UNStudio Releases Commmunity Building and Placemaking Report
[Penang South Islands Masterplan - visualisationby A2 Studio]社区建设与场所营造已成为建筑和城市规划的两个基本主题。在新冠肺炎疫情之前,打造与工作场所和共享(生活)经济相关的社区,主要侧重于共同创造、创新和生产方面。然而,全球疫情促使人们提出对“联系”更广泛的需求,并将其作为人类健康的一个重要方面。同时,建筑师和城市设计师已将场所营造视为社区建设的关键促进因素,因此也成了任何设计中越来越重要,甚至是必不可少的考虑因素。
Community Building and Placemaking have recently emerged as two essential themes in architecture and urban planning. Prior to the Covid 19 pandemic, facilitating the creation of communities related mainly to the workplace and the shared (living) economy, and was principally focused on co-creation, innovation and productivity. Recent events have however highlighted the human need for connectedness on a broader scale and as an essential facet of human health. In the meantime, Placemaking has come to be understood by architects and urban designers as a key facilitator of community building and has therefore become an increasingly important, if not essential, facet of any design.在下面的报告中,我们将深入研究这两个主题及其目前被纳入建筑和城市设计的不同路径。In the following report, we delve into both of these themes and the different ways in which they are currently being incorporated into architecture and urban design.*友情提示:为保证报告完整性和连贯性,此处刊载报告全文。内容较长。
Community Building - A matter of survival人类从一开始就经历了对人际关系、相互联系和成为群体一部分的情感需求。在马斯洛的需求层次理论中,“归属感与爱”排在第三位,仅次于如食物、水、温暖、休息、保障和安全的 "生理"和 "安全 "需求,。
From their earliest days, human beings have experienced the emotional need for interpersonal relationships, connectedness, and being part of a group. In Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, ‘belongingness and love’ are ranked third, preceded only by ‘physiological’ and ‘safety’ needs, such as food, water,warmth, rest, security and safety.[马斯洛的需求层次,以金字塔的形式表示,金字塔底部是更基本的需求。来源:维基百科][Maslow's hierarchy of needs, represented as a pyramid with the more basic needs at the bottom.Source:Wikipedia]然而,根据加州大学洛杉矶分校教授马修-利伯曼Matthew Lieberman的说法,越来越多的研究表明,与他人建立社交联系的需求与我们对食物、水和住所的需求一样是一项基本需求。
According to UCLA professor Matthew Lieberman however, a growing body of research shows that the need to connect socially with others is as basic as our need for food,water and shelter.
Lieberman asserts that evolution has ultimately made today's humans “more connected to the social world and more dependent on the social world." He further suggests that becoming socially connected has been essential to our survival, “ In a sense, evolution has made bets at each step that the best way to make us more successful is to make us more social."
那么社区究竟意味着什么呢?这种古老的联系需求在哪些方面帮助了我们作为一个物种成功进化呢?So what does community actually mean? And in which ways has this age old need for connectedness aided our success as a species?牛津大学的研究员Tamas David-Barrett解释道:"我们人类是一种特殊的社会物种。很难找到任何其他物种与人类个体在同等程度上对同伴的依赖。我们从社会中学习:吃什么食物、在哪里寻找食物,我们以一种非常社会化的方式处理食物,我们分享食物并从他人那里获得食物。我们生活在与他人一起建造的庇护所、房屋里。我们一起抚养我们的孩子,一起将我们的技术传授给他们。我们以一种非常社会化、公共化的方式来保护我们的家庭免受掠夺者的侵害,甚至是免受其他人类群体的侵害。简而言之,人类几乎在生活的各个方面都仰赖于社会。Tamas David-Barrett, researcher at the University ofoxford explains it thus: “Our species is an exceptionally social species. It is difficult to find any other animal that is characterized by individuals being reliant on others to the same extent. We learn from society: what to eat, where to find food, we process food in a very social way, we share it and receive a share from others. We live in shelter, houses that we build together with others. We raise our young together, we teach them our technologies together. We defend our families against predators, and sometimes more importantly from other human groups in a very social, communal way. In short, humans are dependent on society in almost every aspect of their lives.”他还指出,“经长期的观察发现,特定人群中人与人之间有意义的、社交频率高的城市空间,往往更容易产生更健康的社区。”He also points out, “It has been long observed that urban spaces in which the frequency of meaningful social contact among the individual members of a particular population is high tend to generate healthier communities.”