

刚刚,英国景观行业协会(British Association of Landscape Industries,简称BALI)公布了2019年度国家景观奖(BALI National Landscape Awards)的获奖名单。易兰规划设计院主持设计的“沈阳中海·天誉”从全球众多作品中脱颖而出,荣获本届国际景观奖(International Awards)。


Zhonghai Tianyu Garden, Shenyang


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The standard of the entries submitted this year has been phenomenal. The adjudicators spent three long days here at Landscape House reviewing all the entries and ultimately agreeing the winners in each category. As a winner in the International Award category you have demonstrated exemplary standards of professional excellence which is a tremendous achievement. All the team at Landscape House congratulate you and your team on your fantastic accomplishment.


The purpose of the BALI Awards is two-fold: firstly, to encourage our members to continually strive for excellence and, once achieved, have that achievement recognised by the wider industry; and secondly, to promote beyond the industry the outstanding work undertaken by BALI member’s year on year. Winning a BALI National Landscape Award is not only hugely motivating for those involved but it is also a very effective marketing tool when promoted on your website and through the local, national and trade media. Please do ensure you use this as a marketing opportunity to share your success.


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