Michaelis Boyd



Michaelis Boyd produces simple, elegant architecture with an emphasis on sustainable, environmentally sound solutions. With experience working in 5 continents, Michaelis Boyd has offices in both London and New York. 


We have a wealth of experience in luxurious residential properties, particularly in the renovation of British heritage buildings as well as new-build projects in complex urban sites. The practice has worked on many striking and original hotels, luxury retreats and private members’ clubs, creating innovate results that exude both character and warmth. We also have significant experience in the design of restaurants for commercial clients across the world.

Established in 1995 by Alex Michaelis and Tim Boyd, MB has earned a reputation for simple, elegant architecture with an emphasis on sustainable, environmentally sound solutions. Alex and Tim met while working at the same practice, having earned their stripes at some of the industry’s largest companies, including Richard Rogers & Partners, Colquhoun, Miller & Partners, and Wickham & Associates.

  • 行业 | 建筑/室内
  • 属性 | 英国
  • 电话 | 暂缺 在线留言
  • 地址 | 中国 北京 东城 108 Palace Gardens Terrace London W8 4RT



度假 酒店 2018-08-30

奥卡万戈三角洲(Okavango Delta)又名“奥卡万戈沼泽”,位于博茨瓦纳共和国北部。我们看到的这座有点像犰狳(一种动物)的建筑便位于奥卡万戈三角洲的心腹地带,一个联合国科教文组织(UNESCO)评选出的联合野生动物世界遗产地。

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今年6月,万豪国际集团旗下极具艺术气息的个性酒店品牌——傲途格精选(Autograph Collection)——韩国首尔RYSE酒店在引领创意及潮流的弘大街区盛大开业,开张伊始就当仍不让地成为该地区的潮流地标。酒店建筑由Steven Song Design设计,而Michaelis Boyd则被委任担纲酒店的室内设计部分。

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伦敦 餐厅 教堂 2018-04-18

Michaelis Boyd建筑工作室在伦敦一所教堂里使用黄铜和几何图案样式进行装修,为粤菜餐馆Duddell设计了20世纪60年代装修风格。

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