绿地香港 · 义乌有机更新向阳市场片区示范区景观设计 | 奥雅设计

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At the mention of Yiwu, many people may have not yet found out another more poetic name of it, “Wushang (meaning the injured crows, in memory of the Yan’s father and son infolklore)”. 


As time goes by, Yiwu, a small village that was not very rich in Jiangnan (regions south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River), gradually grew into aworld-class economic and trade center relying on small business of barter tradelike exchanging feathers for sugar practiced by their forefathers. Seeing thequalitative leaps in their livelihood, the people here have never forgotten thethings in their flesh and blood.   


With material conditions met, the present Yiwu people good at doing businessand the urban elites followed their spiritual desire and the cultural return.Therefore, the establishment of Yiwu’s first “artistic themed” demonstrationarea is our current objective. 


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Following the principles of modernism on the outside, traditions on the insideand arts for the soul, we have roughly divided the landscape design into threeparts: 

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Firstly, escaping the constraints of architecture, we chose darker colors forthe pavement and volcanic rocks of dark grey color for the feature wall facade, forming a sharp contrast to the building. Meanwhile, to set off the fagade ofthe building, we set up waterscape in front of the main exhibition face of thebuilding to reflect the fagade. The arc capping of the feature wall at theentrance echoed back to the upturned eaves of the building, adding radiance andbeauty to each other. 


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层叠建筑,白墙灰瓦, 现代手法,现代演绎。历史与现代的碰撞,自然与现代的融合,尊贵精致的品质,静谧与繁荣共存。

Layers of buildings with white walls and grey tiles are displayed with moderntechniques. In the collision between history and modern times and the fusion ofnature and industry, the noble and exquisite quality is shown and the quietnessand prosperity coexist. 


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How to build the Welcome Road: the place for image display? It was a challengein this design. To increase the popularity of this place, we wanted to designit as a square for citizens’ daily activities while reserve the nobility ofthis project. The waterscape at the entrance was inspired by the upturned eavesand ancient buildings in Yiwu. Use modern materials and languages, we return tothe traditional culture; in details, we give expression to the quality of theproject. 

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The cortile: a transitional space to the bamboo-lined lane, passing whichplace you will trigger the artistic sensor, composing a symphony of sound, light and electricity with the piano in the waterscape. Walking here at therhythm and rhyme is like entering an art gallery. 


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And Zen and the acquaintance with the alleys. Walking into the mist deep in thebamboo forest, feel not only the beauty and comfort, but also the introverted, elegant, tranquil and profound atmosphere; it is a leisure space for theproprietors. The feature wall is also designed to resemble a long scroll oflandscape, “Over the three mountains stretch thousands of miles of clouds, upona dozens of rush mats hangs a wide expanse of misty waters”.


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Vehicle Entrance: abandoning the common big gate on the market, we chose to settwo feature walls, revealing its low-keyed luxury. The feature wall at theentrance was carefully designed in detail and materials, slot broached in thedark grey volcanic rocks to imitate the silhouette effect of the upturned eavesof traditional architecture. The parking spaces and the in-water sinking barcounter form a barrier with the deformed steel plates, attracting more visitorsbeing partly hidden and partly visible. 

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The roof garden continues the modern, simple and high-end style, simply coloredto trim the space. The green colors add some agile touches to the white space. Without excessive decoration, just simple glasses and walls, the garden hasabandoned all space-consuming means of decoration to help people earnestlyexperience the life of minimalism in a neat environment.   

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In fact, at the beginning of the design project, conflicts have arisen out ofthe understanding of the project, concentrating mainly on the relationshipbetween architecture and landscape being obedient or disconnected.   


All along, many designers have been blinded by this “architecturalheroism” and convinced that all the surroundings of a building should be usedto set off the magnificence of the building. For them, landscape is usuallydeemed accessories to the building, which, in the eyes of our landscapedesigners, should not be advocated. 


The spatial environment requires integrated consideration of the rationalityand aesthetics of combinations of different elements. Actually, the morereserved landscape aesthetics may better meet the Chinese traditional aestheticsense when combined with the straightforward and isolated architecturalaesthetics. Therefore, we have made such attempts on unifying with the architecturallanguage in form and opposing to the building in materials and colors, seekingchanges in such unification. 


This is our answer. 

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项目名称:绿地香港  · 义乌有机更新向阳市场片区A-4地块示范区景观设计








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