UrCove, Your Friend.
凯悦集团与首旅如家集团携手推出全新酒店品牌“逸扉酒店 (UrCove by HYATT)”,logon.design罗昂受邀参与了部分概念研发与酒店设计。一方是世界一流的酒店管理集团,一方是坐拥4,000余家酒店版图的国内酒店连锁业巨擎,如何博采凯悦与如家双方众长,打造一个根植于中国,面向中高端商旅市场的全新品牌成为项目启动之初的最大挑战。
logon.design was invited to create UrCove as a new brand with Hyatt and BTG Homeinns Hotels - one being a world-class hotel management group, the other being a major domestic hotel chain giant with more than 4,000 hotels. The opportunity was obvious, as in each respective market, both companies are leading in providing outstanding hospitality for their respective customers, one at the highest possible level, the other at the best possible budget.
The challenge, however, was on one hand to create a brand that inherits both Hyatt and BTG Homeinns Hotels' best genes to successfully compete on an already diversive and competitive hotel market. On the other hand, and probably more important, was the challenge to create a new type of hostpitality to accommodate the needs and expectations of a new generation yet demanding type of traveler.
This property in Shanghai, was selected as the first Urcove hotel to provide a place where guests can experience and comment on different design features, facilities and services.
品牌启动之初,logon.design罗昂向Hyatt凯悦和BTG Homeinns Hotels首旅如家团队提供了品牌策略建议,品牌与设计并非遵循传统酒店的打造手法,而是以“友谊”为出发点,旨在以朋友般贴心的服务带给客人舒适自在的优质旅行体验, UrCove 意为“您的港湾”,寓意似家般的舒适安逸,一如为远航途中的船只提供安心港湾。这也为设计突破传统酒店惯例,尝试全新的解决方案和理念提供了可能性,也赋予朋友般的关怀与服务更多灵活性。
logon.design suggested a brand new strategy to the joint team of Hyatt and BTG Homeinns Hotels that not to apply branding and design like a usual hotel, but to think from another angle: Friendship. Provide a place like a home, and welcome the guests like friends. This frees the requirements from standard conventions of hotel design, opens opportunities for new solutions and ideas, and allows flexibility in the service provided by the hotel - or by friends for friends.
The ideal of this hotel was not to be the one model to be copied to other UrCove hotels, but to provide a space to develop and test new ideas. The ground floor is a meeting space rather than a hotel lobby, with a bar counter, various flexible seating zones, meeting room and a library. The flexible, open check in counters are located in the background only, and offer either online check in, self check in or assisted check in by your new friends (the hotel team).
Due to the specific situation of this building, the dining area is located on the second floor, where a Hyatt trained F&B team provides delicacies for both hotel guests and their local friends - a key element of the friendship concept.
逸扉酒店旨在打造惬意自在的环境氛围,让住客仿佛置身于朋友的公寓中,舒适放松。基于物业条件,房间的类型和尺寸不会总是标准的,在静安逸扉,设计巧妙的将变劣势为优势,提供不同的客房功能区划解决方案, 住客在宽敞的客房中,感受工作和生活的平衡,拥有特别的居住体验。
UrCove will always provide a comfortable and relaxing stay for its guests. However, just like a friends’ apartments, the properties might not always provide a standard room types with standard dimensions - just like UrCove Shanghai Jing‘an. Intelligently designed, this can actually be turned into an advantage, as the guest can experience a different stay.
A series of rooms with different layouts, designs, features and materials were developed and built, and are now open to guests to visit and stay. All rooms share a comfortable and cozy atmosphere.
UrCove is already rolling out a large number of hotels in China now, will be hundreds more locations in the coming five years and gradually to the overseas.