitness continues to use the theme element of "fish jump" to enhance the connection between places, which can participate in and exercise of all ages, and at the same time place the chessboard area here to facilitate rest, and enjoy the scenery of the park while exercising, cultivating the body and mind.

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In order to allow the owner to feel more deeply the richness and variety of the roadway public space, the overall plan deliberately makes staggers and changes, and feels the straight, turning, wrong and falling in front of the eyes and feet between walking, giving dynamic landscape intentions.

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▪ 庭院深深,疏影摇曳,心灵得以回归自然。

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▪ 通过层层街巷,寻觅归家通途,终于回归身心的尺度。

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While controlling the big atmosphere, more attention is paid to the portrayal of details, creating a warm and stylish landscape atmosphere.

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▪ 灯火长明,营造精致仪式感十足的归家之路。

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▪ 细微之处随阳光的褪去,逐渐显露自身的山水特质。

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Walking in the park, the greenery and tree shadows are mottled, accompanied by the rich plant configuration, the rustle of leaf friction, and the wind. In the space field that returns to the basics, the distance between life and nature is narrowed. It is as if swimming in the secret place of Xianshan Island and immersed in it.


开发企业  福建兆悦房地产开发有限公司

景观设计  PTA上海柏涛

设计团队  景观事业部

设计主创  郝士铭

团队成员  王笛鸥,左瑞松,刘钰靖,周勇

项目地点  中国·福建·漳州

景观面积  26665㎡

设计时间  2021年4月

开放时间  2022年12月

建筑摄影  亦能建筑摄影

文      案  王笛鸥,刘钰靖

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