阅读:4425 2020-11-07


设 计 治 水 


由荷兰政府发起的“以水为谋-亚洲韧性城市设计 ” 获得了2020年荷兰设计奖-最佳委托奖。每一年的荷兰设计奖都会表彰最优秀的荷兰设计师及其项目,并在北欧最大设计盛事:荷兰设计周上举办颁奖典礼。MLA+很荣幸成为获奖项目“以水为谋”计划的合作伙伴之一,该项目获得了著名的荷兰设计奖“最佳委托”奖。




Water as Leverage – the program MLA+ is part of – won the Dutch Design Award 2020 for best commissioning


The Water as Leverage for Resilient Cities Asia (WaL) programme initiated by the Dutch government is the winner of the Dutch Design Awards 2020 in the ‘Best Commissioning’ category. Every year, Dutch Design Awards (DDA) honours the best Dutch designers and their projects. The DDA award ceremony is hold during Dutch Design Week, which is the largest design event in Northern Europe. MLA+ is very honored to be one of the partners of the awarded program Water as Leverage.


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全球城市逐渐开始面对气候变化所带来的挑战, 规划和设计人才的技术与创新都很有见地,但大多只适用于当下的社会和市场环境。面临气候变化问题的项目经常因其特殊性难以采用常规模型,需要寻找创新解决方案来推动进展。这其中的关键点“过程驱动”却常被设计师忽略,因此选择跨学科的团队和制定精准的设计要求变得越发重要。为了挑战当下的气候威胁,只有设计师是不够的,还需要优秀的委托方。获得最佳委托奖的 “以水为谋”项目和发起人荷兰水务大使Henk Ovink先生,正在全球范围内不懈地推动解决人类的最大挑战:水资源。


Designers all around the world are rising to face climate change. While their creative and technological efforts are often insightful, they can only be empowered if grounded in today’s society and market. Too often exceptional projects stay as such - exceptions - failing to provide a real alternative model for a scarcely-sustainable business as usual. Their weakness is mostly process-driven. Such key aspect appears to be undermined by designers, leaving a desperate need for interdisciplinary teams and enlightened design briefs. Now more than ever, to save the world designers are not enough. We also need good commissioners.


On this line of thinking, The DDA best commissioning winner: Water as Leverage and Henk Ovink have been active in promoting and initiating solutions for mankind’s biggest challenge: dealing with the currency of climate change – water.

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Photo credit to: Cynthia Van Elk (RVO) 








面对这一挑战,荷兰国际水务特使Henk Ovink先生发起了“以水为谋”项目,与荷兰国家商务机构一起,在东南亚三个城市(印度金奈市、孟加拉国库尔纳市和印度尼西亚三宝垄市)发起了治水项目。对于每个城市,都任命了两个项目小组来为“水与城市”的相关问题研究具体可行的解决方案。


Climate change is a reality and the most urgent challenge we are facing as mankind. Water has become the “oil of the 21st century” – a scarce good in many places. At the same time its availability in abundance has become the biggest issue in many other or even the same places. In South-east Asia these water challenges are bigger than elsewhere.


To take up this challenge, the Special Envoy for International Water Affairs, Henk Ovink, initiated Water as Leverage. Together with the national agency for the promotion of businesses RVO, Henk Ovink initiated an open call for projects in three cities across Asia: Chennai in India, Khulna in Bangladesh and Semarang in Indonesia. For each of the cities two teams were appointed to develop concrete and implementable solutions for the water related problems of the cities.

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Photo credit to: Cynthia Van Elk (RVO) 





Water as Leverage’s methodology combines research, design and implementation by setting up coalitions with both local and global stakeholders. It creates an inclusive platform for all partners: the communities, cities, businesses and governments of the cities and regions at risk; the developers, researchers, engineers and designers. It also includes partners from the public and private sector that fund the projects to make them a reality.


Water problems are interconnected issues that relates to socio-economic and cultural challenges. Therefore it cannot solely be the responsibility of water experts; designers, urban planners and policymakers also have the crucial task of examining how cities relates spatially to supply and management of the water and how consequent water issues correlate with global environment challenges. Water as Leverage approach stands out by seeing water-related processes become a driver for innovative urban planning strategies.

