快讯 | ASPECT Studios受邀参加2019越南基础建设大会
阅读:2466 2019-07-30


7月25-26日,ASPECT Studios全球商务总监Maarten Buijs和ASPECT上海工作室执行商务总监谢薇共同出席了于胡志明市举办的“2019越南基础建设大会”。

From July 25 to 26, Maarten Buijs, ASPECT Studio’s Commercial Director and Vivi Xie, Associate Business Director of ASPECT’s Shanghai studio, attended the Infrastructure Vietnam 2019 conference in Ho Chi Minh City.

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Maarten was invited to speak at the conference on behalf of ASPECT, and presented works we have undertaken in Australia, especially related to the refurbishment and re-integration of rail infrastructure in existing urban areas and in particular how these older urban areas are rejuvenated, redefined and made relevant for current urban needs and stakeholders.

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ASPECT Studios全球商务总监Maarten Buijs受邀进行发言


The Infrastructure Vietnam 2019 conference is organised to provide a platform addressing the infrastructure needs to meet the rapid development of the country. ASPECT is very honored to share our experience in infrastructure projects with participants from Asian countries. We will take a global view and actively participate in city shaping in the future.

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