悉尼邦迪到勃朗特海岸步道 | ASPECT Studios
阅读:3384 2021-07-04


邦迪到勃朗特海岸步道(Bondito Bronte Coastal Walk)是最受关注和欢迎的澳大利亚海岸线之一。2016年6月发生在悉尼的严重的暴风雨,使得威弗利公墓遭到了严重的破坏,邦迪到勃朗特海岸步道属于威弗利公墓遗址的一部分,其完整性也遭到了一定的破坏,出于对使用者安全的考虑,暂时关闭了对外开放。 

As one of thebusiest and most popular coastal trails in Australia, and due to significant erosion from a storm surge that slammed Sydney in June 2016, the Bondi to Bronte Coastal Walk which is also home tothe heritage listed Waverley Cemetery was closed over concerns for the safety of its users. 

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基于此,ASPECT 团队在这次设计中,重新思考,基于项目损毁现状,当地遗址与文化,地形肌理,生物特殊性等因素,修复和重塑这个10年前我们设计过的著名的景观道。我们设计并记录关于这次新的重塑部分,最大限度的恢复了景观步道的风采,给人们提供了一个可以瞭望海岸风景,供人休憩,或慢跑的场所。
We seized this opportunity to rethink, redevelop and restore this section of the famous trackand have since designed and documented the new extension,building on the successful clifftop walk that we completed just over 10 years ago for Waverley Council.

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Sandstone and native plantings are used throughout to reflect the crystalline forms of Sydney’s clifftop geology, and a new lookout provides a point to stop and contemplate, where visitors can absorb the stunning surrounds and powerful views all the way to North Bondi.
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As the final resting place of more than 100,000 people, considered and thoughtful placement allows walkers to be positioned lower than the adjacent cemetery grounds torespect the sacredness of the place.
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设计团队:ASPECT Studios, Jeffery & Katauskas, Ducros Design, Hard & Forester,  Biodesign
照片: Florian Groehn

Project team
Client:Waverley Council
Team:ASPECT Studios, Jeffery & Katauskas, Ducros Design, Hard & Forester, Biodesign
Location:Calga Reserve & Waverley Cemetery, Sydney NSW
Images: Florian Groehn

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