MVRDV创始合伙人Nathalie de Vries担任荷兰格罗宁根市总建筑师
阅读:2944 2020-11-30
11月25日,MVRDV创始合伙人Nathalie de Vries被任命为荷兰格罗宁根市(Groningen)的主建筑师,将于2021年1月1日起,正式领导格罗宁根城市建筑师团队,主持城市规划与建设。格罗宁根是荷兰北部最大的城市,也因这里著名的格罗宁根大学而被称为“大学之城”。

Nathalie de Vries, Founding Partner of MVRDV, has been named city architect of Groningen, the largest city in the north of the Netherlands and a university city with a large population of students. The appointment was announced during a press conference at the city hall on Wednesday, November 25. De Vries will head the municipality of Groningen’s City Architect Atelier from 1 January 2021.

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Nathalie de Vries


Founding Partner of MVRDV, City Architect of Groningen

作为格罗宁根市的主建筑师,Nathalie 将为格罗宁根当前的城市发展和建筑规划提供建议,并将在制定城市规划议程和促进空间问题的公开讨论中发挥关键作用,也同时加入依据环境法案而新成立的空间质量委员会。

The city architect of Groningen provides advice on current urban development and architectural projects in the municipality of Groningen. She has a key role in setting the agenda and inspiring others in the public debate on spatial issues and is part of the new Spatial Quality Committee, which will be established under the Environmental Act.


-- Nathalie de Vries, 建筑师、城市规划师、MVRDV创始合伙人

As city architect, I would like to keep an eye on the broad outlines of the Groningen’s development and help realize the ambitious plans that the city has to improve its quality of life”, says architect and urban planner Nathalie de Vries. “Groningen is a city with a lot of guts when it comes to urban designand architecture. That courage is certainly needed to find solutions to the issues of our time: How do we ensure that Groningen remains a smart and future-proof city and that available space and facilities are distributed fairly? As my first task, I will explore all the neighbourhoods, on foot and by bike, with an empty notebook in my backpack. I hope to get in touch with as many Groningers as possible along the way.

-- Nathalie de Vries, architect, urban planner, MVRDV Founding Partner

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