阅读:4014 2020-05-30




This is Part I of Charting Possible Futures for Physical Retail, an on-going Dialogue Live series that explores retail design in the Greater China region.

In this episode, Retail Design Director Philip Handford and Digital Design Director Rainer Wessler explore new opportunities for retail spaces in the post-covid19 era.



 Philip: 我们在一起思考和展望,作为零售领域的推手,我们的设计将会如何发展。

Rainer: 我们虽然无法准确预测,零售业在未来一年会发生什么变化。但作为设计师,我们擅长的就是:描绘不同的场景,提出新的设想,勾画可能的未来,这是我们现在可以做的。

Philip: 后疫情时代,带着购买目的前来门店的客流,是否会进一步减少

Philip: We got together and reflecting forward at how our work as retail pacemakers could potentially evolve.

Rainer: We are not really in a place to reliably predict where retail is going to be in a year from now.
However what I think designers are good at is to draw different scenarios or to create provocations or possible futures that seem likely at this point.

Philip: Whether Post-Covid19, are we going to see even a smaller proportion of the traffic that goes to the store being goal-orientated?


Rainer: 我们对“campaign/营销剧场”的设想是:占据优质的商业位置,精致策划的品牌活动,成熟的活动执行能力,按照每双周或每月的频率,从空间到设计到内容的一体化的新型营销模式

Rainer: We call this new model 'campaign theaters'so the industry proposition of these platforms or campaign theaters would   be their awesome location, their really skillful curation of branded events, and their ability to execute campaigns flawlessly and quickly on a biweekly or monthly basis.

#1 Implication
品牌闪购  |  Product Drop Discovery


Philip: 关注线下零售体验,更多的转向营销活动和品牌闪购发布,从而带动电子商务平台不断增长,激发销售端增长。

Rainer: 这种新的商业设想可以帮助线上公司开始走向实体营销。也许未来我们会看到更多线下品牌向线上转型,只在必要的时候,借助“campaign/营销剧场”完成实体营销。

Philip: 内容是被创造出来的,这需要我们共同努力。

Philip: Reduce retail experiences more to campaign and product drop discovery and then wil lthe e-commerce platforms continue to grow and drive more the purchase.

Rainer: The provocative bet here is, you know while we have seen digital companies go physical, perhaps we’ll have in future more physically bred companies who will retreat towards digital and just really rely on these campaign theatres where it matters,

Philip: The content is created and there's also co-creation of content.

#2 Implication
内容引擎  |  Content Engine

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Philip: 我认为“campaign/营销剧场”是一个表演的舞台,它就像一个内容引擎,把信息从一个线下实体空间 传递给更广泛的线上受众

Philip: I think this campaign theater as a space where performances are staged and it comes a content engine driving this message from a physical context spaceto a wider a wide online audience."

#3 Implication 
模式化组件  |  Kit of Parts

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Rainer: 我们认为要想让“campaign/营销剧场”发挥作用,需要一套标准化的组件装置和软件,融合实体空间与数字化体验,可以快速转变形态,不用每次都重新设计空间,所以我们认为应该打造一套模块化组件,可以用来快速搭建营销活动场景。

Rainer: We think that in order for a campaign theater to work, you really need a kit of parts or a fixture setthat is most physical and digitaland that is made to change quickly without necessarily having to rethink the space completely all the time,so we believe thatthere is a modular set of components that is made to rebuild campaigns quickly.

#4 Implication 
可持续发展  |  Sustainability

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Rainer: 我们看到许多品牌都在强调可持续性,而这套组件正好能帮助品牌通过可持续的方式实现快速转变。不得不说,这是一个很酷的设计挑战。

RainerWe are seeing so many brands also placing emphasis on sustainability, so this kit of parts helps you to change quickly in an as sustainable fashion as possible, I would say. 
It's a cool design challenge to solve, I guess.

ARCHINA 所有平台上发布的项目、招聘、资讯等内容,部分由第三方提供或系统自动收录。资料版权属于第三方,若信息不实或涉及版权问题,需要版权方和第三方沟通,ARCHINA 将配合对接,并在确认无误后删除涉及版权问题的信息,相应的法律责任均由资料提供方承担。


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