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MLA+ was selected as leader of the consortium ‘Cascading Semarang’ working with other local and international multidisciplinary partners to find solutions to the climate change challenges.


Semarang is a port city on the north coast of Java Island, Indonesia. Urbanization and climate change are increasingly threatening the city. Semarang is facing floods from the ocean and mountains, ground subsidence caused by long-term extraction of groundwater, and running-out usable water sources.


In Semarang, there has already implemented a series of measures: such as polders, seawalls and waterways to deal with the water-related disasters. Despite partial success, it did not solve the root cause of water shortage and land subsidence. Therefore, it is necessary to change the model, in order to break the vicious circle and begin to discover new opportunities how abundant water resources can bring to cities.


"Cascading Semarang" treats water as a benefit rather than a threat. The concept of "cascading" is added to the current water management system. A series of water resources storage and utilization elements are created with complementary and collaborative design methods. Semarang's water resources will be stored and used by the characteristic terrain to reduce the damage caused by water disasters.

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All knowledge and insights accumulated a global-and-local team that developed a comprehensive water masterplan. A series of five different strategies provided solutions to both resulting in a system collecting and storing rainwater and delaying or avoiding the runoff while adding new and needed qualities to Semarang. These solutions are covering the entire urban area of the city, breaking vicious cycles and adding new opportunities, under the motto “No single drop of water is lost!”


“Climate change and water challenges 
offer the opportunity to solve 
two problems at the same time
– water and city improvement!”

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Spongy mountain terrace uses the century old tradition of terrace farming and introduces it as a water storage system in the urban context. It allows to store significant amounts of water for the dry season and it introduces water in the urban context where it can become a unique quality.

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Rechannelling the city uses existing networks of canals and relinks them in such a way, that their purpose changes from quick release of storm water into the sea to a water storage and release system that provides public space qualities as well.

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Feeding the industry tackles one of the big causes for land subsidence in Semarang: ground water extraction by factories. Large new water reservoirs in the future provide surface water for industrial use.

Micro inventions – resilient Kampung look at surface and rainwater use in the different districts of Semarang. On a micro level, a collective water storage and management system can provide new economic opportunities and a theme around which neighbourhood upgrade can take place.
Recharging the aquifer finally refills the aquifers to reduce or eventually stop land subsidence.

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每个单独措施都将产生积极影响, 而结合起来的共同作用将有助于三宝垄应对当前的洪水和水资源短缺挑战。它让该市足以适应未来的城市增长,且在发展过程中避免环境恶化。增添的新品质将使这座城市成为当前和未来居民更宜居的场所。


Each measure alone will already have a positive impact. Together, will help Semarang dealing with its current flooding and water scarcity challenges but it will also enable the city to accommodate the future growth without worsening the problems. In the contrary: The new qualities added, will make the city a more liveable place for current and future residents.







Working with stakeholders and securing funds for the projects are two major steps in the process of this project.


The team produced initial ideas and concepts as a testing bed for meetings with local stakeholders and representatives of the local community. In a workshop, using serious gaming, the different ideas formulated were scrutinized, where possibly improved and discussed in the real context of Semarang and where they could provide solutions to existing problems.

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The comprehensive masterplan for Semarang is costly. But not taking action will be even more costly. Implementation cannot take place without funding from national and international financing institutions. To set first steps in reaching this milestone, all the different measures where assessed against their effect, their contribution to reaching the sustainable development goals and their funding needs. These findings were pitched in meetings with World Bank, Asian Infrastructure Development Bank, WWF and a number of other national and international funding bodies. Currently the projects are being structured in such a way, that they meet each of these party’s funding requirements.

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客 户
功 能
进 度
奖 项
2020荷兰设计奖 最佳委托奖
团 队
MLA+, Deltares, FABRICations, 
PT Witteveen+Bos Indonesia, 
INDIP, UNISSULA, IDN Liveable Cities

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