魔方公寓3.0品牌产品升级设计上海案例 | LOD LalivingandOpr
阅读:4426 2020-03-13

Define by myself  自定义多元空间



One of our many Co-living projects completed last year. Co-living is a utopian response to our rapidly changing society. Our design concept shapes around the idea of “Communitopia!” With kitchen-less studio home design, communal space and amenities all shared, co-living design pools resources, foster new community and is more suited for an increasingly mobile generation.

LOD在2019年完成的住居空间设计项目之一。共居是应对瞬息万变的社会形成的乌托邦式生活形态。我们的设计理念围绕着“ Communitopia!”的理念, 借助无厨房的工作型家居模式设计,将公共空间和配套设施全部共享,通过共居共生的设计逻辑共享公共资源,衍生出更适合城市游牧民的新型住居社区。





Define by myself  自定义多元空间


LOD对原有空间进行系统的优化,使用功能模块化组合,创建可移动格局,并加入了例如影音休闲书吧露台台球健身等主题的功能区域。空间改造过程中移除部分隔墙、建筑开窗, 调整优化空间功能流线。

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院落微型大社区,室内自生小社会,这一公共空间既是内部垂直社区单元客户 日常使用、交流、分享,同时开放为区域内的邻里分享服务空间,真正具备小“社”会的社交特征。

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上海宁国路功能分析functional analysis

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空间模块分析Modular analysis



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宅院一体营造空间叙事主题 ,构造理想居所的更广泛户外社区、城市功能拓展。景观庭院露台为核心,区域环状动线将庭院与公寓公区紧密的联系在一起。

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空间规划保留规整空间的开放性与多变性, 扩大了建筑外立面开窗面积,U型室内空间以南北单向流线布局功能,提升空间使用率, 空间模块化设计的想法是最大限度用固定的单元可移动家具组合不同的场景模式,使空间具备务实又自由的自然生活状态。


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宅院一体营造空间叙事主题 ,构造理想居所的更广泛户外社区、城市功能拓展。


社交公区建筑外部设计L型平台式休闲踏步,室外庭院不规则的放置了1米边长的正方形草坪和碎石池,增加了室内外的景观文化感;内庭院广场化规划,以复合型居住人群结构为基础, 构造在空间氛围上能引导人群从户内独居走到外部开放小社会的院落式“微缩社区”中。

建筑外立面整体色漆折弯铝板,增了竖向视觉的延伸感和整体感。室内装饰材料以水磨石、色漆、壁纸及原木为主,使空间具有明确的品牌元素,辨识度增强 。

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Location and surroundings

Upgrading and Renovation of Mofang Apartment 3.0 are located in Ningguo Road Shanghai. It is the core area of Yangpu District, Shanghai. There are many metro lines around it, completed facilities and well commerial district. As one of the upgrade and renovation projects of long-term residential apartments, we commissioned by Mofang Living Services Group, and our design scope includes interior design for common area, facade design of  the exterior and courtyard design of interior.

The challenge of design is about how to build a connection in an inner entrance space with the interior, outdoor and landscape into an active public area.

Design theme: Define by myself custom multidimensional space

Upgrading and Renovation of Mofang Apartment 3.0 are located in Ningguo Road Shanghai,social activities are more introverted, functional services are more externalized, and social space of residential apartments will be built into a successful, functional and high quality.

LOD optimizes the original plan systematically, uses modular combinations to create mobile patterns, and adds functional areas such as Av leisurebookterracebilliardsfitness and other themes. In the demolition process, some partitions are removed, windows are opened up, and functions of different spaces are adjusted and optimized.

项目设计图 Perspective

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Functional Space Planning

Focus on enhancing the use of space participation and blur functional boundaries; In order to combine more rest and sharing communication modules in limited functional space, the whole space is embedded with a series of combinatorial elements, through the functional wall, the material, pattern and wallpaper of brand theme are in space. The application of the design enhances the brand space identification and the consistency of the space atmosphere.

Through the use of modular combination, create a mobile pattern to present the design concept as a whole, enhance the comfort and convenience of space, but also to meet the needs of the corresponding population for living, life and leisure.

The courtyard community and the indoor generating society are the public spaces which are used, exchanged and shared by the customers in the vertical community unit, and open to the neighborhood in the region to share the service space. They really have the social characteristics of a "community" association.

项目设计图 Perspective

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Micro community, with generated an unique society

About the project in Shanghai Ningguo Road, there are 200 square meters of interior and 500 square meters of exterior. The project focuses primarily on the establishment of spatial relations, breaking the traditional thinking mode of considering the indoor space, and emphasizing the interaction between indoor and outdoor. The interior public area itself is not very large. The narrow of core area is divided into interactive area and leisure coffee bookstore with compact bar design. Homestead integrates to create a narrative theme of space, to construct a wider outdoor community of ideal residence, and to expand urban functions. Landscape courtyard terrace is the core, and the regional circular moving line closely links the courtyard and apartment community. Public gymnasium, entertainment area and audiovisual hall can be used by users of multi groups.

