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阅读:5145 2018-08-24


logon.design is a German-Chinese contemporary design firm that offers innovative urban, architecture and interior design solutions. logon has worked on a large number of mandates from office spaces, business headquarters, business parks, to adaptive reuse and modernization projects, lifestyle parks and other public facilities. logon.design continues to feature among the top 20 of international design firms of China.


Senior Architect

o 8 years or above of work experience, experience in public-facility projects in terms of full-circle phases;

o Good concept design or proficient in Building Codes and drawing review;

o Project Management know-how is a plus.


Junior Architect

o Has relevant internship or fulltime work experience. With good design software skills;

o Passionate about architectural concept design or the full circle of architectural design;

o Competent to manage the design software, e.g. Revit or Rhino, AutoCAD,Photoshop, Sketchup.


Interior Designer

o 1- year or above work experience in interior design filed interms of office buildings, co-working space, hospitality, renovation projects;

o Competent to manage the design software, e.g. AutoCAD,Photoshop, Sketchup; Proficient in 3D Max, Rhino is a plus.

Design Interns

o Architecture design, Urban Design, Landscape Design or GraphicDesign related major;

o 3 - work day per week or a duration of full-time internship;

o Paid internship allowance offered and prior to be employed.


Applications consisting of CV andportfolio can be sent digitally marked with the position applied (PDF, max. 5MB) via 



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logon has won the design competition of Kunshan Industry Park.

logon has won the design competition of Jining Taibai Lake Urban Planning.

logon hasbeen selected as the service provider for the project of Everbright Mingyue Hotel Renovation.

logon has been selected as theservice provider for the project of Nanjing Audit Universityfor the Preliminary Urban Planning services.

logon has won the design competition of Jining Chuangye North and South Plot Office Building.


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