[渔人码头,槟城南岛总体规划; 视觉效果图: A2 工作室][Fisherman’s Wharf, Penang South Islands Masterplan- visualisation by A2 Studio]The 'New Science of Cities'- Clicks or bricks?以往的城市规划政策往往尚未能理解社区建设的人文和经济价值,这导致社区功能单一、没有足够的公共空间。大量密集的高层建筑得到开发,但却很少有社会福利设施。又比如过度关注旅游业,从而导致当地社会联系受到严重破坏。Urban planning policies of the past often failed to understand the human and economic value of community building, resulting in monofunctional neighbourhoods without sufficient public space, prolific anddense high-rise development with few social amenities, or an excessive focus on tourism resulting in considerable disruption to local social connectivity.21 世纪初,人们对数字社区的好处和隐患议论纷纷。事实上,它们很可能威胁或完全取代人与人之间现实的物理联系。尽管我们最近发现了线上数字会议的便利性,以及许多知识工作者可以相对更方便地放弃办公室,转向了居家办公,但新冠肺炎疫情事实上已强调了身体上的接触对我们的心理健康是多么的重要。Much was also said in the early 2000s about the benefits and pitfalls of digital communities, and indeed that they ran the risk of threatening or completely replacing physical connectedness. And even though we have recently discovered the convenience of digital meetings and the relative ease at which many knowledge workers could abandon the office and shift to working from home, the COVID19 pandemic has in fact highlighted how essential to our mental health physical proximity truly is. 最近,一个重要的科学研究机构对城市的动态发展有了新发现,并产生了较大的影响力。对本报告来说,特别值得注意的是,新发现中有许多结论证实了社区建设对我们城市中心化成功亦具有重要贡献。Recently a significant body of scientific research that sheds new light on the dynamic behavior of cities has been gaining considerable influence. What is particularly interesting for this report is that many of these new findings confirm the importance of community building to the success of our urban centres.当今,人们普遍发现许多城市的创造力和繁荣发生在公共和半公共空间("第三空间")的邻近关系和偶然相遇之间的动态互动中。同样,当城市提供更广泛的人与人接地触空间、适应人类的心理动态和活动模式,并为居民提供一定的空间结构的控制时,城市在经济和环境方面表现出最佳状态。One such finding is that the creativity and prosperity of many cities is now understood as a dynamic interaction between networks of proximity and casual encounters that take place in public and semi-public spaces (‘Third spaces’). Similarly, cities are said to perform at their best economically and environmentally when they feature wide spread human-scale connectivity, adapt to human psychological dynamics and patterns of activity and when they offer some control of spatial structure to residents.[Digital Twin, Penang South Islands Masterplan]数字化或在线社区被视为对这种主要的、物理空间交流网络的补充,而非取而代之。根据文化历史学家兼作家Dr. Fay Bound Alberti的观点,“要让人们在心理上真正感知,适应并融入一个群体或归属一个地方,需要的不仅仅是一项共同的兴趣。这需要共同承担义务及承诺,一种既感性又实际的东西。”她认为,这需要将社区作为交流的场所,成为我们工作或生活根基的地方。Digital, or online communities are understood to supplement, but not replace, this primary, physical network of spatial exchange. According to cultural historian and writer Dr. Fay Bound Alberti,“to truly belong to a group or a place, in a way that is psychologically meaningful and encourages resilience, requires more than a shared interest. It demands a sense of shared obligation and commitment, something both emotional and practical.” It requires, she suggests, community as a place of exchange, based on where we work or live.Tamas David-Barrett 甚至预测,在未来“社交网络站点设计和城市空间设计的主题将合二为一:为了生成未来社交社区的框架,设计师将不得不接受它们的线上线下的混合特性。"
Tamas David-Barrett in turn predicts that in the future “the subject matter of social network site design and urban space design will be merged into one: to generate frameworks for future social communities, designers will have to recognize the mixed online-offline nature of them.”[邢东新区,邢台市总体规划 ]
