普利斯设计集团任命Beth Toon担任首席执行官
阅读:3497 2019-02-27

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普利斯设计集团很高兴地宣布任命Beth Toon为集团首席执行官。该职位是这家规划和设计咨询公司新设立的。她将以长期发展和成功为使命,带领集团踏入新的征途。

Planning and Design Consultancy, Place Design Group are thrilled to announce the appointment of Beth Toon as Chief Executive Officer. The newly created role has been introduced to lead the next phase of the organisation, with a commitment to long-term growth and success.

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Joining Place Design Group in 2013, and as first female appointed to the board in 2016, Mrs Toon’s unique knowledge, understanding and passion for the business, its people and service offering, are testament to her promotion to this role. 


Mrs Toon is looking forward to leading the business, with a continued people focused, future driven mentality.


“I am humbled by the immense support the Board have given me and incredibly excited to lead Place Design Group in the role of CEO. The business has gone from strength to strength over its 17 years of operations and I am excited to progress our business strategy aligned with our vision where we continue to place clients and culture at the centre of everything we do,” Mrs Toon says.

“我期待着与包括执行董事Shaun Munday,澳大利亚区规划总监Chris Isles,澳大利亚区设计总监Andrew Comer和中国区执行董事Mark Burgess在内的集团管理团队并肩努力,推动集团在亚太地区的可持续性发展和成功。”Beth继续表示。

“I look forward to partnering with our wider Executive team, including Managing Director, Shaun Munday, Australia Planning Director, Chris Isles, Australia Design Director, Andrew Comer and Managing Director China, Mark Burgess, to drive sustainability and succession across our Pan Asia operations” Mrs Toon says.

在过去一年中,普利斯设计集团在澳大利亚的许多地方参与了重要的城市重塑的项目;Beth的任命将使执行董事Shaun Munday更关注于推动这些项目及领导集团开展客户关系和战略合作相关的工作。

Place Design Group have been appointed across critical city-shaping projects Australia wide over the last 12 months, and Mrs Toon’s appointment will enable the organisation to position Mr Munday, who remains as Managing Director with Place Design Group, to not only drive many of these projects but lead client relationships and strategic partnerships for the group.

普利斯设计集团董事会主席Ian Klug是集团业务发展和Beth Toon任命的重要推动者,他对于集团未来的方向、愿景和战略表示认同。

Ian Klug, Chairman of Place Design Group, has been an integral part of the business evolution and Mrs Toon’s appointment, and is pleased with the future direction, vision and strategy for the company.


“I have all confidence in Beth’s appointment to the position of CEO, and know the executive, and all of our teams across Australia and China will have continued success as the business moves into this new phase,” Mr Klug says.


With teams across Australia, China, and South-East Asia, Place Design Group is an award-winning leader in planning, design and consultation, with a reputation for creative and commercial solutions.

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