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The lessons of rewilding

Restoring what has been lost in the natural world holds answers to tackling the dual challenge of climate change and biodiversity loss. AECOM’s Chris White looks at the lessons being learnt from rewilding projects in the Scottish Highlands and San Diego’s backcountry in southern California.


面对气候变化与生物多样性减少的双重挑战,我们可以采取重建自然生态的解决方案。AECOM的环境科学专家Chris White针对位于苏格兰高地与南加州圣地亚哥偏远地带的再野化项目,开展了相关分析与反思。

The impact of climate change has been felt in the number of extreme weather events around the world that many of us have experienced — from record heatwaves resulting in destructive and sometimes deadly wildfires to severe floods. These are not one- offs: a landmark study released this summer by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said hotter temperatures are here to stay.



68% Biodiversity decline globally in population sizes across all species between 1970 and 2016.

68% 是1970年至2016年间,全球生物种群规模缩小的比例。

This means severe weather events will happen more frequently, its scientists predict.

Exacerbating these impacts, manmade damage to natural habitat is causing a biodiversity crisis. The Living Planet Report 2020, by the World Wide Fund for Nature and Zoological Society of London, warned that biodiversity was “crashing,” with a 68 percent decline globally in population sizes across all species between 1970 and 2016.

科学家预测极端天气将在未来更频繁出现。自然栖息地所遭受的人为侵害不仅加剧了气候变化带来的负面影响,也引发了生物多样性危机。世界自然基金会(World Wide Fund)与伦敦动物学会(Zoological Society of London)共同发表的2020年版《地球生命力报告(The Living Planet Report)》警告称,生物多样性“正急剧下降”,1970年至2016年间,全球各生物种群规模已缩减了68%。

According to data from the United Nations Development Programme, worldwide natural capital — our stock of renewable or non-renewable natural resources — has declined by almost 40 percent per person since the early 1990s. But it’s hard to put a value on our natural habitats until they become damaged or degraded, when it suddenly becomes clear that their contribution — the natural capital they hold — is priceless.


Part of the answer to these twin crises may already exist — in nature. If we look to rainforests and peat bogs, for example, they draw carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and store it. Getting the mix of vegetation right has been shown to keep wildfires manageable. Importantly, such nature-based solutions tackle both climate change and loss of biodiversity at the same time.




Drones can be used to track the impact on the environment in real time.


Services provided by nature 


To help organizations with land stewardship responsibilities who want to make a positive contribution to tackling these global crises, we have developed approaches that will allow them to take better decisions on how they interact with and invest in their land.


We are working on significant rewilding projects in two very different habitats — the Highlands of Scotland and San Diego’s backcountry in southern California — with similar aims. Both will restore biodiversity, start to address the impact of manmade climate change and build resilience. 


Loch Ness and San Diego.png

Countryside around Loch Ness, Scotland.


San Diego’s backcountry.


A third project is also getting underway in southwestern Australia. Restoring habitats in each of these places is achieving the multiple benefits of capturing and storing carbon dioxide, halting biodiversity loss and making operations more resilient.


The approaches we have developed on these and other projects can be replicated to allow landowners to be better stewards of their land. The first step is to rigorously assess the natural capital — what it is, how much of it you have and how you can build it up or restore it if damaged. To reduce the cost of the repetitive processes needed to acquire and analyze data on natural assets, technology is key. Such tools measure progress in a scalable and verifiable way, which is crucial for giving investors and shareholders the confidence to support this new, quantifiable and commercially valuable relationship with nature.


In Scotland, we set up the Natural Capital Laboratory (NCL) in partnership with the Lifescape Project, landowners Roger and Emilia Leese, and the University of Cumbria at a site near Loch Ness.

在苏格兰,AECOM与Lifescape Project、土地所有者Roger Leese与Emilia Leese以及位于尼斯湖畔的坎布里亚大学通力合作,建立了自然资本实验室(以下简称NCL)。


位于苏格兰高地的实验室,是场地内唯一的建筑(图片版权:Chris Coupland Photography)

The laboratory at night, showing the only building on the site (image courtesy of Chris Coupland Photography)

Here the team are using principles from the Commission on Ecosystem Management established by the International Union for Conservation of Nature to restore 100 acres of forest, connect communities and reintroduce lost species. Producing tangible metrics is a key aspect of the project: using technology such as drones, artificial intelligence, robot rovers and to track the impact on the environment in real time, and assigning financial values to the services provided by nature, such as the amount of carbon captured on site and the changes in biodiversity.


