UNStudio合伙人Hannes Pfau受邀将担任2022可持续发展设计奖年度评审委员
阅读:3689 2022-07-21

Hannes Pfau (UNStudio合伙人)受邀将担任2022可持续发展设计奖年度评审委员之一。该奖项由广州设计周联合20多个国家领馆和国际组织机构共同发起,作为可持续发展设计实践计划的一部分,与设计策展、会议论坛、工作坊等不同形式的内容版块构建年度运营体系。

Hannes Pfau (Partner UNStudio) has been invited to be one of the annual jury committee members for the upcoming Sustainable Design Award 2022. Guangzhou Design Week has launched ‘Sustainable Design Practice Program’ in collaboration with international green organizations and the Consulate General of nearly 20 countries. With the vision of creating a sustainable future, this program is composed of several sections such as sustainable design exhibitions, workshops, competitions and forums.


The Sustainable Design Award aims to take stock of the annual masterpieces of sustainable design practices from a global perspective, to discover designers who apply sustainable design concepts, to encourage designers to develop sustainable design practices in the fields of architecture, landscape, interior and installation design, and to promote awareness of low-carbon and green living among the general public.

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Hannes Pfau 表示:“UNStudio一直关注项目的可持续发展性,设计时始终考虑地球的健康发展,同时确保我们设计的城市和建筑是有益人类健康的。我们致力于研究以可持续理念为核心的整体性解决方案。这正契合可持续发展设计奖所要传达的精神。这个奖项为设计师提供了一个绝佳的共享交流平台,并鼓励更多设计实践应用可持续发展理念。”

Hannes Pfau: "At UNStudio, we are continuously looking at ways to design buildings which not only consider the health of the planet, but also the health of the inhabitants, now and for the future. We are dedicated to working on a holistic approach with sustainability as a central guiding force. This is in line with the spirit of the Sustainable Design Award which provides a great platform for designers to share and exchange ideas, and encourages more design practices to apply sustainable concepts."


Echo 跨学科教学大楼,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学

Echo TUDelft

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荷兰代尔夫特理工大学的Echo教学大楼是一座节能且具有灵活性的建筑,将用户健康作为优先考虑条件, 通过设计引入充足的日光、清新的空气、大自然的视野。

Echo at TU Delft in the Netherlands is an energy positive and flexible building that also makes the health of the user a priority by ensuring plentiful daylight, clean air and a clear visual connection to nature.

©Photo by Evabloem


STH BNK by Beulah 

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墨尔本南岸高层综合体 由UNStudio和Cox Architecture设计, Beulah 开发的墨尔本南岸高层综合体(STH BNK ) 项目将成为世界上最高的垂直花园,为未来的摩天大楼融入自然树立了先例。 

The STH BNK by Beulah mixed-use project by UNStudio and Cox Architecture is set to become the tallest vertical garden in the world, setting a precedent for future skyscrapers to incorporate nature.  

©Images: copyright Beulah, produced by Norm Li. 


Belsenpark, Düsseldorf

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杜塞尔多夫的贝尔森公园高层综合住宅项目将采用加固的预制再生混凝土和 低碳水泥来建造。理想情况下,当地的建筑材料也将被采用,以尽量减少因密集型运输带来的能源消耗。

The Belsenpark Tower in Dusseldorf will be constructed using reinforced pre-fab recycled concrete and CO2-reduced cement. Ideally, local aggregates will also be used in combination to minimise energy-intensive transport routes. 

©Image by Flying Architecture


Hanwha Headquarter

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UNStudio’s remodelling of the existing Hanwha Headquarter building in Seoul incorporates facade BIPV across the South facade, supplying energy for lighting the building. 

©Photo by Rohspace.  

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