昆山玉湖湿地公园城市设计和景观规划 | HM华墨国际
阅读:10533 2020-11-05








Location: Kunshan, Jiangsu Province

Site Area: 114.25ha

Construction Area: 1037000㎡

Design Date: 2009.04~2010.09

Completion: Under Construction


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项目基地中央为面积500 多亩的玉湖,外围有陶店河、川家库河、风雷河环绕,自然景观得天独厚。本项目将低碳概念充分融入方案设计,欲打造一个以玉湖为依托,以低碳技术为特色的可持续生态公园。总体规划划分了“6+1”功能区,各功能区呈扇形围绕玉湖向心分布。

YU Lake, which covers an area of 500 mu, is in the centre of the site. Taodian River, Chuan Jiaku River, Fenglei River are all surrounding the site and form a unique natural scene. The project fully follows the idea of “low-carbon”and aims at establish a sustainable ecological park which depends on Yu Lake and is characterised with low-carbon technology. The whole planning is separated in “6+1”parts. All the parts distribute toward the center and form a fanshpe.

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园区通过7 项低碳节能技术实现低碳目标:

1. 低碳规划:园区规划布局考虑建筑物的朝向、通风,以及微地形营造、植物配置,合理的交通流线,达到低碳化甚至是零碳化运作。

2. 建筑本体低碳:设计建筑时,充分考虑太阳能、自然通风和采光系统、外遮阳系统、保温节能系统、合理的结构体系、环保节能材料的运用,


3. 机电设备系统低碳:园区采用世界一流的温湿度独立控制系统、水、地源热泵系统、带新风的VRV 系统、热回收设备、变频技术、


4. 节水技术:针对雨污废水,利用收集处理系统,回收中水及雨水用于绿化灌溉和清洁车辆。

5. 垃圾处理技术:利用垃圾分类回收系统处理园区垃圾。

6. 绿色照明技术:园区室外均采用感应控制风光互补路灯、LED 夜间照明、自发光标等绿色照明技术将其打造成不夜城。

7. 测控系统:利用自控系统分项计量合理分配建筑物内能源使用。


THIS Park fulfilling the low-carbon goal by these following saving energy technology:

1. Low-carbon Planning: The layout of this park considers the orientation, ventilation, as well as microtopography

of the building construction, plant configuration, reasonable traffic flow line, to low-carbon or

even zeros carbon operations.

2. carbon body building: While we designing the building, we fully considerate solar energy, natural ventilation

and lighting systems, exterior shading systems, thermal insulation systems, reasonable structure system, use of

environmentally friendly energy-saving materials, to make the project both economic and energy!

3. Low-carbon Electrical Equipment System: We chose a world-class independent temperature and humidity

control system, water, ground source heat pump systems, VRV system with fresh air, heat recovery equipment,

inverter technology, radiant floor heating systems, renewable energy and other low-lift carbon mechanical

and electrical equipment systems.

4. Saving water technology: For rain and sewage wastewater collection and treatment systems use, recycling

water and rainwater for irrigation of green and clean vehicles.

5. Garbage recycle technology: the use of Garbage separation and recycle system processing park trash.

6. Green lighting technology: The outdoor sensors are used to control wind and solar lights, LED night light, selfluminous

logo and other green lighting technology to build a light city in the night.

7. monitoring and control system: The use of sub-metering automation systems rational allocation of energy

use in buildings.

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1. 特色型原则


2. 功能性原则。



3. 时代性原则



4. 生态性原则




Design principles:

1.Characteristic principle

On the basis of fully interpret planning and party a will. In kunshan to build theme parks reflect the

characteristics of low carbon industry.

2.The functional principle

Fully considering the tourist entertainment, popular science education, science and technology demonstration

function, environment, landscape function and base together, mutual development, injected vitality to the

park's sustainable development.

3.Modernity principles

Our landscape design is different from the general scenic natural type technique, through the building,

structure, terrain and the material construction, highlight field of spirit and culture.

4.Ecological principle

Through to the yushan lake governance, and strive to create a, which is based on Yushan lake,which are

characterized by low-carbon technologies of sustainable ecological park.

——  END  ——

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