如同2007 年龙湖地产奇迹般的创造了北京“龙湖滟澜山”一样,2016 年北京天行九州旅游置业开发有限公司在秦皇岛向业界打造了一个现代版的乌托邦社区阿那亚。从2014 年第一次接触此项目至今,看到她从无到有的全过程,应该说是当下时代的最经典的产物之一,几乎不可复制。我们称之为“aranya”现象。单从景观设计一方面无法诠释阿那亚,这里只就涉及到的点点滴滴展示给每位读者。
真正意义上的阿那亚准确说应是从三期开始。建筑规划确定了她的风格是“希腊渔村”的情景,马寅与刘昕2 位老总都非常明确地强调这是他们接手“阿那亚”后第一个推出的产品,景观是成败的关键,要求完全“脱地产”。首先对为何最终选定“希腊渔村”这一概念不做过多评述,就建筑本身而言比较容易真实地传达这种所期待的氛围,但是落到景观上就变得很难去把握和控制。
The Master plan
Parking area in the outer-ring, micro-terrain and plants soften the transition to the resident houses
The hopping pavement sets the mood
of sunny and lyrical
The crisscross square space forms the coexistence
between staying and passing
Regular planting shows intention in unintentiona
首先“希腊渔村”的植被和景观中唱主角的人物是完全不可复制的,再加上斑驳的白墙,海蓝色的门窗及略显老旧但又十分厚重的石料很可能成为最终失控的元素之一。为了降低实现设计所带来的难度系数,采用3cm 厚的两侧各收1cm 的机切面压顶将公共区出现的所有花坛、水池都做了收边,规避了因水刷石表面装饰易损的美中不足,还让其显得轻巧和与众不同;其次又将椭圆形树池座椅做成亚光与釉光面穿插的马赛克碎拼面材进行处理,表现自由、阳光、个性但又不失完整的整体风格;最后场地的铺装材料选用火山岩取代了花岗岩或板岩碎拼,并采用宽窄不一长短各异的组拼手法,减少了施工中的难易度,也保证了同种材料的差异性。这里并没有过多的强调每一个节点的创意,也没有迎合当今的传统流行做法,不同的只是在每一个细部处理上力求日后不失当初的氛围营造。设计上不求标新立异,只期待如何低耗能的持久,并无时无刻地呈现高尚谦虚的奢华。如果能做到这一点那就是本项目的成功。
The ornament of ground cover plants increases the
enjoyment of the countryside in neat composition
The ground cover in the planting bed emphasis the
subject of “tangibility in intangibility”
An unconventional attempt by elliptical seats
Fountain and seat
Ground cover and architecture
与大区不同的是这里设置了一处不规整细长的南北向的横轴,以作为现实“乌托邦”社区的户外平台。用乔木组合成不同角度、不同大小,半开半合的交流式院落空间,所有的空间都没有一个明确的界限范围,均显现若有若无、若隐若现的空间形态,为居民提供了更多的选择可能性。铺装刻意采用了200×200mm 黑白灰3 色无规律的渐变形式,强化空间尺度的同时,突出大海的奔放、阳光、热烈,地被花卉均规整地种植在圆形的树池之中,利用微地形起伏缓解过于平坦的铺装场地,又利用抬高两级台阶,界定了“静”与“动”两种不同功能需求的场所空间,更使得原本暧昧的空间不失明快、单纯、简洁的功能布局。
The difference of height defines the usages of space
Scattered distribution of enclosure space combines the
openness and confined space
The difference of height defines the usages of space
The ornament of ground cover plants increases the
enjoyment of the countryside in neat composition
Guardrail and square
Landscape Design Work in the Aranya Third Phase of Construction in Qinhuangdao
“Tangibility within Intangibility”
As the basis of an outdoor platform in a real “utopian” community, we have used a combination of trees to form various garden spaces each communicating with the other in regard to differing degrees of angle, size and openness. The spaces do not have definite boundaries but instead reflect a blur of spatial shapes which in turn provides more choice for the residents. The pavement on the site consists of specially selected 200x200 pavers of black, white and grey and present with an irregular and gradual change. The overall effect has been to highlight seaside attributes of sunshine, warmth and openness. In the meantime, ground cover plants and flowers have been planted in neat circular garden beds incorporating trees whilst shaping an undulating terrain to ease the spatial effect created by flat areas of pavement. In addition, two steps have been incorporated in various areas of the site defining different functional requirements of “still” and “dynamic” and giving the original spaces a bright and simple presentation.
Throughout the design process of this project, we chose not to think about how to invent a new visual experience or how to highlight the details and creation of a main landscape focus. Instead, we sought to provide a solution to not losing the original design intention easily over a long period of time. This required that a straightforward pursuit of ideas and scenes be given up from the beginning of the design and instead to pursue the creation of a spatial atmosphere that could be felt and seen and to at last reach the conception of “tangibility within intangibility”.
丨 项目名称:无形中的有形——秦皇岛阿那亚三期景观设计
英文校译:琳赛·洛特(Lindsay Rutter),苏畅