[Xingdong New Area, Xingtai Masterplan ]战略性地场所营造策略在当今的社区创建中发挥了关键作用,因为该策略综合地界定一个地方的物理、文化和社会特性,并支持其不断发展,从而促进创新的使用模式。Tactical placemaking strategies play a key role in the creation of today’s communities, as they facilitate creative use patterns by intertwining the physical, cultural and social identities that define a place and support its continuous evolution. 场所营造是打造高质量场所的过程;这些场所营造了一种深刻的情感依恋,当用户有一系列理由去(和停留)那里时,情感依恋会自然滋长。尽管一些标准的场所营造策略可能涉及小规模的增量开发,或战术性的“游击式地城市主义”或“临时性的城市主义”,但对于建筑师和城市设计师而言,场所营造是为了打造有弹性、可触及、有活力及具包容性的长期场所。场所被视为大环境中的一个重要节点,并被视为一个整体,而非孤立的组成部分。Placemaking is the process of creating quality places; places that create a deep, emotional attachment and that thrive when users have a range of reasons to be (and stay) there. Although some standard placemaking strategies may involve incremental small-scale developments, or tactical ‘guerrilla urbanism’ or ‘pop-up urbanism’, for architects and urban designers placemaking is about creating resilient, accessible, dynamic and inclusive places for the long-term. Places where the site is seen as an important node in a larger environment and is considered in its entirety, rather than through isolated components.在场所营造方面,人们认为城市发展的主要优势来源于如何改善其周围环境,而社区知识从一开始就被视为一种必不可少的资源。从本质上讲,成功的场所营造战略可以确保城市给人的感觉是真正的社区,而非孤立且隔离的都市丛林。 In placemaking, the urban development is understood to draw its main strength from how it enhances its surroundings and community knowledge is embraced as an essential resource from the get go. In essence, a successful placemaking strategy ensures that urban areas feel like real communities, rather than isolated - and isolating - concrete jungles.Architecture and Urban Design as a Service无论是否数字化,建筑和城市设计在长期的场所营造、鼓励社区建设和社交三角关系方面都发挥了重要作用。 在以下例子中,我们从 UNStudio 和 UNSense 的一些项目和城市研究中强调了这些主题的不同方法和策略。Both with and without digital layers, architecture and urban design play a significant role in both long-term placemaking and the encouragement of community building and social triangulation. In the following examples, we highlight different approaches and strategies to these themes from a selection of UNStudio and UNSense projects and urban studies.Bruzzano masterplan proposal, Milan, 2020 to presentUNStudio 和 UNSense为米兰一个新的健康主题城区提出的概念方案,最近被 Unipol (客户)选中,正在进行进一步的设计开发。A concept proposal from UNStudio and UNSense for a new intergenerational health themed urban district in Milan was recently selected by Unipol for further design development.UNStudio 对 Bruzzano的总体规划理念是打造一个新的社区,健康、自然和人是设计的核心。为了实现社区层面的包容性与易于接近性,我们设想出了一个人、自然和科技共生的生态系统。 UNStudio’s design for the Bruzzano masterplan proposes to form a new community where health, nature and people are at the centre of the urban design. To achieve neighbourhood level inclusivity and accessibility we imagined an ecosystem in which people, nature and technology live in symbiosis. The concept therefore follows three key themes;“先天-后天”:打造一个影响健康行为决策的建筑环境和培养积极情绪的公共空间。建立目标明确的绿色区域,将不同的智能绿色生态系统与不同的生活方式相结合。‘Nurture-Nature’: to create a built environment affecting healthy behavioural decisions and public spaces that foster positive emotions. To establish the strong presence of purposeful green areas that connect different smart green ecosystems with different lifestyles.“包容的邻里关系”:将自然和人类生活、不同的人口结构特征和社会群体相结合,旨在扩大社会和城市的多样性。一个自由的邻里网络,呈现多样性的城市结构,能够吸引年轻至年长的多年龄段用户。
’‘Inclusive Neighbourhood: to integrate nature and human living, different demographics and social groups with the intention to broaden social and urban diversity. A loose network of neighbourhoods where diversity is embedded in the urban fabric which is able to attract a multiversity of users from younger to older generations.“护理社区”:在布鲁扎诺,我们与 UNSense 一起见证了一个机遇,引入一种新的灵活的 "护理社区 "。利用科技形成分散的健康和卫生保健主题区,使医疗保健服务更贴近终端用户,并鼓励人们选择健康的生活方式作为日常生活的一部分。‘Care Communities’: In Bruzzano, together with UNSense, we saw an opportunity to introduce a new form of a flexible typology of ‘Care Communities’, forming a decentralised health and healthcare themed district with technology bringing healthcare services closer to the end users and encouraging healthy lifestyle choices aspart of the everyday life.在 UNSense 的支持下,科技成为了设计不可或缺的一部分,可以设定短期和长期的目标,执行、监测并加强建筑和绿色环境。
Supported by UNSense, technology forms an integrated part of the design that can set up short and long term targets,execute, monitor and enhance built and green environment.
