多特蒙德U艺术创意中心 | 盖博建筑设计
阅读:4168 2021-06-03


Ⓒ Jürgen Landes;






随着时间推移,鲁尔区从重工业向科技产业转型,酿酒厂也随着矿区的萧条而废弃。为了对工业历史进行保护和利用,1998年,一条涵盖54处重要工业景点的 “工业遗产之路” 保护修缮计划在政府的推动下开始实施,这栋承载了厚重历史、文化、情感的酿酒厂也重新被赋予了崭新的生命。2008年,盖博建筑设计事务所在743家竞赛团队中脱颖而出,一举中标。


政府的规划限制十分严格,酿酒厂必须以保护性修复为优先的基础上进行提升改造;设计保留了全部建筑结构与内部空间,并巧妙的利用了原有结构在建筑内部植入新功能。改建后的艺术中心功能丰富,15,000平米的混合使用空间分布于八层,有博物馆,文化教育中心,电影院,艺术图书馆,大学附属机构,及屋顶观景台、酒吧、和活动空间等。经过修缮、及扩建后的建筑被描述为“多特蒙德的蓬皮杜中心” - 将多特蒙德U艺术创意中心比作“文化的发电厂”。


The Dortmund U - Centre for the Arts and Creativity conversion project is located in the Ruhr Region of Germany; this was once the "heart of the German industrial zone". 


This high-profile transformational project was the former Dortmunder Union-Brauerei (Brewery), following the abandonment of the complex due to mining depression, it has been empty since beer production ceased in 1994.  In 2007, an "Industrial Heritage Road Plan" was implemented to revitalize the region, this plan covered 54 important industrial attractions including the Dortmund U Brewery.  Following the win of the architectural competition to redevelop the entire precinct, Gerber Architekten had created an art piece reflecting attractive industrial qualities of the site’s original use, and gave the new spaces an incomparable character.

Due to tight heritage restrictions, the building had to be redeveloped on the basis of protective restoration, all structures and internal space of the old building had been retained with new functions inserted.  The result - a brand new 15,000sqm of mixed-use and cultural arts centre spanning over 8 levels; it contains a museum, cultural educational center, cinema, art library, university affiliated institutions, a rooftop deck, a degustation premise, and other event spaces.  It had been described as “the Dortmund Centre Pompidou”, comparing Dortmund U Arts Centre as a “cultural power station”.

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Ⓒ Jürgen Landes;

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Ⓒ Jürgen Landes;                                         


Upon arrival at the lobby, a full-height vertical shaft greets visitors with its magnitude, this shaft was used to transport beer in the old days.  The design cuts the floor slab layer by layer, connecting escalators and walkways to redefine the space, so that visitors can fully experience the magnificence and complete spatial height of the brewery during it most glorious days.

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Ⓒ Gerber Architekten                                    

艺术中心的门厅区域设有一个咖啡厅和一个演讲厅,可用于各种会议、演讲等活动。演讲厅采用了红色主调,烘托温暖的氛围。热情的红色毗邻在白色的门厅中尤为突出。红色元素也在艺术中心内反复出现;数个插入立面的红色排练盒子- 金属锥形体标志着从内到外的空间过渡,形成有节奏感的空间标识。这些新的元素穿插在古老的建筑中,与老建筑形成鲜明的对比,呼应艺术突破界限的精神,丰富了立面造型,使这栋古老的建筑更富有现代气息。

A cafe and a bright red lecture hall supplements the foyer area.  The element of “red“ repeatedly appears throughout the entire building.  Red cone-shaped boxes are inserted into the elevation, forming a rhythmic contrast between old and new, reflecting the ground breaking spirit of creative arts.

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 Christian Richters

U艺术创意中心的一层到三层包含了大学附属机构,文化教育中心,艺术协会,和一个创意产业研究所;三层以上则是奥斯特沃博物馆。设计保留了保留了U艺术创意中心原有的屋顶,并替换了结构,对空间重新设计,将现有的结构支撑巧妙地隐藏在博物馆内,参访者在观展时可以瞥见这些时间的印记。原有天窗提供丰富的采光及良好的视野,打造犹如 “大教堂” 般的空间,形成了U艺术创意中心最具代表的立方体屋顶。


“大教堂” 穹顶之上镶嵌的11米高的金色U型标志,自1968年在酿酒厂建筑楼顶被架起之日就对多特蒙德及整个鲁尔片区有着举足轻重的意义。盖博教授在采访中曾说,他希望人们从城市的各个角度都能看到这个金色的标志,无论是坐火车经过多特蒙德,或是步行进入城市中心。作为德国战后东西德分裂时期的亲历者,盖博教授深刻了解和体会,历史对一个民族的意义。


The first three floors of Dortmund U contains various university art and cultural centers, and associations; Ostwall Museum occupy the floors above.  Whilst the design retained the original roof; the structural support was replaced, creating a cathedral ceiling; this forms the most representative space of the Dortmund U Art Center. 


An 11m tall golden “U” crowns the cellarage tower, this symbol holds great significance to the city of Dortmund and the entire Ruhr Region since 1968 when it was first erected.


Professor Gerber once had said in an interview, that he hopes people can see the golden symbol from all angles of the city, whether it's on a trai npassing thruogh Dortmund or walking into the city centre.  As a witness to the division of Germany after the war, Professor Gerber deeply understands the significance a nation’s history holds.

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Ⓒ Gerber Architekten

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 Christian Richters



From the city’s point of view, the “U“ symbol is a focal point atcommanding height; on the contrary, from top of the building one can take inthe entire cityview.  LED projection was added to the original skylights, this special technology projects animation on the outside, while still allowing visualaccess from the inside, providing abundant natural light andview. The LED projection forms corresponding imagery in accordance to the atmosphere of the city.

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Ⓒ Jürgen Landes;

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The degustaion premise of the premise is located on the lower level, this space offer visitors a further highlight.  Here, the brick façades open out via large rounded arches onto a beautiful garden courtyard.  Everything here is carefully harmonised and crafted down to the smallest details.

Ⓒ Gerber Architekten   





Even though the design was subject to strict constraints, the building still created a harmonious spatial experience and atmosphere.  The Dortmund U - Centre for the Arts and Creativity is a successful benchmark of urban regeneration; the abandoned brewery was rebuilt, redeveloped, and revived with a new life.  Not only does it represent the glorious achievements of the city of Dortmund in the beer industry, and the industrial prosperity of the Ruhr Region; the transformed Dortmund U

has become a new symbol of creativity, arts, and culture in this new era; it is the cultural and spiritual fortress of Dortmund today.

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