UNStudio 为意大利著名家用品牌 Alessi 设计了一个新的儿童系列座椅和餐具。新系列儿童用品包含一个有趣的多功能座椅“ Doraff”,一套抛光的钢制餐具,一套具有可持续性的,防摔的,树脂与竹子合成的餐具套装。
UNStudio designed a new kid’s collection for Italian design brand Alessi. The new collection for children currently features ‘Doraff’, a playful hybrid seat, alongside a polished steel cutlery set and a sustainable, shatterproof melamine and bamboo tableware set.
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图片 Inga Powilleit
Ben van Berkel 说到:“设计是帮助孩子在安全玩乐的同时探索世界的理想工具。当为儿童构思产品时,是与成人不同的,会有更有趣的想法开始浮现在脑海里。您开始用孩子的思维来展开设计构想。孩子如何感知物体,形状,纹理和色彩?产品该如何激发孩子的想象力?或者您如何改进设计以激发游戏的乐趣,鼓励孩子的学习力和创造力?”
Benvan Berkel: “Design is the perfect vehicle to help children explore the world while having fun safely. When conceiving products for children, different, more playful ideas start to rise to the surface. You start to approach the design through the mind of a child. How dochildren experience objects, shapes, textures and colours? How will this product stimulate the child's imagination? Or how could you improve the design to encourage play, learning and creativity?”
Doraff 是一种新型的嬉戏家具,它将狗狗和长颈鹿的形状融合在一起,专为儿童打造的一个多功能物品。Doraff 既可以是桌子、椅子、躺椅,又可以是能帮助你够得高处物品的助手,同时还可以激发孩子在游戏中的想象力。孩子们可以想象他们正在骑着长颈鹿或正在与狗狗一起玩耍,亦或者他们可以轻松翻转轻巧的座椅,使用大小不同的表面来玩游戏、读书、吃饭或只是爬上去。
Doraff is a new type of playful furniture that combines the shapes of a dog and a giraffe into a versatile, multifunctional object for children. At once a table, a chair, a chaise longue and a helping hand to reach high places, Doraff also stimulates the child’s imagination during play. Children can imagine they are riding a giraffe or playing with their dog, or they can easily flip over the light weight figure to use the differently sized surfaces to play games, read, eat from or simply climb on.
坚固的 Doraff 有多种颜色可供选择,它是100%可回收的热塑性树脂材料做成的椅子,家具和玩具的综合体,它有设计感,可在各种位置和空间使用。
Available in a variety of colours, the robust Doraffis a 100% recyclable thermoplastic resin chair, a hybrid of a furniture piece and a toy, as well as a design object that can be used in a variety of locations.
图片 Inga Powilleit
Ben van Berkel 说到:“我一直很喜欢孩子们感知和探索周围世界的趣味;他们如何使他们的想象力超越理性的思维界限,如何使这种想象力从逻辑上得到解放,如何使最富有创造力和最奇妙的非理性思维和观念得以实现。这都是无数好奇心的使然,当他们试图了解他们的想象力在哪里结束时,就是他们的“成人世界”开始之时。”
Ben van Berkel: “I have always enjoyed the playfulness of how children perceive and explore the world around them; how the scope of their imagination allows them to think beyond rational boundaries, and how this liberation from logic enables the most creative and wonderfully irrational ideas and perceptions. This is often coupled with intense curiosity, as they try to understand where their imagination ends and ‘the world of the adult’ begins.”
图片 Matteo Imbrian
Giro 儿童系列餐具
Giro 儿童系列餐具包括儿童不锈钢刀叉和餐具套装。刀叉餐具的设计构想源于之前 Ben van Berkel 为 Alessi 设计的 Giro 餐具系列,新的为儿童设计的不锈钢刀叉餐具可让儿童模仿成人使用与大人相同的餐具,同时还帮助他们正确学习如何使用、握持和平衡餐具。手柄采用抛光钢制成,设计得易于握持,同时还考虑到平衡左右手儿童的使用。
Giro Kids Collection comprises achildren’s cutlery set and tableware. The cutlery originates from the Girocutlery collection designed by Ben van Berkel for Alessi and allows children to mimic adults by using the same utensils as they do, while also helping them to learn how to use, hold and balance their cutlery correctly. Made from polished steel, the twist in the handle enables grip and balance for both right and left-handed children.
图片 Matteo Imbrian
Tableware 餐具防摔的 Giro 儿童系列餐具使用明亮和对比鲜明的色彩,可以立刻吸引孩子的注意力。设计上采用儿童产品如碟子、碗和杯子中通常使用的原色,颜色有珊瑚红,天蓝色,油桃橙,薄荷绿,儿童可以随意组合,或声称某种颜色是自己的最爱。
The shatterproof Giro Kids Collection tableware uses bright and contrasting colors that have an instant appeal to children. Expanding upon the primary colours usually used in children’s products, the tableware set comprises a plate, bowl and cup in colours ranging from Coral Red and Azure Blue to Nectarine Orange and Minty Green - from which children can make combinations, or claim their favourite as their own.
图片由 Alessi 提供
柔和的曲线和宽阔的边缘易于儿童抓握,而可拆卸的防滑橡胶圈则可以将餐具固定在任何表面上,避免儿童进餐时的混乱。Giro 儿童系列餐具不含双酚A,由安全树脂和竹子混合制成,是一种高度环保,可在任何场合安全且使用的儿童餐具。
The gentle curves and wide edges enable easy grip, while detachable anti-slip rubber rings anchor the tableware to any surface, helping to avoid messy meal times. BPA-free and made from melamine and bamboo, the Giro Kids Collection tableware provides safe and highly sustainable children’s tableware for any occasion.