多彩又温馨的美学设计语言——新如家Homeinn NEO。酒店坐落于中国上海市浦东区浦建路1151号。始于位于苏州的如家酒店集团总部基地规划和建筑设计,logon罗昂2011年开始和如家酒店集团合作,见证了如家集团的业务定位不断提升,品牌形象持续更新的关键过程。相同的工作方法,截然不同的设计语言和概念,7年中,logon罗昂室内设计了如家酒店集团旗下的3个系列品牌的七个酒店项目,分布在北京、上海、杭州等地。在下一期讲述如家精选Homeinn plus系列品牌之前,今天我们讲述的是Homeinn NEO,如家Homeinn系列最新品牌 NEO。
logon interior team has applied a new branding concept to the new Homeinn NEO with colorful and homely aesthetic language. Located at 1151 Pujian Road, Pudong district, Shanghai. Starting with urban and architecture design of Homeinn headquarters, logon began working with Homeinn group in 2011. Since then logon has successfully applied different interior concepts to three series of the hotel brands, together seven hotels across Shanghai, Beijing and Hangzhou. Before we introduce Homeinn plus next time, today we will talk about the Homeinn NEO the latest brand of Homeinn series.
如家NEO产品的美学理念专注于舒缓的空间曲线以及简约的线条。这些线条代表了如家这棵品牌大树近年来每一年的蓬勃成长、开枝散叶,以及脱胎换骨般嬗变的风采。线条分为三个层次,分别代表了如家酒店1.0 时代,1.5时代,以及第三层次的3.0时代。所有这些元素都应用在了酒店的细节设计当中,如墙体、地毯、挂毯等,都充分体现了酒店品牌文化的传承。
The aesthetic concept for Homeinn Neo, focuses on simple lines with soft curving edges. These lines are a representation of the growth and evolution the brand has had over the last years like those that emerge on the trunk of a tree every year as it grows. The lines are used in sets of three: one that represents Homeinn 1.0, the other Homeinn 1.5 and the third one Homeinn 3.0. These elements are placed all through out the design on details such as the walls, rugs and tapestry, as symbol of the heritage emblem of Homeinn.
酒店文化的传承图示 Heritage Emblem Concept Diagram
环状花纹和梅色细节 Ring patterns and plum details
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Homeinn系列NEO品牌定位目标人群为:年轻时尚,注重舒适的居住体验,希望入住体验物有所值的年轻人群。设计师为NEO的目标客群,选择定制了温暖雅致又舒适的低饱和色彩元素。浅蓝色NEO Blue作为品牌的标示色,被谨慎的选择,取代历史上一直沿用的红色和黄色,让如家快捷品牌焕然一新,同时,NEO Blue也成为如家快捷Homeinn重生的见证者。梅红色NEO Red作为点缀色,也被入选见证Homeinn的重生,使用在酒店家具的线条以及设计灯具细节上,让小空间顿添活力,减少了压抑感。主打色和点缀色的设计元素,融合在NEO的每一个空间里,丰满了NEO品牌的认知度。
The target market of Homeinn NEO: young and trendy people traveling with a budget, but that still want comfort in return for their money. Designed for this target group, the low saturation color pallet is chosen to provide a warm and elegant visual sense to the space. The use of light blue, NEO Blue, mark the style of the hotel. The NEO blue was carefully chosen to refresh the image of the brand, since the main two colors had always been red and yellow. The brand is a rebrith of the Homeinn brand and the NEO Blue is a symbol to this rebirth. NEO Blue is highlighted with splashes of plum color , NEO Plum, that enlivens the small spaces without overpowering them. Plum color is found in the linings of the furniture and on details of lighting fixtures. These design details glue all the elements together for a well rounded branding across the hotel.
配色方案 Color pallet
家具中的梅色衬里 plum lining on furniture
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The lobby is a warm space with lounge sitting, where wood, fabrics and ceramics are used to give the entrance a welcoming and homey aesthetic. The same design concept, the colors, the lines and the materials, is carried to the dining room with materials like wood, fabric and ceramic.
如家酒店前台及大堂休息厅 Homeinn Reception and Lobby
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大堂休息厅 Lobby Lounge
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餐厅与色彩应用 Dining Area and color pallet application
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简约又丰富,搭配独特的装饰元素是NEO的客房。酒店配有32套客房,其中27套面积为20平米的标间,以及5套面积为32平米的豪华套房。所有客房都被重新改造成统一的设计风格,采纳了与酒店其他空间相似概念的设计元素。窗帘的布艺设计增强了客房的装饰感,麻织布料上图案是典型的NEO空间装饰图案。窗帘使用不同布料的组合,带有标志性装饰的窗帘图案,与背景墙上的主题装饰图案形成平衡感。主题装饰图案上三种不同颜色的搭配,也是品牌三种线条的体现。和灯具的色彩设计语言一样,家具的设计也同样使用了梅红色的局部点缀;和其他的家具一样使用了木质的材料,体现质感。代表品牌的材料和色彩在NEO品牌中的各个细节中都得到了体现。最后但也具有亮点的是客房卫生间设计,非典型的设计让三件套不再典型。洗手盆使用木质的箱体,重要景观墙面使用NEO Blue 的瓷砖,都让Homeinn系列NEO品牌体现了“如家”般的温暖。
The rooms maintain simple and sophisticated look with a unique kick in the decor. The hotel has 32 rooms in total, 27 standard rooms with 20m² each, plus 5 suites with 32 m² each. They have been remodeled in the same style as the common spaces with same design elements. Window treatments details are created with curtains in different fabrics to create balance and combined with an emblematic botton which is placed on the wall in every room made out hemp fabric. Branding is carried into the room with a reinterpretation of the lines achived through colors and layers around the button emblem. The plum details are present in the light fixtures and furniture as well as the wood that can be found in the bed furniture and desk. All materials and colors are extracted from the main color pallet created for the Homeinn Neo, all these details hold the brand image and atmosphere though out all spaces of the hotel. Last but not least the bathroom is equipped with shower, toilet and sink for each room. The wood is present in the sink cabinet and walls are highlighted with ceramic light blue tiles, are all important elements to creating the homey atmosphere designed by logon.
客房 Rooms
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Detail of the button emblem with Homeinn pattern fabric
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Curtain window treatment with Homeinn pattern fabric
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浴室 Bathroom
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