天津中海·环宇天地 | 景立方设计

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场地 | Site mark
Wake up and remember

A bustling city full of endless starlight


The project is located in Hedong District, Tianjin, in the core CBD area. Adjacent to the former Russian Concession area of Haihe River, the plot is bordered by Liuwei Road to the northeast, Shiyijing Road to the southeast, Bajing Road to the northwest, and Haihe River and Binhe Road to the southwest, which fully represent Tianjin. With natural geographical advantages, a core urban area, convenient transportation environment, and rich surrounding facilities. This reflects the important role of the project in showcasing the urban charm of Tianjin and the quality of Zhonghai's projects. The classic metropolitan style architecture and surrounding environment have been fully integrated into the city, and the bustling riverbanks constitute a natural urban background. As one of the few commercial projects of Zhonghai in Tianjin and even in the north, how to form a resonance with Tianjin's urban culture and how to create a new urban classic have filled this place with possibilities and challenges for the future.


初心 | Original intention
Building a bustling riverbank

立于海河之畔 仰望城市
Standing by the Haihe River and looking up at the city


The site conditions bring a small excitement, but with it comes the high standard requirements of customers, as well as the high standard interface and regional needs of the city. By constructing a comprehensive commercial office center that integrates office, high-end residential, and high-end commercial functions, it expresses the connotation of Tianjin, satisfies the place's desire for art, outlines the functional outline through the Russian style metropolitan landscape, and utilizes the strong spatial sense of the building community to create a linear, exquisite, and rhythmic design that is rich in implicit Western romanticism. The spatial space is segmented under the architectural mapping, forming an exquisite, fashionable, and concise riverbank commercial and office space.



推演 | Inference
Searching for spatial answers

聆听节奏 在线条与块面跳跃
Listening to rhythm jumping on lines and blocks


Everything starts from scratch, we search for answers with our clients during the process, make dozens of repeated modifications and conditions, until finally, the concise and intermittent lines dissolve the place and define the function. By utilizing the artistic patches, shapes, colors, and stitching of birch bark, a simple element form is used to symbolize and create an atmosphere of art and culture interweaving.



呈现 | present
Depicting urban renewal

韵律是在有限的乐谱上 创造无限的艺术
Rhythm is the creation of infinite art on a limited sheet of music




Entering the entire park, the pedestrian plaza forms a crisscrossing transportation system along the periphery and the gaps between buildings, allowing access to every entrance and exit of the building. However, due to the complex layout and interlocking functions of the buildings, this pedestrian ring becomes rich and diverse. We use a linear base to effectively connect each functional block of the building's front yard with the entrance, with differentiated pavement textures, comfortable and reasonable transformation of the attributes of each place, making the diverse functional experience more complete. Make the dull square system more diverse.






Bright and elegant, fashionable and fresh. The artistic point shaped landscape, full of Russian exotic charm, controls every important landscape site. By combining different landscaping techniques such as obstruction, attraction, concealment, and concealment with natural spatial environments such as stairs, squares, and street passages, it creates exquisite outdoor commercial and office spaces. It does not seek to be ostentatious, but is exquisite and stable. By using space left blank, it provides more possibilities for urban activities.








感悟 | Reflection
Experience and create joy

当城市的灯光在那一刻亮起 浪漫与理性交映辉煌
When the lights of the city light up at that moment, romance and rationality blend brilliantly

喧闹的城市留给我们的也许充满了忙碌, 但是在这其中创造美好永远是我们的愿景与使命。伴随着套娃的起舞与七彩玻璃的闪耀、一处美好的、时尚的、可以漫步其中城市商办环境、也许就是这海河畔城市的一点点、但只要我们象它的尖顶一样,永远向上、向往天空。这一点点就会汇聚成直达彼岸远方

The bustling city may leave us with busyness, but creating beauty in it is always our vision and mission. Accompanied by the dance of dolls and the shining of colorful glass, a beautiful and fashionable urban business environment where we can stroll may be just a little bit of this coastal city, but as long as we are like its spire, we always look up and yearn for the sky. This little bit will converge into a river, leading directly to the distant shore.

CONSTRUCTIONG DESIGN/施工图设计及顾问服务:景立方(北京)景观规划设计有限公司
CONSTRUCTION PLANS DESIGN TEAM/施工图设计团队:崔桐 樊志惠 王启华 刘霖 王晓成 周任远 蒲春霞 庞文君 王明达 郭文杰   
CONSTRUCTION UNIT/施工单位:北京正维园林绿化有限公司
PHOTOGRPHY/图像提供:栾祺  HZS汇张思公建事业部 

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