成都独角兽岛概念方案全球征集OMA胜出 | OMA Wins Unicorn Island Design Competition
阅读:11350 2018-05-15

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2018年5月14日,成都 – 独角兽岛项目建设总体设计概念方案全球征集 – OMA为其制定的设计方案成功获选,成为优秀方案之一。由成都天府新区政府启动的本次国际设计竞赛具有高定位、高目标的规划愿景,希望将独角兽岛建设打造成为中国经济转型的代表。



OMA在近期进行了多个针对数码科技产业工作环境的创新探索设计,例如Axel Springer柏林新总部等。独角兽岛总体设计将进一步拓展OMA在该领域的设计经验。

OMA在此次竞赛中与交通顾问MIC和气候顾问Transsolar进行合作。总体设计概念方案由OMA合伙人、亚洲区负责人Chris van Duijn先生领导。


OMA Wins Design Competition for Unicorn Island in Chengdu

Chengdu, May 14, 2018 – OMA’s design for Unicorn Island in Chengdu, China, has been selected as a winning entry in an international design competition. The ambitious design competition was initiated by the Chengdu Government, and has the potential to become a symbol of China’s changing economy.

Unicorn Island is an innovative masterplan specifically designed for New Economy companies, which are a key driver of China’s economic transition from a production oriented to a knowledge and service based economy. The masterplan contains a wide repertoire of working and living conditions and is specifically designed for both start-up tech companies and established Unicorn companies (companies with a value of 1B USD). 

Developed to function as creative incubator, the island is organized into three rings. At the heart of the project is the Living Lab, an ‘Innovation Engine’ for the companies, which is also open to visitors to experience the otherwise invisible ‘back-end’world of the New Economy. Branching out from this core is the weave zone, a village-like development which houses a mix of different office types, a residential program and amenities providing a creative environment with generous opportunities for informal encounters. The perimeter of the island is formed by the headquarters of the Unicorn companies, the ultimate state of a tech company. Their headquarters can blossom at the outer circle of the weave along the waterfront. 

The project further develops OMA’s recent work which challenges the workspace of the digital industry, such as the design for the new Axel Springer HQ in Berlin.

OMA collaborated on this project with traffic consultants MIC and climate engineers Transsolar. The design was led by OMA’s  Partner & Director of OMA Asia, Chris van Duijn. 

For more information on OMA’s current work in Asia, join Chris’ lecture at The University of Hong Kong on May 15. Details of the event can be found here: http://www.arch.hku.hk/event_/oma-asia-work-in-progress/  

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