在接下来的几个月里,UNStudio 将与 SBGA 及一个多学科团队合作,就布鲁扎诺总体规划方案与 Unipol 公司进一步展开深入合作。In the coming months UNStudio, in collaboration with SBGA and a multi-disciplinary team, will work intensively with Unipol onthe further design development of the masterplan.Brainport智能区,荷尔蒙德,2018年至今Brainport Smart District, Helmond, 2018 – to present, (NL)Brainport 智能区(简称 BSD)是一个自主学习型的城市发展项目。其计划在荷兰赫尔蒙德市的 150 英亩土地上,围绕灵活的网格布局而非预先确定的总体规划进行。鼓励 BSD 居民采用公共资源计划,如共享能源发电和城市农业,并且,该社区将被用于开发和测试新产品、服务和系统。从家庭、工作场所和公共场所收集的数据将被输入一个被称为 "个人数据平台 "的中央数字层,并将被用于帮助创建新的技术辅助解决方案,专注于改善居民的日常生活。Brainport Smart District (BSD) is a self-learning urban development planned for a 150-acre site in the Dutch city of Helmond and is based around a flexible grid layout rather than a predetermined masterplan. The residents of BSD are encouraged to adopt communal resource schemes such as shared energy generation and urban farming, while the neighbourhood will be used to develop and test new products, services and systems. Data gathered from homes, workplaces and public spaces will feed into a central digital layer referred to as the ‘Personal Data Platform’, and will be used to help create new tech-assisted solutions focused on improving everyday life for the residents.
在 BSD,所有实现数据流所需的基础设施均将被纳入总体规划,随着时间的推移不断发展以满足不断变化的需求。在环境方面,发达地区和自然地区的结合将使与工作、生活和休闲相关的活动能够同时进行,从而在居民之间形成稳固的联系。
In BSD, all of the infrastructure required to enable data flows is incorporated into the masterplan, which will evolve overtime to meet changing needs. In the physical realm, the combination of developed and natural areas will enable activities related to working, living and leisure to take place side by side, thus creating opportunities to forge strong connectivity between the residents.
UNSense 同时在BSD 发展“100 家”适应性社区,这是一个不断发展的学习环境,数据和技术在社区层面得到应用和测试,旨在对居民的社交和经济产生积极的影响。
UNSense is also developing the adaptive neighbourhood of ‘100 Homes’ in BSD - a constantly evolving learning environment where data and technology are applied and tested at a neighbourhood level with the aim to create a positive impact on the well-being of residents, both socially and economically.在“100 家”项目中,社区本身也在经济方面获益,例如,通过使用共享电池,降低能源成本,根据个人的日常需求上传和下载能源。Within 100 Homes, the community itself benefits economically, for example by making energy less expensive through the use of a shared battery, to which energy is uploaded and downloaded based on personal daily requirements.Distelweg 未来的街道——城市工具包,阿姆斯特丹北部,2020Distelweg ‘Street of the Future’ – urban toolkit. Amsterdam (Noord), 2020,在 2020 年,UNStudio 为 CLEAR 财团创建了一个“未来街道”的设计工具包。Distelweg(Distel-way)是阿姆斯特丹北部的一条主要街道,目前是一条物流街,专门服务于工业园区。但在不久的将来,它将成为新居民和零售店的主要街道。In 2020 UNStudio created a design toolkit for the design of the ‘street of the future’ for the CLEAR consortium. Distelweg (Distel-way) is a primary street in the north part of Amsterdam and is currently a logistics street, serving industrial estates. However in the near future it will become a major street for new residents and retail outlets.
