
The Annual Gold and Silver Awards of 8TH CREDAWARD were officially announced on August 17th!

CRTKL设计项目“深圳万象天地”荣获综合商办项目类别综合体金奖!“深圳金地威新中心”荣获综合商办项目类别办公/写字楼金奖!与珠海华发建筑设计公司联合设计的“华发统建 · 锦江首府”荣获居住项目-高端/精品住区类别优秀奖!

“MixC World Shenzhen” won the Gold Award for Mixed-Use in the category of Comprehensive Commercial Project. “Shenzhen Gemdale Viseen Tower” won the Gold Award for Office in the category of Comprehensive Commercial Project. “Jinjiang Mansion” that jointly designed by CRTKL and Huafa Architectural Design Consultancy won the Merit Award for Residence in the category of Hight-End Residence.


The 8TH CREDAWARD has received 1,353 works. Participating companies and works are from 15 countries and regions. Nearly 400 speakers competed for the annual gold and silver awards after two days of intense and orderly presentation. The rate of the Merit Award of 8TH CREDAWARD is only 31.07%, the silver award-winning rate is 4.66%, and the gold award-winning rate is 4.51%.


☆ 金奖 ☆

MixC World Shenzhen




The city of Shenzhen is a sophisticated community of architectural trendsetters where new development has embraced signature, contemporary architecture. The Dachong MixC World project is no exception. Dachong MixC World brings together eclectic retail and entertainment environments, such as a MixC shopping center, with diverse offerings and activities; an exquisite high street featuring the latest luxury brands; a hip, art-infused retail street’ and a historically conscious green plaza. The project is characteristically reflective of Shenzhen -- leveraging the synergy between art and technology to shape a modern, yet intimate and comfortable, work, live and play destination.



主要团队成员:Norm Garden, Robert Choeff, Ildefonso(Jojo) Fantone, Ben Caffey, Jake Martinez, 郝莹,林圣平,柴金戈,顾天麟,Gosia Dudzik, Aam Suryana,陈嘉纯,Alberto Ariffin, Joseph Tiu




Location: Shenzhen, China

Principal Architect: Tzong Wu

Lead Designers: Tzong Wu, Norm Garden, Robert Choeff, Ildefonso (Jojo) Fantone, Ben Caffey, Jake Martinez, Ying Hao, Sheng-ping Lin, Jinge Chai, Tianlin Gu, Gosia Dudzik, Aam Suryana, Darren Chen, Alberto Ariffin, Joseph Tiu

Project Size: 225,000 sm (194,000 sm above ground, 31,000 sm underground)

Construction Completion: July, 2017

Photographs: Yihuai Hu


☆ 金奖 ☆

Shenzhen Gemdale Viseen Tower




Located in the Shenzhen Science and Technology Park, the high-tech enterprise headquarters in South China’s Silicon Valley, Gemdale Viseen Tower is located on the southeast corner of Nanshan High-Teck Zone. Respecting for the Architecture master I. M. Pei’s Phase I and II’s design, our Phase III work together with Pei’s design concept and creates a “Green, Healthy and Hi-Tech” science park through providing Central Green Park, a Sports Center, and series vertical urban public space. Gemdale Viseen Tower consists of two super-high-rise 5A-class office buildings, podium office, intelligent office spaces and a sustainable ecosystem. In line with the future trends of the green office, intelligent office and logo office, the project uses the "cube" and "box" design to create impressive social and business spaces.



主要团队:CallisonRTKL 上海




Location: Shenzhen, China

Principal Architect: May Wei

Lead Designers: CallisonRTKL Shanghai Office

Project Size: 274,212 sm

Construction Completion: August, 2021

Photographs: Yihuai Hu


☆ 优秀奖 ☆

Jin Jiang Mansion




华发统建 · 锦江首府 ©珠海华发建筑设计公司

由CRTKL与珠海华发建筑设计公司联合设计的“华发统建 · 锦江首府”,其设计理念取缔于四川盆地概念,由6座住宅塔楼以环抱形式的组团布局生成了中央下沉庭院。塔楼的朝向在满足南北向日照需求的条件下将视野最大化,中央庭院结合地下配套设施,通过梯田形式营造出当代建筑盆地空间。小区外围自然形成独立落客区,赋予5星级酒店的尊贵入户体验。单位设计以极致化的大阳台,通过室内外空间融入了成都休闲生活方式。塔楼立面通过横向设计线条的巧妙比例处理,简洁大气,且将户内对外视线的阻挡减到最低。同时创造出独特的城市形象。

Inspired by the Chengdu basin concept and existing site conditions, the project consists of six residential towers placed around a central sunken courtyard, oriented to provide maximum views to the city while respecting a N-S orientation for maximum solar exposure. The central courtyard terraces down from the towers to form a series of integrated amenities within the landscape garden. Residential unit plans incorporate elongated balconies that curate the living experience which embraces the distinctive culture and lifestyle of the city of Chengdu. Sensitively proportioned horizontal façade treatment of the towers offer unobstructed views whilst creating a distinctive urban identity.


主持建筑师:Andrew Liu

主要团队成员:Greg Khoo

项目规模:21004.34 平方米



Location: Chengdu, China

Principal Architect: Andrew Liu

Lead Designer:Greg Khoo

Project Size: 21004.34sm

Construction Completion: September, 2021

Photographs: Huafa Architectural Design Consultancy


资 讯 概 况
  • 分 类: 资讯  >  业界
  • 公 司: CallisonRTKL
  • 时 间:2022-08-19 14:02:41
  • 标 签:CRTKL
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