阅读:2698 2020-01-18



Gansu, a former trading hub along the Silk Road, our conceptual masterplan design draws on its history and the influence of one belt one road policy to create an innovative urban model for livable city. RSP’s winning design forthe new city will feature university villages, R&D, offices, residential plots together with cultural & innovation hubs and high value added industrial belt along the rivers and mountains to build a strong connection to local context. Among three urban cells well integrated with a bold green and blue framework, a large Central Park will be designated for urban forest flanked by regional creative headquarters and pedestrian shopping streets, exhibition centre, art and cultural facilities and science museum etc.


甘肃是丝绸之路上的重要贸易枢纽,我们的概念性总体规划设计再续丝路辉煌,在一带一路的大背景下引进创新规划模式, 打造兰州城市副中心,西部创新主平台。RSP的总体规划将包括大学村、研发、办公、居住、文化创新中心,以及沿山体与河流之间高附加值产业带,建立与文脉的紧密联系。三个城市细胞功能单元与蓝绿系统框架有机结合,中部大型中央公园旨在创造城市森林,联系两侧矗立的区域性创新总部基地、步行购物街、会展中心、艺术文化设施与科技博物馆等。

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Our design will pioneer future industries, especially those related to urban sustainability and cultural renewal in a livable city. We conceptualized a multi-level green space system integrated with a three-dimensional pedestrian walking system from underground to sky bridge to protect and enrich the local natural ecology while catering to its community’s needs.



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Low-carbon principles and multiple intelligent energy utilization techniques have also been weaved into the city’s design core infrastructure to sustain the environment and foster a culture of green innovation.



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Where Lanzhou used to connect East and West through its strategic location along the Silk Road, it will now connect past and future as a sustainable home for culture heritage and eco-innovation.



Design team 项目组成员:

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Aung Phyoe, Lin Yin (林殷), Khine Zin Zin Thwe, Deven Saxena, Chen Hong (陈红), Jose Paau (包俊明), Kim Seon Hee (金善姬), Ratna Delia Octaviana, Moe Pwint Phyu. 

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