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Interior Design Concept

Spatial planning retains the openness and variability of regular space, and enlarges the window size of building facade, and U-shaped indoor space to improve the space utilization. The idea of space modularization design is to maximize the combination of different modes with fixed units and movable furniture, so as to make the space of one-way streamline layout from north to south.

The public space of long-term users should be able to share and bear the needs of residents. From leisure tea and coffee, fitness, table games to the trivial life of convenient living services to functional interpretation, the fuzzy orientation in the process of modular design is clearly realized. The process of research and development is the process of recognizing space and also a project beginning.

Four dimensions of research and development

First, boundary in fuzzy, which is relatively regular but clear in function.

Secondly, open into the traditional social, from indoor to outdoor and landscape, it emphasizes the interaction of large windows, folding windows visually. Window is the viewfinder of the inner courtyard, which extends human behavior to outdoor with the help of Open Indoor space.

Thirdly, it is based on brand-new space upgrade design, which integrates house and residence into an experiential public area design.

Fourthly, the concept of product modularization is applied in the space, such as the style of the front desk, cabinet, movable combination sofa, etc. The standard combination module is designed to adjust the combination of different spatial forms and change the different use state.

项目设计图 Perspective

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Design Concepts of Building Facade and Landscape Courtyard

Homestead integrates to create a narrative theme of space, to construct a wider outdoor community of ideal residence, and to expand urban functions.

Landscape courtyard terrace is the core, and the regional circular moving line closely links the courtyard and apartment community. Public gymnasium, entertainment area and audiovisual hall can be used by users of multi groups. The inside of the courtyard is enclosed by wooden flower boxes, which can protect the privacy of users.

The leisure step in L-type platform outside is designed, and the square lawn and gravel pool with 1 meter side are irregularly placed in the outdoor courtyard, which increases the sense of landscape culture in both side. The inner courtyard planning is based on the structure of compound residence, can guide people to create a miniature community  from live alone to the courtyard-style.

The overall color paint on the facade bends the aluminium plate, which increases the extension and overall sense of vertical vision. Interior decoration materials mainly consist of terrazzo, paint, wallpaper and logs, which make the space have clear brand elements and enhance the recognition.

项目设计图 Perspective

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Material & Color


魔方3.0公区形象提升项目提出基于粉、蓝两个色系衍生出的两套配色方案, 用千禧一代人群的敏感色系提升品牌辨识度。

1. Terrazzo — Flooring

2. Blue gray corrugated metal plate —Reception

3. Blue gray corrugated metal plate  Building facade

4. White ceramic tile  Flooring

5. Latex paint  Wall

6. White plaid brick — Wall

7. Fireproof board  Wall

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2019 年度流行趋势色调轻熟粉色、中性蓝色

“blue grey |岚山初霁” 作为设计主题,橡皮粉是轻熟女系的代言色, 与蓝灰色的中性糅合, 像平静生活中的街头小景观。氛围营造 生活空间的人性化,模块化、电源踢脚线X-power,钢木结构家具、需求、私密性。


"Blue grey” is the design strategy and elegant pink is the representative color for lady's system. It blends with the blue and gray neutral, like a street landscape in quiet life.

The atmosphere creates the humanization of living space, modularization, X-power, steel and wood structure furniture, demand and privacy.

About research on public areas: elegant, warm and clean would be an architectural langusage in high appreiation.


项目: 魔方公寓3.0品牌产品升级设计上海案例

位置: 中国上海市杨浦区龙口路297号(复地四季广场附近)  

面积: 700平方米

设计周期:2019年3月 – 2019年5月

落成时间 :  2019年9月


LOD |La Living and Other People‘s Rooms Design

参与合伙人:LOD创意设计总监:Ann Yan | 严春岚 ;LOD建筑策划设计总监:Yimei Chan | 陈绮薇  

景观设计:Zuotu Zhang | 张志玮

室内设计:Bob Wang | 王 ;Ying  Wang | 王莹;Francis  Leng | 冷鲁超

深化设计:Allen Fan   | 范建兴;Bob Wang | 王 

软装陈设、导视设计 : Yuhong Cai | 蔡玉红;Ying  Wang | 王莹

委托方: 魔方生活服务集团

施工方: 上海馨筑建设工程有限公司

合作方: 嘉善优邦装饰工程有限公司

Date:Thursday,March 12, 2020

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