[当前情况] [current situation]通过与 de Alliantie(一家在 Distelweg 开发新住宅的公共住房公司)合作, CLEAR 阿姆斯特丹团队得以深入了解居民对街道的期望。UNStudio 的提议描绘了城市交通的当前变革,并提出与未来街道的参数和设计相关的根本性转变方案。In collaboration with de Alliantie (asocial-housing corporation with new residential development on Distelweg), The CLEAR Amsterdam team was able to acquire insights into the residents’ aspirations for the streets. As a result, UNStudio’s proposal maps current changes in urban mobility and proposes a paradigm shift in relation to the parameters and design of streets of the future.除了为我们的街道设计新的流动性和新的用途之外,该工具包还包含了许多设计特征,使人们能够重新利用他们城市的街道,同时鼓励连接和社交互动。 其中,包括街道设施、临时公共广场、小公园、游乐场和人行道。Alongside preparing our streets for a new type of mobility and use, the toolkit incorporates numerous design features that enable people and nature to reclaim their cities’ streets whilst simultaneously encouraging connectivity and social interaction. These include street furniture, interim public plazas, parklets, playgrounds and activated sidewalks该研究还将时间视作影响设计的因素,它将帮助思考从“模拟街道场景”过渡到“数字街道组件”的具体过程。The study also considered time as a design factor that allows for gradual transition from analogue to digital street components.HyperEdge——城市研究,阿姆斯特丹,2020年HyperEdge — urban study, Amsterdam, 2020, (NL)2020 年,UNStudio 应 BNA(荷兰皇家建筑师协会)的邀请,与其他四个多学科团队一起参与城市研究,探究阿姆斯特丹郊区发展的新类型。每个团队都面临为特定地点设计愿景的挑战。UNStudio 被分配的区块是阿姆斯特丹的西南部边缘—— Amsterdamse Bos(森林)和阿姆斯特丹Schiphol 机场均位于此。In 2020 UNStudio was invited by the BNA (the Royal Institute of Dutch Architects), alongside four other multidisciplinary teams, to take part in an urban study to investigate new typologies for the development of the outskirts of Amsterdam. Each team was challenged to design visions for specific locations. UNStudio was assigned the South Western edge of Amsterdam, where both the Amsterdamse Bos (wood) and Schiphol Airport are located.阿姆斯特丹西南边缘的独特城市条件是拥有一个 Schiphol 机场。由于噪音和安全风险,这一处于城市边缘的地区无法进一步发展成为典型的“城市”环境。因为,在机场的噪音范围内,根本不允许例如居住等空间功能的发生。因此,Schiphol 机场的 "噪音麻烦 "反倒成为促成该地区最大特征的关键——自由空间 。The unique urban condition of the South West edge of Amsterdam is the presence of Schiphol Airport. Due to noise and safety risks, this urban periphery cannot develop further into a typical urban environment. Certain functions, such as living, are simply not permitted within the noise radius of the airport. The ‘nuisance’of Schiphol Airport therefore becomes essential in maintaining the greatest quality of the area: its free space.在 UNStudio 的Hyperedge 设想中,“城市边缘”的两边由一条连续的建筑/道路相连,通往目前无法进入的区域和功能,使当地居民能够发现并欣赏该地区的价值和品质。In UNStudio’s Hyperedge vision, the two sides of the city’s edge areconnected by a continuous building/path, opening up currently in accessible areas and functions and enabling local residents to discover and appreciate the value and qualities of the area.提议中的新建筑/道路在城市边缘两侧划定了特定区域,它们将作为娱乐、艺术、科研和实验空间。此提案没有刻意的设计,而更像是一个待填充的框架——由人和自然共同确定谋划它的发展方向。道路蜿蜒穿过城市边缘,与周围环境相得益彰。这种方法的先决设定是:我们无法对城市的郊区进行设计,我们仅能创造一些条件,在这些条件下激发一些其他地方无法发生的事情。The proposed new building/path demarcates are as on both sides of the city edge that function as zones for recreation, arts, research and experimentation. This structure has no intentional design but is rather a framework waiting to be filled, enabling both people and nature to determine how it evolves. Zigzagging through the frayed edge of the city, the character of the path adapts to its surroundings. The premise of this approach is that we cannot design the outskirts of thecity, we can only provide the conditions within which something happens that cannot arise anywhere else.Xintiandi Installation, Shanghai, 2014 (CN)[照片(上)由Seth Powers 拍摄;照片(下)由Benoit Florencon 拍摄][Photos: above by Seth Powers. Below by BenoitFlorencon]这是一个与新天地合作的临时艺术装置,镜廊装置采用单一的建筑姿态。