[SHL / People] 国际妇女节快乐!一位女建筑师的故事
阅读:4448 2021-03-10


Every great building was contributed by abundant bright, passionate, and prolific design professionals, and many of them are female architects.


On International Women's Day, we want to introduce you to one of them, an outstanding female architect who is brave, bold and humble, and her inspiring story—Jing Lin, SHL Associate and Senior Project Architect.



 A Story of Jing 


Jing Lin was born and grew up in Shanghai, and she loves this city so much. Since childhood, she has been fascinated by the beauty of both western stone buildings and the traditional Chinese gardens around this city. It was those childhood impressions that finally led her to an architectural design career.


Since 2013 when Jing joined the studio, the humanized design ideas and approaches have changed the way she sees architecture and has also helped her truly understand the meaning of putting people first.


 An atypical leader, but typical SHL architect 


Architect A: Jing is very kind, humble, and super patient. What you can’t believe is I have never seen her lose her temper. She always has a positive attitude towards work, which inspires team members a lot. Pursuing better design, more innovative language and perfect realization are her most unforgettable characters. I can see the spirit of SHL from her.

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 Connecting and Communicating, a link to multi-partner 


Architect B: Jing is always offering unconditional experience and knowledge to young architects.  When I was working on a mixed-use project, the chief architect gave me a direction. However, I didn't have much work experience at that time, so I didn't quite understand the idea. Jing was like a link, guiding me to connect with the chief architect's direction. Finally, a concept was deepened to a feasible plan. She shared with me a lot of valuable thoughts and experiences.

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 A good mother and excellent architect 


Architect C: Jing is proficient in balancing her family and work. Once I went on a business trip with her,  we were at the railway station to return to Shanghai in the evening.  Unfortunately, additional materials must be delivered immediately. The tickets were refunded, and we were preparing the materials at the station. While Jing was working, she called her daughter to calm and comfort her. Jing's projects need plenty of time, and her pressure is incredibly high. I can't imagine that she is also working on a super project called "Mother" and doing so well.

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 About Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects 

SHL建筑事务所于1986年创立于丹麦奥胡斯。作为斯堪的纳维亚地区最富盛名的设计事务所之一,公司目前在丹麦哥本哈根、奥胡斯和上海设有办公室。我们在全球范围内提供专业的建筑服务,在国际上拥有诸多享有口碑和影响力的设计。主要设计领域和项目实践有:文化公建和教育建筑、办公建筑、商业及零售建筑、多功能建筑及城市综合体、改造和城市更新设计。我们提供完整的设计方案,从室内设计到整体设计,从概念设计到总体规划,从建筑细节到城市发展、景观规划。我们在图书馆、文化和大型公建项目上尤其经验丰富,拥有许多地标性的设计。我们的设计根植于开放包容的斯堪的纳维亚建筑美学传统,将美感、光线的利用、可持续性和社会责任紧密结合。我们在建筑设计上的创新性、可持续性和开放性吸引了许多国际上的关注,也为我们赢得了100多个国内外著名的奖项。2018年,SHL加入Perkins&Will。更多详情,请前往 www.shl.dk

Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects was founded in Aarhus, Denmark in 1986. The firm is one of Scandinavia’s most recognized and award-winning architectural practices. Working out of studios located in Copenhagen, Aarhus, and Shanghai, the firm provides skilled architectural services all over the world, with a distinguished track record as designers of international, high-profile architecture. Cultural and educational buildings, offices, commercial, retail, and residential buildings, often in mixed-use developments and complex urban contexts, are cornerstones of the firm’s output. The practice has extensive global experience in the design of libraries and other public and cultural landmark buildings, and its innovative, sustainable, and democratic approach to architecture has attracted global attention, winning more than 100 national and international awards. In 2018, Schmidt Hammer Lassen became part of global architecture and design firm Perkins&Will. For more information, visit www.shl.dk.

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