安桔乐野——南昌市安义县上岗村乡村果业升级与光伏试点 | 悉迅设计
阅读:4069 2022-06-27



The protection of rural industries has always been the focus on the rural development. In the practice of new rural vitalization, it is also the focus on promoting the prosperity of rural industries and the prosperity of citizens.

The unique cultural characteristics of Shanggang village have their own  stories. This characteristic is precious to us.



 Shanggang Village at First Sight


Shanggang village is located in the northwest of Shibi Town, with a total of 56 households and 272 people. The terrain is high in the west and low in the east, with a complete internal road system, rich vegetation and good lighting conditions. The fruit industry in the village is mainly orange, 80% of the fruit trees in the village grow orange trees, varieties of sugar orange, honey orange, citrus, kumquat.



Design Strategies


Relying on the superior terrain environment, and the local leaders to "develop the village fruit industry" and "develop the photovoltaic industry" policy, under this policy, the design team sorted out the village texture and area, constructed the village orchard photovoltaic demonstration site construction planning framework, put forward the planning idea of "one ring, four pieces, eight points", to create a tour circle micro-tourism strategy in the village. Connect four theme areas and eight landscape highlights.


It is proposed that the whole village can be roughly composed of four areas: pilot vitality area, characteristic farmhouse, fruit forest experience area and rural style. Priority demonstration practice points of photovoltaic industry and implementation of fruit industry upgrading area are established. To create an ideal rural life, shanggang Village will truly become a model village for rural revitalization that is suitable for living, working and traveling.





Industrial Planning


The first attempt of photovoltaic industry


Covering the whole village with photovoltaic panels requires each villager to pay 15,000 yuan, which is difficult to implement and has a long effect. Therefore, after considering cost first and effect first, the design team decided to build Tangerine Song Square as a display window, and use photovoltaic panel power generation device to complete the lighting of small orange lights on dead trees, the internal lighting of Yizhi Pavilion and the power supply of camphor tree lights.




The five-metre-high "All things grow" is made of a thin solid photovoltaic cell made of silicon, a semiconductor material, that generates about 12 percent of the electricity it produces when exposed to sunlight.





Rural industrial upgrading: Fruit industry, agriculture and micro-tourism


Upgrade the diversity of orange planting in the village and introduce more varieties. At the same time, shanggang village's strong and excellent characteristic industry - tile grey chicken breeding, and the village's characteristic farmhouse music to complete the diversified business. The first industry farming paradise and orange forest in the village have been developed and upgraded, focusing on fruit forest sightseeing and agricultural research base.








 Village Appearance Upgrade


Roads and sewerage


27 buildings and roads in the village were renovated to realize hard paving to every household, and a new drainage ditch of 780 meters was built, which greatly improved the drainage problem in the village.




Optimization ideas originated from the local


The preservation and optimization of village appearance is what designers like most and are good at, but they should respect the site and local culture, and the optimized materials should come from the local area. Looking for old objects and SLATE tiles, tiles and bamboo as decorative materials can maximize the preservation of the original area at a low cost.







Reflection and outlook




What is the focus of rural revitalization projects? Regardless of industry or mode, people is the ultimate meaning.

The team wanted to retain more of the production and management habits of fruit farmers and farmers, but also to give play to the advantages of a larger plot. In this design process, it is necessary to truly adjust measures to local conditions and choose the best. The advantage of countryside is its unique village landform and historical culture, but its disadvantage is degeneration and inactivation.

What we need to do is the degeneration of weaknesses and the activation of strengths.


After the completion of the project, Nanchang TV station made a special report on it, and successfully became the promotion point of "rural revitalization Demonstration point" in Anyi County. We expect the villagers and all kinds of industrial personnel to live and work here, and shanggang Village will inherit its advantages with a new look.













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