UNStudio Will Be Working on
the Renovation of the Valkhof Museum
博物馆现状 Ⓒ Chr.Richters
我们非常荣幸地宣布:受荷兰奈梅亨市议会的委托,UNStudio将为 Valkhof博物馆进行翻新设计。该博物馆最早由 UNStudio 于1995年设计,1999年正式对外开放。博物馆拥有跨越14,000年历史的独特藏品。翻新后,该馆将更注重展示古今展品之间的“相遇”。
We are delighted to announce that we have been selected by the Nijmegen City Council and the Valkhof Museum to carry out the remodelling of the museum building that we originally designed back in 1995.
With a unique collection that spans 14,000 years of history, the new direction and accompanying renovation of the museum will focus on unexpected connections between past and present.
Ⓒ Chr.Richters
Ⓒ Chr.Richters
Ⓒ Chr.Richters