中国青岛红岛国际会议展览中心 | gmp建筑师事务所
阅读:6682 2020-12-19


拥有膜结构屋面的入口大厅 © CreatAR Images


With a total of 14 halls and 140,000 m² of exhibition space, the new conference and exhibition center is one China’s largest exhibition complexes. gmp won the competition by the end of 2015Its symmetrical layout in the form of an H links the urbanity of the Hongdao district in the north with the coastal landscape of Jiaozhou Bay in the south. Its structure and design combine the logistically complex exhibition area into a single unit. The ensemble’s centerpiece is the 40 meter high entrance hall with its curved membrane roof that has a 93 meter wide span.

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会展中心南面视图 © CreatAR Images


Located on the coast of the Yellow Sea, Qingdao in the east of China is one of the country’s most desirable cities. As part of the growth around Jiaozhou Bay, Hongdao is being developed in order to strengthen the metropolis economically as a convention center and cultural city. In this context, the Hongdao International Conference & Exhibition Center (HICEC) is an important component among the new institutions that include the Olympic Sports Center as well as the Science Museum, which was also designed by gmp.

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© CreatAR Im


Along the northern border of the exhibition complex runs the Shuangji Highway, an important traffic artery to the airport and the center of Qingdao. Towards the south, the HICEC faces a wetland landscape park that forms the transition to the coastline of Jiaozhou Bay. These two counterpoles define the area’s north-south axis with its central entrance hall, along both sides of which the exhibition and convention buildings are aligned. Their symmetrical arrangement gives the overall complex a clear structure, with a hotel tower at the northeast corner and an office tower marking the southwest corner.

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南广场 © CreatAR Images


The light-colored, wave-shaped membrane roof and the fully glazed ends of the entrance hall emphasize the visual and spatial link between city and landscape. At night, the illuminated membrane ensures that the HICEC can be seen from afar. The interior facades of the main hall are lined with light-colored, horizontal, glass-fiber-reinforced cement panels. This pattern is repeated on the exterior facades of the exhibition halls in the form of extruded concrete panels. A projecting, fair-faced concrete frame structure ties the exhibition buildings and the two towers together. Horizontal aluminum louvers used to fill in the panels provide visual protection from delivery traffic and also serve as a background for displaying images and advertising with a range of media.

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框架结构立面设计© CreatAR Images


The compact arrangement of the exhibition halls and the entrance hall creates large open spaces to the north and south that can also be used for open-air exhibitions. The area’s central axis is enhanced by rows of trees on each side and landscaped seating areas. In contrast to the large-scale exhibition halls, they offer visitors additional spaces to linger outdoors.

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通往展览厅的入口大厅 © CreatAR Images
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膜结构屋面下方视图 © CreatAR Images


The HICEC consists of a total of 14 halls, each with around 10,000 m² of exhibition space. Four single-story halls make up the west wing while the east wing consists of five two-story bays, with a hall on each story in each of the five bays. The column-free halls in the west wing in particular, with a room height of 18 meters, provide maximum flexibility for the display of large exhibits. Featuring a functional and unobtrusive design, the exhibition halls can be reached via the central entrance hall, either at first-floor level or via galleries. Visitor routes are consistently separated from delivery traffic and logistics areas, making it easy to arrange, set up, and dismantle different events simultaneously. Delivery traffic circulates in a clockwise direction at the periphery of the exhibition complex, with central security gates in the northwest and southeast. Dead-end routes between the halls, obscured to visitors, also provide access for deliveries to the halls along their longitudinal sides. Vehicles can access the halls on the upper story via ramps along the east side.
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会展中心俯视图(上方为南广场/下方为北广场) © CreatAR Images

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北广场前会展入口 © CreatAR Images



竞赛阶段项目负责人:Patrick Pfleiderer, Stefan Hornscheidt

竞赛阶段设计团队:Jan-Peter Deml, Christian Machnacki, He Fan, 解力, 解芳

实施阶段项目负责人:Patrick Pfleiderer

实施阶段代理负责人:Stefan Hornscheidt, 解力

实施阶段设计团队:Marta Busnelli, Jan-Peter Deml, Reibun Funaki, Christa Hillebrand, Christian Machnacki, 毛安德, Thomas Munke, Jens Standke, 汤子泓, Matthias Wiegelmann, 张弛, 张起意, Joanna Zielinska, Thilo Zehme, 赵一慧

中国项目管理:李凌, 朱磊


结构设计:sbp 施莱希工程设计咨询有限公司,斯图加特/上海


景观设计:WES 魏斯景观建筑,柏林

照明设计:Schlotfeldt Licht,汉堡/柏林


楼面面积:28.6 万平方米 

总建筑面积:48.8 万平方米

展览面积:14 万平方米

Competition 2015, first prize

Design Meinhard von Gerkan and Stephan Schütz with Nicolas Pomränke

Competition Lead Patrick Pfleiderer, Stefan Hornscheidt

Competition Team Jan-Peter Deml, Christian Machnacki, He Fan, Xie Li, Xie Fang

Project Lead Detailed Design Patrick Pfleiderer

Deputy Project Lead Detailed Design Stefan Hornscheidt, Xie Li

Detailed Design Team Marta Busnelli, Jan-Peter Deml, Reibun Funaki, Christa Hillebrand, Christian

Machnacki, Andreas Maue, Thomas Munke, Jens Standke, Tang Zihong, Matthias Wiegelmann, Zhang Chi, Zhang Qiyi, Joanna Zielinska, Thilo Zehme, Zhao Yihui

Project Management in China Li Ling, Zhu Lei

Partner Practice in China China Academy of Building Research

Structural Engineering schlaich bergermann und partner sbp, Stuttgart/Shanghai

Facade Design DS-Plan, Stuttgart/Shanghai

Landscape Architecture WES, Berlin

Lighting Design Schlotfeldt Licht, Hamburg/Berlin

Client Qingdao Conson Hongdao International Conference and Exhibition Center Co., Ltd.

FA 286,000 m²

GFA 488,000 m²

Exhibition Space 140,000 m²

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总平面图 © gmp Architekten

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底层平面图 © gmp Architekten

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三层平面图 © gmp Architekten

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东西向剖面图 © gmp Architekten

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南北向剖面图 © gmp Architekten

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