Over five years between 2019 and 2024, the project will capture data about environmental conditions at the site, such as soil and water quality, using our digital natural capital accounting tool. It will also act as a live experiment to develop, test and commercialize new tools and approaches for better managing the environment. The work has attracted the interest of prominent conservationists, including Charles, Prince of Wales, whose TV company has made a documentary about the project — as has the BBC’s Countryfile series — and the results are being closely watched.


Technician taking recordings of the site: 技术人员录音


A digital 3D virtual reality model based on drone fly-over showing the whole site 基于无人机拍摄,实现的整个场地3D数字虚拟现实模型


From the outset, our aim was to establish a flagship project to show other companies and organizations how they could set up their own rewilding initiatives, providing tools and approaches that can reduce the costs of such projects and allow organizations to undertake them at scale. As part of this we developed a virtual-reality tool which will enable people to put on a headset and see what the ecology of the area will look like in a future rewilded landscape.


The broader aim of NCL is to build a connected series of sites across the world, creating a global laboratory designed to develop new approaches to tackling the climate and biodiversity crises.

“We know that rewilding the land and allowing nature to take back control is an inherently good thing to do, but what is exciting about this work is that it arms us with quantitative and financial metrics with which we can demonstrate the practical value to society of restoring ecological processes,” says Adam Eagle, CEO of the Lifescape Project.


The Lifescape Project首席执行官Adam Eagle表示,“对土地实施再野化、恢复自然生态功能不仅是一件好事,项目本身所提供的量化指标与金融指标,还能让全社会清晰认识到保护生态系统的现实价值,意义深远。”

To this end, the team are now beginning the launch of NCL South in southwestern Australia, to restore biodiversity to an area damaged by forest fires and intensive agriculture, using the model developed in Scotland. We are working with the Western Australia Biodiversity Science Institute (WABSI) to help rehabilitate hundreds of acres of degraded land. The wider region is home to one-third of all Australian plant species and is one of most biodiverse places in the world. The NCL South site will demonstrate what can be achieved through restoration, and how rewilded sites can also provide important value within a farming or other commercial landscape.

为达成这一目标,AECOM团队已开始在澳大利亚西南地区设立NCL South站点。当地有一片区域曾受到森林大火与集约农业的破坏,通过沿用在苏格兰开发的模型,以着力恢复该区域的生物多样性。与西澳大利亚生物多样性科学研究院(Western Australia Biodiversity Science Institute, WASBI)共同合力复原的退化土地,十分广阔,面积达数百英亩,植物种类数量占澳大利亚全国的三分之一,是全球生物多样性最丰富的地区之一。NCL South将展示生态复原的丰硕成果,也将体现再野化地区如何在农业及其他商业领域发挥重要价值。

“Recognizing and effectively communicating the true value of the world’s natural landscapes and biodiversity is a major challenge that needs to be overcome if we are to see rapid and large-scale change in the way we manage and restore our ecosystems,” says Dr. Renee Young, research director for biodiversity conservation and restoration at WABSI. “The Natural Capital Laboratory is a prime example of leading-practice ecological restoration; it provides detailed Natural Capital Accounting for the ecosystem services and connects to a global audience through an interactive and visually engaging digital platform. The NCL’s design and principles have the potential to become a major contributor to solving the global biodiversity crisis.”

WASBI生物多样性保护和修复研究总监Renee Young博士表示:“通过提高公众对于全球自然环境与生物多样性所蕴含真正价值的认知,生态系统的管理与恢复能够进一步加快进程、扩大其效能范围。NCL是生态复原实践领域的杰出范例。这一项目不仅能使用自然资本核算,对生态系统的具体贡献进行了详细的记录;还能通过交互式的视觉性电子互动平台,触及世界各地的人群。在优秀的设计理念与准则的驱动下,NCL有可能成为解决全球生物多样性危机的主力。”

While some changes will happen relatively quickly, others are a far more long-term commitment. A wetland habitat or grassland can be restored in a short time, but for a forest habitat it may take hundreds of years to have a fully-functioning woodland system with species diversity. The good news is that intermediary habitats during the restoration period form important ecosystems, too.


We are now fully aware of the extent of the climate and biodiversity crises, and there is growing recognition of the critical need for companies to play a positive role in tackling these dilemmas. In order for organizations to remain relevant in future, they will have to adopt bold new approaches to demonstrate how all of us as a society can tackle the two most far-reaching challenges of our times.



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