阅读:3837 2022-05-15



20 years of Ippolito Fleitz Group 

It’s a year to celebrate!


两位挚友,一个愿景,十年历程。Peter Ippolito 和 Gunter Fleitz,自2002年起,将二人对设计的愿景打造成为一家具有国际影响力的知名事务所。继往开来,我们无比期盼迎接下一个二十年的挑战。今天,我们先要好好庆祝今天的这座里程碑!

What began back in 2002 as the shared vision of two friends – Peter Ippolito and Gunter Fleitz – has now become an internationally renowned design studio. We look forward to the challenges that the next 20 years will bring – and of course to celebrating this important milestone in a fitting manner!


If you walk by our Stuttgart studio you will see an important claim of us printed on the window: “There are many places. Some you remember”. When it comes to our own workspaces, we remember each and every one.

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We started out tucked away in the second row of Bismarckstraße in Stuttgart West. We were in the middle of the courtyard and so neighbors and friends came by regularly. At this time, we had a tiny coffee machine and every afternoon someone had to go downstairs and make latte macchiato for everyone, which took forever. 

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2009 年,我们最终空间饱和,并开始寻求扩张。我们找到了一个19世纪威廉时代的旧洗衣房,但由于战争的破坏和之后的建筑工程,它成为了一个多用功能空间,具有不同布局、天花高度等特征。多年来它一直部分空置,一直没有人去发掘它的潜力,于是我们便搬了进去。从一层开始,我们大刀阔斧对其进行改造。不久之后,我们便把工作室扩建到了楼上,最后我们也拿下了我们楼下的空间。

In 2009 we eventually ran out of space and were looking to expand. We found a former laundry from the Wilhelminian era, which, as a result of war damage and subsequent building work, has developed into a hodgepodge of different spaces with a diversity of layouts, ceiling heights and character. It has been partly empty for years because nobody could imagine what was possible here. And then we moved in. It was a big, courageous step beginning with one floor. After a while we extended the office to the floor above and then finally to the floor beneath us as well. 

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2014 年,我们在柏林开设了一家小型“卫星”工作室。2016 年,我们将工作室搬到了波茨坦大街。对我们来说,我们又迈出了一大步,在德国首都拥有一个成熟的办公室,规模、经验和多样性都在增长,而现在我们又把工作室扩建到了三层楼。2015年,我们决定在中国上海开设工作室。三年后,我们搬到了上海市中心的前法租界。今天,我们上海工作室发展成了一个拥有40多人的成熟团队,同时我们也刚刚自己设计并搬到了一个近一千平米的大平层工作室。

In 2014 we started a small satellite office in Berlin. 2016 we then moved to Potsdamer Straße. Another big step for us, having a full-fledged office in the capital, growing in size, in experience, in diversity. Now we just extended the studio to the third floor. In 2015 we decided to open a studio in Shanghai. Three years later we moved to the French District (FFC). Today, we have a team of over 40 people working in Shanghai that just moved to a bigger office space. 

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