▲《画锦深林》多媒体动画 Multimedia and Animation © TLS
▲整体鸟瞰图 Aerial © TLS
▲ 滨河林荫大道 Waterfront Promenade © TLS
2022年10月,由上海市奉贤区人民政府、上海市绿化和市容管理局、上海市规划和自然资源局承办的南上海中央公园景观设计面向全球进行方案征集,TLS受邀参与,提出公园整体方案设计。在保护现状森林的基础上,TLS的提案来自儒家和道家文化与森林之间的一段故事:杏坛讲学,从古画中礼敬孔子及其弟子们的精美织锦席案、和上海周边古老的纺织传统得到启发,想象席案织锦的典雅图案向森林中的地面延伸,形成由道路、水系、不同林下地被、草甸植物等组成的公园景观肌理,不同的织锦纹理敏感、灵活地适应不同森林条件和使用活动,承载和编织画锦上的新江南 “六艺” :礼、乐、射、驭、书、数,最后汇聚为儒家和道家共同的、与自然 “和合” 的理念,形成整体设计理念:“画锦深林”。
| 奉贤 · “贤” 文化 |
In 444 B.C., Ziyou came to the east China shore and opened a school. Descendants named the county "Fengxian" and built "Yanzi Ancestral Hall", revering the popular culture of "respecting the virtuous, seeing the virtuous, and thinking of the virtuous". Mountains and forests are the roots of Jiangnan culture. Major civilizations in the world have used forests as cultural sanctuaries. Fengxian will be at the forefront of urban forestry.
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▲ 奉贤的文脉生长 Fengxian Cultural Growth © TLS
| 画锦深林 · 层次的叠加 |
In the painting of the Apricot Forum, the exquisite brocade is a tribute to Confucianism. The elegant pattern spreads into the “tapestry” of the forest space, forming the design concept: Brocading Forest.
▲ 核心理念图 Core Concept © TLS
The fabric layer echoes the traditional textile of South Shanghai and the landform texture of water towns, adapting to different forest conditions and creating a variety of atmospheres.
▲ 南上海纺织与滨海水乡肌理的形态启发 Inspiration of Fabrics © TLS
礼记记载了古老的森林保护法,儒家要求贤者掌握六艺:“礼”、“乐”、“射”、“御”、 “书”、“数”,而道家师法自然。织锦层将承载和编织各种活动,我们称之为画锦之上的新江南“六艺”,最后汇聚为儒家和道家共同的、与自然“和合”的理念。
The Book of Rites records ancient forest conservation laws. Confucianism requires the virtuous to master the "Six Arts": Rite, Music, Archery, Chariot-driving, Calligraphy, and Mathematics, while Taoism teaches the ways of nature. The brocade layer will carry activities of the new Jiangnan “six arts”, and finally converge into the concept of “harmony”.
▲ 儒家“六艺”与道家“和合” Confucianism "Six Arts" and Taoism "Harmony" © TLS
We weave the forest with four brocading layers: forest boulevards, medium-scale paths, waterways, overlapping with the vegetation, existing forest, and functional "boxes" divided by roads and waterways.
▲ 设计形态生成:层次的叠加 Form Generation: Layered Fabrics © TLS
| 总体设计 |
▲ 总平面 Master Plan © TLS
| 林荫大道系统 |
A new system of grand forest boulevards to the tapestry - spaced between 400-500 meters apart, running through the entire park to create a strong sense of orientation and connecting to planned subway stations.
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▲ 林荫大道系统设计 Boulevards System © TLS
The boulevards form the backbone of the open space system. Part of it will be organized into three mini-bus loops to provide fast sightseeing transportation, linking the network of viewpoints, fire lanes, maintenance, safety, and emergency response system.
| 森林织锦层 |
Between forest boulevards, each "box" is featured with a distinct texture. The brocade is divided into two scales: medium and small according to the design and forest conditions. For example, the interwoven water forest, the flowing meadowland, the labyrinth of grasses and trails, and the weaving forms of gravel and moss.
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| 新江南 “六艺” |
在案例研究中,我们发现类似的森林公园案例有着很有特色的、有很强组织性的活动,有NATURE PLAY这样的北美自然体验中心,以及森林中的音乐舞蹈节、艺术节等案例,因为城市中的森林可以带来一种解放感和自由创造的感受,这是一般公园没有的。我们围绕新六艺这六个核心功能,来组织公园的游憩活动。礼、乐、书围绕言子书院和九棵树艺术中心,形成“文脉之森”;射、御形成“活力之森”的运动功能核心;数,形成“崇教之森”,是自然科普功能核心;和合,形成“生命之森”,是生态保育功能核心。
We studied cases of forest activities, such as nature play centers, music and dance festivals, and art markets in the forest. The urban forest provides a unique sense of freedom. Therefore, we organize recreational activities in the park on the six core functions of the Jiangnan New "Six Arts" - Rite, Music, and Calligraphy surrounding the Yanzi Academy and Jiukeshu Art Center as the "Academic Forest"; Archery and Chariot-driving correspond to sports activities as the "Vitality Forest"; Mathematics carrying functions of nature and science population as the "Natural Education Forest"; Harmony with functions of ecology conservation as the "Eco Forest".
▲ “六艺”功能结构与森林“盒子”规划 Open Space, Service Stations, Mini-Bus Loops © TLS
| 分区设计 |
| 森林中区 |
In the middle part of the forest, several forest windows with high canopy density form a cultural activity zone, divided into three areas, corresponding to Rites, Music, and Calligraphy.
▲ 森林中区鸟瞰图 Middle Part Aerial © TLS
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| 森林东区 |
The eastern part of the forest has woodlands with higher ecological value. The Forest of Vitality is featured with the theme of Archery, facilitated by activities such as extreme sports and forest exploration. There is also a "ballet" space among the water forest and a meditation center among the woodlands.
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In the Eco Forest themed with Mathematics and Harmony, we protect the best woodland on site, forming both semi and fully-enclosed conservation forests and animal habitats.
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| 专项设计 |
生态策略 · 林相改造:
Our forest renovation plan can be divided into four parts: clearing, addition, adjustment, and upgrading. The goal is to increase tree size and enhance the sense of nature. We analyzed factors of tree age, dominant species, forest belt, and canopy density. Through multi-factor analysis, we concluded on areas that need to be opened up or require thinning. It is recommended to open up some pure forest areas and simulate native communities with the dominant tree species, forming a sense of natural belonging.
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生态策略 · 栖息地构建:
We build habitats around the rivers and lakes in the ecological conservation ring. Existing forests with good habitat conditions can be improved to attract forest birds. We can set up habitats for small mammals near the ecological corridor.
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| 设计团队 |
项目总监:Tom Leader
Competition Phase TLS TEAM
Project Director: Tom Leader
Project Manager/Leading Designer: Wei Fan
Design Team: Ying Wei, Mengyao Xing, Yushan Li, Shuping Ye, Linrong Tang, Zilin Li, Xiaoyu Tian, Qian Li, Sijia Jiang