杭州新鸿基江河汇售楼处 | SWS Group
阅读:2947 2022-08-27



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■1986年时的杭州艮山港区码头,岸边只有几台小吊机在作业,导致经常积压货物。1988年,大运河与钱塘江沟通工程竣工后被撤移。    摄影@宋礽华(光影之缘)


Tracing the origin of history, the intersection of the Yangtze River and the ancient canal, in this famous historical and cultural city of more than 3,000 years, it has a superior geographical location and profound cultural heritage: the Wanli Yangtze River and the ancient canal meet here; the riverside scenery blends with the ancient culture Here; the modern architecture and the ancient city are reflected here. There are four existing cultural preservation units: the former residence of Lu Xiaobo, the Qing Army Navy Standard Administration, the site of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom City Wall, and the site of the old gate of Jingkou Gate.

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■ 新彭埠大桥与九堡大桥  摄影@肖奕叁(筑影之缘)


It‘s  June , the rivers and rivers meet again, and the oiran has the exclusive view of Jinshan and lakes. When they climbed to the top of the "Rivers and Rivers", the heroic spirit of "Where to look at Shenzhou, full of scenery Beigulou": the sky is boundless, the smoke and waves are vast; the blue sky and clear water, the gulls Birds flying set; trestle on the shore, meandering.

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■杭州国际金融中心(杭州IFC)项目效果图  @新鸿基地产官网

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The "Jianghehui" project echoes the ancient district of Xijindu. It will further enhance the image and character of the city, break the traditional concept of niche professional circles, invite the world to break through the constraints of time and space, gather global new forces, and pay attention to opportunities and development.

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扎哈.哈迪德说自由流动的曲线无处不在,空间内弯曲的形状取自扎哈的建筑,灵感来源于伦敦水上运动中心屋顶,江河汇致力打造国际化风范艺术馆,“汇聚 ”“转换”“引流”,“聚” 集思广益,汇聚细流而成大海   “转”转换新型观念,顺应全球信息时代变化 “引”群英荟萃,导入国际化思维。

Zaha Hadid said that free-flowing curves are everywhere, and the curved shapes in the space are taken from Zaha’s architecture and inspired by the roof of the London Aquatic Center. "Transform", "Drainage", "Gather" Brainstorm ideas, gather small streams to form an ocean, "Turn" to transform new concepts, adapt to the changes in the global information age, "introduce" talents, and introduce international thinking.

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Style and tonality modern light luxuryMaterial expression: the overall color material is stable and commercial, with black and white gold as the main color. The material is made of leather, metal, crystal art, and leather Satin art pillow. The space quality is meticulous.

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WINGS Inspiration knows no bounds. Nothing embodies freedom and spirit more than the two wings of a bird in flight, and this collection of hand-blown crystal forms an elegant and elegant flock of birds. Let your creativity soar and discover the perfect combination of sleek metallic luster and hazy opal glass. It's time to spread your wings and fly.

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 项目地址:浙江· 杭州




 设计公司:SWS Group

 设计总监: 邬斌 孙炜 尹腾

 设计团队:邓文浩 王骏 周一鸣 周翔


 效果表现团队:王珊珊 朱指华 夏子程 张浩

 摄影:杜莐  张伟


Floor Plan

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