从墙面过渡到天花板,再回到墙面,将新天地时尚购物中心的入口框起来。此结构不仅追踪了行人的运动轨迹,而且在他们经过镜廊装置时,反射运动轨迹,并围绕他们旋转和翻转,营造一个临时场所。所有年龄段的人都停下来,聚集在一起拍照,还有不少人在此留影自拍。A temporary installation made in collaboration with China Xintiandi, the mirrored archway framed the entrance to the Xintiandi Style Retail Mall using a single architectural gesture that transitioned from wall to ceiling and back to wall again. The structure not only traced the pedestrians’ movements along its trajectory, but translated them into a reflection that revolved and inverted around them as they walked through the installation. The result was a pop-up placemaking gesture where people of all ages stopped and gathered to take photos, and no small amount of selfies.Living, working and shoppingSouthbank by Beulah,墨尔本,2018 年至今Southbank by Beulah,Melbourne, 2018 – to present, (AU) Southbank 是UNStudio 与墨尔本Cox Architecture 共同设计的一个多功能开发项目,拥有商业空间、住宅单元、酒店和公共空间。建成后,较高的塔将成为世界上最高的垂直花园,高度达 365 米。Southbank, designed in collaboration with Melbourne based Cox Architecture, is a mixed-use development hosting commercial spaces, residential units, a hotel and public spaces. Upon completion, the larger tower will be the world’s tallest vertical garden, at a height of 365 metres.Southbank南岸项目设计的核心是将公共领域延伸到垂直结构空间当中, 为居民和宾客提供大量的绿色空间,鼓励互动教育。作为一个垂直小型城市,Beulah 的南岸设计包括私人住宅、公共和绿色空间、屋顶空中花园、市政厅、商业办公室、五星级城市度假村、儿童护理中心、健康和保健区、艺术文化空间,以及世界一流的体验式零售店。
Central to the design of Southbank is the extension of the public realm into the vertical structure. The development will offer a multitude of green spaces for residents and guests to enjoy, encouraging interactional education. Envisioned as a vertical mini-metropolis, Southbank by Beulah will comprise private residences, public and green spaces, a rooftop sky garden, town hall, commercial offices, a five-star urban resort, childcare centre, a health and wellness precinct, arts and culture spaces and programmes, as well as world-class experiential retail.除了位于零售裙楼顶部的公共公园外,模仿缩小版的邻里公园的“袖珍公园”将成为整个建筑的主要亮点,在住宅楼内垂直连接邻里,为居民营造社区意识和休闲场所,在通往公开可进入的屋顶空中花园的景观途中实现设计巅峰。
Alongside the public park that tops the retail podium, pocket parks that emulate scaled-down neighbourhood parks will be a key feature throughout the building, connecting neighbourhoods vertically within the residential tower, providing residents with a sense of community anda place to relax, before culminating in a landscaped journey to the publicly accessible rooftop sky garden.
效果图 | Rendering:SBB
在建筑底部低区空间,设计旨在为街道层面提供更多可接触和进入建筑的方式,同时将高层与街道景观相连接,以扩大公共领域。On a local level the aim of the design is top rovide porousness at street level, whilst simultaneously connecting the upper floors with the streetscape by expanding the public realm.
FOUR, Frankfurt, 2015 to present, (DE), under construction效果图 | Rendering:Groß & Partner目前在德国法兰克福正在建设中的四座高层塔楼(FOUR),由 UNStudio 和HPP 联合规划,未来将历史性地刷新法兰克福上空的天际线,同时培养城市地面空间的活力。
Currently under construction, the four new high-rise towers, planned by a consortium of UNS + HPP, will historically change the city of Frankfurt’s skyline from the air, while cultivating its liveliness on the ground.
四座高层塔楼FOUR位于法兰克福市中心德意志银行旧址处,在过去的 45 年里,这里完全无法进入。该项目的开发将为其设计新的街道和设施,全面开放这个以前无法进入的地区,为所有人打造一个多功能、充满活力和包容性的社区。FOUR is situated in the very core of Frankfurt on the former site of the Deutsche Bank, which has been entirely inaccessible for the last 45 years. The development will completely open up this previously impervious area with new streets and amenities, creating amulti-use, vibrant and inclusive neighbourhood for all.
