德国Brainergy中心 | HENN 海茵建筑
阅读:1995 2024-12-13


11 月 28 日,位于德国于利希的Brainergy中心正式破土动工。这座引人注目的圆形建筑是一个面向可持续和可再生能源、生物经济和数字化领域公司和初创企业的全新创新园区的核心,体现了绿色未来的愿景。模块化木-混凝土混合设计保证灵活的结构,鼓励跨学科交流,能充分发挥创新潜力。该项目预计于 2027 年竣工。



The innovative use of materials, forms, and technologies gives rise to a highly energy-efficient building that generates a major share of its energy requirement itself. The striking rotunda structure functions as a social knowledge hub for Brainergy Park, embodying the transition to renewable energy and a green future.

大堂© HENN


Its circular shape makes Brainergy Hub omnidirectional and links it to all neighboring buildings. Inside this circle, modular units form a pixelated cloud enclosed by three rings of balconies on the upper floors. This structure allows for easy subdivision and a playful arrangement of interior and exterior spaces. The highly rational grid is accentuated by a large central atrium and four smaller courtyards that vary from double height to triple height, providing fresh air and daylight to employees throughout the building.

中庭 © HENN


The flexible system includes spaces for several smaller companies whose employees can gather in communal areas located around the central atrium for co-working and informal interaction. A generous spiral staircase guides visitors through this communication space, while additional external staircases serve as shortcuts for employees and allow the office units to be accessed independently from the balcony rings. The Hub’s recessed ground floor establishes a striking north-south axis on the site that links to a newly created lake in the north and to an existing orchard in the south.

会客空间 © HENN

办公室 © HENN

办公室 © HENN


Brainergy Hub uses a hybrid structure of timber and reinforced concrete. Wooden columns and beams are intentionally left visible. Together with the interior wood paneling, they create a warm, natural atmosphere. At the same time, the interior design leaves its distinct mark using bold colors and large-scale typography. The circle defining the building’s shape becomes a recurring motif in the interiors. Materials and sustainably manufactured products are used sparingly and thoughtfully.

屋顶花园© HENN


Timber-concrete composite slabs allow for wider spans and provide thermal mass for active heating and cooling systems. The walls of the exterior stairwells contribute to the bracing of the structural framework. Photovoltaic panels installed on the rooftop and façade generate electricity while excess power is fed back into the grid. The Hub is also an active ‘prosumer’ in the low-ex network, a local heating network that connects the park residents.



Throughout the design and planning process, the carbon footprint of the project was calculated and assessed in respect of both embodied and operational carbon. This data informed design decisions to keep the building’s environmental impact as low as possible.






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