How can a property asset keep up in a fast-paced changing market?
腾飞元创大厦地处九江路686号, 毗邻人民广场南京路步行街核心商圈,步行可达外滩。 大厦地上14 层,地下2层,1998 年完成设计图纸,并于2004年修改图纸并竣工。基地面积2521平方米,总建筑面积27,850平方米。项目虽然有着优越的地理位置,但和南京东路是相对脱离的。大楼自建成使用以来,一直处于低迷状态,在资本市场中口碑不佳。长期以来,没有资本方考虑将其纳入收购计划,一方面因为投资的风险评估,另一方面没有寻求到合适的改造方案。腾飞集团在收购此物业之前,邀请罗昂团队对项目进行了全方位的可行性研究,并以此为基础坚定并完成了收购计划。
Ascendas Innovation Place is an example of a modernization project executed successfully through accurate decision-making through a "Full package service" followed through by logon.design. The building is located at No. 686 Jiujiang Road, adjacent to Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street near People's Square and within walking distance of the Bund. The 14 stories tall building was designed in 1998 and its construction finalized in 2004. The building has a site area of 2,500 sqm and a total construction area of 27,850 sqm.
改造前 | Before
改造后| After
与历史旅游街区南京东路截然不同,九江路更具商务氛围和价值。人民广场历史风貌保护区以九江路为界,项目位于风貌区边缘,东西侧分布新旧两种年代建筑,东侧为上海市首批优秀近代建筑永安百货大楼, 对项目的立面形式有一定的限制和影响。如何在满足室内基本物理条件的同时,打造周边范围的整体和谐成为项目立面设计的核心理念。
While located in a prime location, the area is characterized as a historical touristic district, therefore, protected like one. This historical and scenic area is bounded by Jiujiang Road, known for its business character. Being at the edge of the scenic area, more specifically in the limits of old and new buildings brings its own set of restrictions and therefore challenges.
大厦作为既有建筑的城市更新类型项目,较短的设计周期和报批层面的提前预估,通常是投资商关注的重点。例如,提前考虑不同干预类型的报批流程,以尽量减少设计变更以及出图反复,对于项目的顺利推进至关重要。项目距今仅使用了十几年,5层以上现有的幕墙体系立面情况良好。同时罗昂团队考虑到业主要求:施工期间不影响现有租户,较短的报批时间和有限的预算,因此本次设计不改变原有建筑的使用功能,不变动原有的建筑结构。立面装修的范围集中在1-4 层区域,5 层以上仅进行立面清理粉刷,不做大的调整。室内进行装修,以提升使用者舒适感。
In modernization projects for existing buildings, short design cycles and early estimates for approval are key points for investor interest. To consider the approval process for different types of interventions can help minimize design changes as well as ensure smooth execution. In this case, creating harmony inside and out is the core design concept for the façade.
Giving a unique solution through positioning and design, the logon.design team aimed to through limited modifications upgrade the façade and the function. Precise positioning of the building as a Boutique Grade A office building was the foundation of the reshaping of the successful project.
和南京路相比,九江路商业价值较低。建筑的一、二层具有较好的可视性,应打造成为一个独特的可以提升整栋建筑价值的目的地空间,而非传统的底层功能。引入 BOUTIQUE精品的理念,将过时的建筑改造成新的商务中心,重新定位建筑功能,将市集理念植入现状低层零售空间。1-4层功能作为一个单元整体打造,集市集空间、活动空间、联合办公和设施于一体,以实现品牌重塑。
The first and second floors of the building were designed to create an open space with better visibility. These were adapted to the new commercial atmosphere helping enhance the value of the building. Integrating food and retail, event area, co-working space and facilities to achieve brand reshaping.
Flexible and diversified co-working space, commercial space and an active creative community create a new office ecosystem, which meets the new “work + life” lifestyle and diversified needs of young white-collar workers.
The original shape of the design of the facade is formed by copying and rearranging the existing modular system of the Yongan department store building façade next door and bringing it to the facade to keep the proportion and pattern harmony. By installing a decorative glass curtain wall, the original aluminum structure wall with closed appearance was replaced, and the façades became transparent in the first and second floor. The seemingly complicated façade is composed only of three sizes of decorative plates. The façade decorative panel is a metal plate with stable physical properties, and pale gold matte surface reduces the impact on the surrounding environment.
The third and fourth floor also benefit of the metal panel since before they had no daylight and now thanks to the perforated panels the spaces in these floors are able to enjoy a better working environment with daylight coming through.
大厦室内设计在尊重原有功能,不改变现有建筑疏散楼梯及前室、消防电梯的安全设计的基础上进行装修设计。现状低层建筑平面原设计为商场却一天未作为商场使用,未充分发挥平面的使用效率和功能性。在改造过程中,罗昂团队充分考虑平面的使用效率和适用性。1 层的东南角与西南角两个最重要的商业可视面目前被两部逃生楼梯实墙遮挡,为优化底层的商业氛围,将楼梯间处的幕墙略微外扩,营造出通透的商业效果,在东西两侧一层商业区,采用Z 字折形的立面效果,增加商业可视面,突破单调的幕墙效果。7-14 层的室内装修基于现状的疏散情况进行平面分隔,得房率提高5%左右。
The interior design style is based on a simple style, without excessive decoration, focusing on practicality. The 7-14 room rates have increased by 5% due to interior design efforts. It’s electromechanical systems, lighting systems, fresh air filtration systems, and access control systems to provide hardware support for a more sophisticated office were also upgraded. The interior of the building is designed to respect the original functions and keep existing building evacuation stairs.
Maintaining the style simple and practical help to increase the height of the floor by 30 cm. Lighting design was applied to improve lighting issues and comfort in the interior spaces. Whilst in the corridors the original fire escape was kept, they were designed to have better lighting and spacious appearance with a generous elevator lobby in each floor. Quality is assured by the attention to detail by logon which was key for the success of this project. The high-quality level was achieved through On-site service led by logon.design, an important part of the process. By solving issues through design, smooth progress is ensured as well as quality.
The modernization of the Ascendas Innovation Place has created a new office ecosystem that combines coworking spaces, traditional office, and commercial market. Creating more healthy working environments and more stable tenants.
In this emblematic neighborhood, Ascendas Innovation Place has become a new landmark where life and work are perfectly integrated.