各种公众空间被纳入该地块的开发当中: 如一个高架公共花园、一个城市广场、一个儿童日托中心、两家酒店以及众多家餐馆和商店。A variety of publicly accessible spaces are incorporated into the development of the site - such as an elevated public garden, a city square, a day care center for children, two hotels and numerous restaurants and shops.城市的设计宗旨是使该地区更容易进入,并拥有更多的公共用途空间,正是这些愿景激发了我们“人人共享的城市”的设计理念。我们不仅期望打造一个工作、生活、休闲和娱乐相互平衡的综合体,还在地块内融入了新的连接路线、通道和广场,以连接先前分离的金融区和市中心的购物和步行区。因此,该开发项目从整体上规划, 而非通过孤立的组成部分, 还从整个城市中心的长期场所营造的角度进行了考量。The city's objectives were to make the area more accessible and to generate more public use and it was these aims that led to our design concept, ‘A City for All’. Alongside creating a balanced mix of work, living, relaxation and recreation, we also incorporated new connectingroutes, passages and squares within the site to connect the formerly separated financial district to the shopping and pedestrian zones in the city centre. The development is therefore not only considered in its entirety - rather than through isolated components -. but is also approached in the context of long-term placemaking for the city centre as a whole.Raffles City, Hangzhou,2008-2017 (CN) 杭州来福士广场是杭州中央商务区一个建筑面积约400,000 平方米的生活、工作和休闲为一体的城市综合体。这个 "城中之城 "包含了住宅、办公、酒店、零售店、餐厅和休闲设施。来福士广场是一个充满活力的垂直社区,也是对当代城市生活综合需求的一种响应。
Raffles city Hangzhou is a 400,000 sqm mixed-use urban hub for living, working and leisure in Hangzhou’s Central Business District. This ‘city within a city’ contains residential units, offices, a hotel,retail, restaurants and leisure facilities. Conceived as a lively vertical neighbourhood, Raffles City responds to the integrated needs of contemporary urban living.在开业之前,该地区没有大型场所可供人们工作之余聚会或社交。因此,来福士广场的开发,精心策划和设计了一个充满活力的一体化社交中心,以满足当地社区和城市游客未能实现的需求。
Prior to its opening, there were no large-scaleplaces in the area where people could gather or socialise outside of working hours. The carefully considered mix of programmes in the Raffles City development was therefore designed as a lively all-in-one social hub that specifically catered to the unmet needs of both the local community and visitors to the city. 除了在来福士广场工作和生活之外,人们还可以入住来福士广场的酒店,或在那里挑选商品、享受美食、做运动、看电影,甚至结婚,所有这些活动都在一个相互联系的环境中进行。因此,它不仅为居民和在该广场工作或居住的人提供了一个健康和社交融合的环境,还确保了各种项目全天候运作,为所有人打造了一个安全而活跃的社区。Besides working and living at Raffles City, people can stay at the hotel, or pick up groceries, enjoy a meal, do exercise, watch a movie or even get married there, all in one interconnected environment. As such it not only provides residents and those working or staying in the complex with a healthy and socially integrated environment, it also ensures that programmes are active around the clock, creating a safe and lively neighbourhood for all.
多年来,UNStudio 已经设计出了大量的办公楼和工作场所。 这使我们对最佳工作环境的要求及此类空间对人员的健康、心理需求和创造力的积极影响有了深刻的了解。在这些空间设计中,身体活力视为等同于心理健康;社区的创造力则被视为鼓励沟通、互动、知识交流和创造力的根本。Over the years, UNStudio has built up an extensive portfolio of office buildings and workspace designs. This has provided us with a deep understanding of what is required of the optimal work environment and the positive impact such spaces can have on the health, wellbeing and creativity of those using them. Within the design of such spaces, both physicalvitality and psychological wellbeing are understood to be synonymous, while the creation of community is considered fundamental to the encouragement of communication, interaction, knowledge exchange and creativity.Booking.com 总部,阿姆斯特丹,2015 年至今(荷兰) Booking.com HQ, Amsterdam,2015 to present, (NL), under construction2015 年 Booking.com 与 BPD(Bouwfonds 房地产开发公司)一起委托UNStudio ,为Booking.com 总部设计一座位于阿姆斯特丹市中心的新园区。这一城市内园区项目的愿景是打造一个“社区”;将员工汇聚一堂,并吸引来自世界各地的新人才。