阅读:5828 2021-01-22

2021, UNStudio上海事务所继续扩建团队,诚邀优秀的建筑设计人才加入我们!

UNStudio Shanghai continue expanding and looking for highly dedicated architects to join our office.  

请将您的求职信、简历、作品集(PDF 格式, 最大不超过 10M)以电子邮件的形式发送至:Feely Pan hr.asia@unstudio.com

Applications consisting of a short motivation letter, C.V. and portfolio can be sent digitally (PDF, max.10mb) to Feely Pan at hr.asia@unstudio.com 


  • 至少10年项目建筑师工作经验,具备使用多种软件设计大型项目的丰富经验

  • 优秀的沟通能力,具备与客户、当地设计院及顾问广泛协调的经验

  • 具备杰出的项目管理和团队领导能力,能够预判并控制潜在风险并能妥善处理项目中出现的冲突和问题

  • 熟悉中国建筑准则和法规

  • 积极主动且善于自我激励,具有杰出的设计能力和技术能力

  • 流利的中文和英文沟通能力

  • 能够熟练使用3D和2D软件(Rhinoceros, Revit, AutoCAD, Adobe Suite, Microsoft Office等)

Senior Project Architects (2 openings)

  • Minimum 10 years of experience working on programmatically-diverse and large-scale projects in China

  • Excellent communication skills, with extensive coordination experience with clients, LDI’s, and consultants

  • Effective project management and team leadership abilities, who is able to foresee risks and solve conflicts in projects 

  • Good knowledge of Chinese building codes and regulations

  • Self-motived, strong design mentality and technically-capable

  • Fluent in both English and Mandarin

  • Proficient 3D + 2D software skills (Rhinoceros, Revit, AutoCAD, Adobe Suite, Microsoft Office, etc.)



  • 至少10年大型国际知名项目工作经验

  • 极具责任感及杰出的项目管理和团队领导能力

  • 优秀的沟通能力、预算控制、规划和组织能力

  • 杰出的美学感知能力和设计能力

  • 具备出色的专业技术能力,能够通过创新思维提供建筑解决方案

  • 优秀的英文沟通能力

  • 能够熟练使用3D和2D软件(Rhinoceros, Revit, AutoCAD, Adobe Suite, Microsoft Office等)

Senior Architects (1-2 openings) 

  • Minimum 10years of experience working on international, high-profile, and large-scale projects

  • Responsible and accountable, with strong project management and team leadership skills

  • Excellent communication, budget control, planning, and organizational skills

  • Excellent aesthetic sensibilities and design abilities

  • Extremely technical with the ability to resolve architectural solutions through innovative thinking

  • Fluent inEnglish

  • Proficient 3D + 2D software skills (Rhinoceros, Revit, AutoCAD, Adobe Suite, Microsoft Office, etc.)


建筑设计师 (4-6名)

  • 4-8年国际知名建筑事务所工作经验,具有中大型建筑项目经验

  • 具备建筑设计项目各个阶段的经验,能够实施从初步研究贯穿到施工文件的设计工作

  • 杰出的美学感知能力和设计能力,思维敏锐,知晓概念如何驱动及整合设计、语言及程序组织

  • 良好的团队合作精神,有热忱分享经验又能持续学习

  • 优秀的英文沟通能力

  • 能够熟练使用Rhinoceros (grasshopper, scripting), AutoCAD, Adobe Creative Suite等软件

  • 具有在复杂几何项目上使用Revit进行设计工作经验者优先

Designers(4-6 openings)

  • 4-8 yearsof experience working on medium and large-scale projects at international or high-profile design firms

  • Experience on multiple phases of the design, with the ability to implement a design from preliminary studies through to construction documentation

  • Strong aesthetic sensibilities and design skills, with keen awareness of how concepts drive and integrate design, language, and programmatic organization

  • Good team player, with the desire to both mentor and learn from others

  • Fluent inEnglish

  • Strong knowledge of Rhinoceros (grasshopper, scripting), AutoCAD, Adobe Creative Suite, etc.

  • Professional Revit experience on geometrically complex projects is a plus


Visit www.unstudio.com for more information on available openings. 

ARCHINA 所有平台上发布的项目、招聘、资讯等内容,部分由第三方提供或系统自动收录。资料版权属于第三方,若信息不实或涉及版权问题,需要版权方和第三方沟通,ARCHINA 将配合对接,并在确认无误后删除涉及版权问题的信息,相应的法律责任均由资料提供方承担。
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