声明: 关于网文《SASAKI这个4000万设计费的项目,都在做什么?》
阅读:7767 2018-11-16


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微信公众号“鬼鬼匠”(账号:UPUP131)于11月12日发布的《SASAKI这个4000万设计费的项目,都在做什么?》一文之中, 错误地声称 “深圳市罗湖“三横四纵”道路沿线视觉一体化丶罗湖火车站及广深铁路沿线(罗湖段)城市设计国际竞赛”的相关资讯。为避免不良影响继续扩大,保护Sasaki的合法权益,Sasaki现对该文章以及相关事件做出如下声明:  

1. 文章标题中所声明的4000万项目设计费用乃不实虚报。项目设计费用属于Sasaki与相关单位之间的商业机密,文中通过不可信的消息进行臆测,对Sasaki的商业信誉造成极其不良的影响。

2. 文中所使用的图片,知识产权归Sasaki以及相关业主所有。“鬼鬼匠”为获取商业利益, 在未取得Sasaki以及相关业主授权的情况下就使用了Sasaki的设计成果。该行为侵犯了Sasaki以及相关业主的知识产权及其它相关权益。      


1. 删除微信公众号中《SASAKI这个4000万设计费的项目,都在做什么?》一文,并主动清除相关转载文章。

2. 通过公众号以及有影响力的其他媒体,发表致歉声明,澄清相关事件的原委,承认对Sasaki商业信誉及知识产权的侵犯。




Disclaimer: An article titled “《SASAKI这个4000万设计费的项目,都在做什么?》 that Wechat account 鬼鬼匠 (gui gui jiang) published on November 12 promoted inaccurate information and messaging. To avoid further negative impact from spreading and to protect Sasaki’s legal rights, Sasaki is now making a disclaimer on this article and related issues stemming from the damaging distribution of false information:

1. The fee of this project design that this article printed is incorrect. The actual design fee is not publicly shared and is a private figure negotiated between Sasaki and relevant parties. The article calculated the design fee entirely independently, based on unverified information and faulty assumptions. This has resulted in considerable, undue damage to Sasaki’s commercial reputation. 

2. The images the article used are the intellectual property of Sasaki and their client. The Wechat account鬼鬼匠 (gui gui jiang) was not authorized by Sasaki nor the client to use these images and used Sasaki’s design work for commercial gain. This behavior violates Sasaki’s and client’s rights as the authors and owners of these images.

Considering the wide distribution of this article and ensuing damage done to Sasaki and their clients, to protect Sasaki and relevant parties’ legal interests, Sasaki requests that Wechat account 鬼鬼匠 (gui gui jiang) take the following immediate steps:

1. Delete the article on WeChat immediately and actively advocate that other WeChat channels delete reposts of the article.

2. Post an apology statement through WeChat and all their media account(s) and share that apology with other influential media, clarifying this event and acknowledging damage done to Sasaki’s commercial reputation and violation of rightful use of images that are the intellectual property of Sasaki and relevant parties. 

Both Sasaki and relevant parties condemn the use of false information in this article. Please refer all questions to media@sasaki.com. 

If the negative effects of sharing the article titled, “《SASAKI这个4000万设计费的项目,都在做什么?》posted by Wechat account 鬼鬼匠 (gui gui jiang) continue to proliferate, Sasaki reserves the right to take legal action. 

ARCHINA 所有平台上发布的项目、招聘、资讯等内容,部分由第三方提供或系统自动收录。资料版权属于第三方,若信息不实或涉及版权问题,需要版权方和第三方沟通,ARCHINA 将配合对接,并在确认无误后删除涉及版权问题的信息,相应的法律责任均由资料提供方承担。
我们很荣幸的宣布Sasaki 有三个项目荣获 2020 年 MIPIM Asia 大奖,并有四个项目获得波士顿建筑师协会(Boston Society of Architects, BSA)设计奖。恭喜 Sasaki 的设计团队及所有的得奖者。
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Sasaki 很高兴能携手波士顿市政府、市长沃尔什(Marty Walsh)、波士顿公园与游憩管理局及局长瑞安·伍兹(Ryan Woods),使广受欢迎的波士顿地标科普利广场焕然一新。本项目刚刚进入公众参与阶段,项目设计与执行工作将于未来两年陆续展开。
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我们高兴地宣布 Sasaki 总共四个项目荣获了本年度波士顿景观设计师协会(BSLA)的专业奖项,其中上海徐汇跑道公园荣获设计组别荣誉奖,加拿大多伦多的湖畔村总体规划、信阳学院南湾校区校园规划以及武汉长江主轴滨水公园则分别获得分析及规划组别的优胜奖。
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如大家所知,Sasaki 是一家全球性跨领域的设计事务所,在美国马萨诸塞州波士顿市和中国上海市均设有据点。今天我们正式宣布将在科罗拉多州丹佛市开设新办公室,以便更好地服务于美国西部和加拿大的客户。
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