In 2015, Booking.com, together with BPD(Bouwfonds Property Development), approached UNStudio for the design of a new campus for Booking.com in the centre of Amsterdam. From the outset, the goal for the buildings was to create a community; to bring employees together and to attract new talent from across the world.新的城市园区建筑是围绕“城镇”的概念由内而外设计的。在园区内部空间建有公共广场,周围设有各种便利设施,并被添加至各个动线空间之中,共同构成了园区的社交节点。这些公共区域遍布园区,包括服务点、餐厅和带茶水间的休闲区,可供员工使用,形成独特的主题空间。The architecture of the new Urban Campus was designed from the inside out and is based on the concept of a small town. The interior voids create public squares surrounded by a variety of amenities which together form the social nodes of the campus. This layer of programme is added to the circulation spaces and comprises a variety of amenities. These communalareas are spread throughout the campus for use by the employees and are uniquely themed spaces, which include service points, restaurants, and breakout spaces with pantries.整栋大楼中的建筑通过营造引人入胜的绿色环境,引导员工在大楼空间内移动,通过在所有楼层(包括楼顶)铺设楼梯、桥梁和走廊,鼓励员工作运动。楼梯从公共楼层(1 楼)开始,一直向上延伸,与楼顶相连,为员工提供了步行聊天的机会,鼓励员工走出他们的工作空间,体验与同事交流的新方式。Throughout the building, the architecture nudges employees to move, by fostering engaging environments and by encouraging physical movement by use of stairs, bridges and galleries across all levels, including the rooftop. An opportunity for walking meetings that start on the communal floor (1st) and connect all the way to the roof, inspires people tostep out of their space and experience new ways of communicating with their colleagues.园区的整体设计体现了 Booking.com 实用、透明和互联的工作方式,并创造了一个综合、灵活的城市园区,反映出我们未来工作、生活和连接的方式。
The overall design of the campus reflects the functional, transparent and connected way of working at Booking.com and creates an integrated, flexible urban campus that reflects how we will work, live andconnect in the future.JetBrains 软件开发公司园区,圣彼得堡, 2019 年至今JetBrains,St. Petersburg, 2019 to present, (RU)【JetBrains 园区效果图,由 ZOA 和 AAND3 制作】[JetBrains campus renderings by ZOA and AAND3]我们最近还为国际软件开发公司 JetBrains 的圣彼得堡公司设计了一栋新大楼,将他们目前的办公场所改造成了一个现代化沉浸式办公园区。We also recently designed a new building for the St. Petersburg office of the international software development company JetBrains, transforming their current premises into a modern immersive campus environment.
JetBrains 园区旨在成为一个真正互连和开放的地方,能充分吸引人们并改善他们的日常生活。它被设计成一个集聚会、讨论、调解和提出创造性想法的地方,同时可欣赏到壮观的芬兰湾景色。
The JetBrains campus is intended to be a place of true connectivity and openness, which fully engages people and enhances their everyday lives. Itis designed to as a place to meet, discuss, mediate and propose creative ideas while taking in views of the spectacular Gulf of Finland.除了为员工提供高效灵活的工作空间之外,JetBrains 园区还为使用者营造了一种归属感,不仅是对行业,也是对社区和圣彼得堡市的归属感。In addition to providing efficient and flexible workspace for the organisation, the JetBrains campus creates a sense of belonging to its occupants - not just to the industry, but also to the community and the city of St. Petersburg.中央会议室、休息空间、礼堂和中央餐厅都是沿着阶梯式中庭布置的。 桥梁横跨大型开放区域,而精心的设计和交织的生命本能的构成了所有活动的自然背景。Central meeting rooms, breakout spaces, auditoriums and the central restaurant are all organised along the stepped atrium. Bridges span the large open areas, while carefully designed and intertwined biophilia forms the natural backdrop for all activities.Ben van Berkel:“JetBrains 是一家极具创新力的公司。他们胸怀大志,理解员工,对未来的工作拥有非常现代的方法。这意味着我们能够将我们从设计当下工作空间中所学到的一切应用到这个设计当中,从而营造一个温馨、绿色、透明、开放、有吸引力的办公室,促进其全面互动。”Ben van Berkel: “JetBrains is a highly innovative company. They are ambitious, possess a deep understanding of their workforce and have a very contemporary approach to the future of work. This meant that we were able to bring everything that we have learned from designing contemporary work spaces to this design and could create a warm, green, transparent, open and inviting office that stimulatestotal interaction.”