将健康与可持续性融为一体的景观设计,能够显著提升酒店客人的体验,及酒店的财务表现。 Landscape design that integrates wellness and sustainability has the power to significantly enhance a hotel or resort guest’s experience, and the property’s bottom line. 经过景观设计的空间,促使人们从室内移动到室外。发表在《自然》期刊上的研究表明,“每周在自然环境中待上至少120 分钟,对保持良好的身心健康有着积极作用”,这样做可改善睡眠、呼吸、自我驱动力、免疫功能、和整体情绪健康。如此实实在在的调查结果,将客人与自然——以及与您的物业——进一步紧密连结在一起。 Landscaped spaces get people to move from inside to outside, and according to research published in the journal Nature, “spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing,” improving sleep, breathing, motivation, immune function, and overall emotional wellbeing. Such tangible results further bond the guest with nature – and with your property. 当人们感受到与其身处环境的联系时,人与环境的状态都会得到改善,因此我们必须从一开始就将两方的故事编织在一起。我们可以分析出酒店或度假村物业拥有哪些环境或生态资产,并以设计手法,让这些资产成为整体宾客体验的一部分,让客人得以学习自然,认识自然,理解自然。这种方法还有助于业主和经营者不仅仅停留在维系可持续性的现状,而是对周围生态系统产生更大的再生影响——尤其是当客人们开始了解自己在这种环境再生中所扮演的角色时。 When people feel connected to the land, the health of both improves, so we must weave their stories together from the start. We can identify the environmental or ecological assets of the hotel or resort property, and design ways for them to become part of the holistic guest experience, creating education, awareness and understanding between the guest and nature. This approach also helps the property owner and operator shift beyond the status quo of sustainability and have an even bigger, regenerative impact on the ecosystem that surrounds them – especially as the guest starts to understand the role they play in this regeneration. 以下这7种方式,可以让景观可以成为酒店/度假村康养项目不可或缺的一部分,并产生更深远的环境影响。 Consider these seven ways that landscape can become an integral part of a hotel or resort’s wellness program, and influence its environmental impact as well. CasiCielo in Bocas del Toro, Panama 1 户外健身 Outdoor Fitness 健身步道、瑜伽亭、冥想花园、儿童游乐区和运动草坪都能鼓励客人从室内健身房转移到户外。考虑设置与室内健身房相邻并可直接进入的花园或绿地,为踏板或俯卧撑锻炼提供空间,并能扩展健身设施及其用途。与本地的健身教练合作举办的户外健身课程也可以成为收入来源。 Fitness trails, yoga pavilions, meditation gardens, kids play areas and exercise lawns all encourage guests to move from the indoor gym to the outdoors. Consider gardens or green spaces that are adjacent to and directly accessed from the interior gym, offering space for steps or pushups, and extending the amenity and its usage. Outdoor fitness classes, presented in partnership with local experts, can become a source of revenue, too. Confidential ski resort in the Arctic Circle 2 四大元素: The Four Elements: 这些元素可以整合在一起来提高客人的体验。“水”和“火”经常并行出现,诠释除出自然平衡的意味。克奈普(Kneipp )疗法——以 19 世纪的牧师 Sebastian Kneipp 命名,他在经过几个月的冷热交替水疗后,治愈了自己的肺结核。我们最近在一处冰雪和温泉资源同样丰富的度假村项目中使用了这种方法,通过冷热交替的感官体验让客人恢复活力。无论是室内还是室外,水景都可以用来缓和环境噪音并营造宁静感,而火则体现了自然的力量,还能塑造出营地篝火活动的场景联想。 The elements can be integrated to heighten the guest experience. Water and fire are often presented in tandem to illustrate nature’s balance. Kneipp walking – named for the 19th century priest Sebastian Kneipp who is known to have cured his own tuberculosis after several months of hydrotherapy – alternates between exposures to hot and cold water. We’ve recently considered this approach for a resort located in a region where snow and thermal springs are equally abundant, rejuvenating guests with the experience of both cold and hot sensations. Both inside and outside, water features can be used to soften ambient noise and create a sense of tranquility, while fire exemplifies nature’s power, and to nurture social connections reminiscent of campfire gatherings. 此外,将自然通风和新鲜空气带入室内/室外空间,不仅有利于客人和员工的健康,还有助于控制能源成本。“土”这种元素会在反射疗法中发挥作用,可考虑沿自然小径散步对健康的影响,包括让客人有机会赤脚在鹅卵石、沙子、树皮或草地等不同地面行走。 Bringing natural ventilation and fresh air into indoor-outdoor spaces can not only benefit guest and employee wellbeing, but also help to control energy costs. And the earth plays a role in reflexology. Consider the healthful effects of walks along nature trails, including opportunities for guests to walk, barefoot if they choose, along different textures of pebbles, sand, bark or grass. Confidential urban project in Turkey 3 光 Light 树木不仅可以起到遮荫和降温的作用,还可以营造出斑驳光影的舒缓效果。太阳也可以成为自然的核心,用花园或雕塑设计框出日出日落的景色。月光花园,通常以芬芳的白花或其他能反射月光的夜间开花植物为特色,丰富客人的夜间活动,也再次提高了酒店设施的利用率。 Trees can be selected not only to enhance shading and its cooling effect, but also to create the soothing effect of dappled light. The sun can become a natural centerpiece as well, with gardens or sculptural elements designed to frame views of sunsets or sunrises. Moon gardens, typically featuring fragrant white flowers or other night bloomers that reflect moonlight, offer guests activities after dark, again extending their use of hotel amenities. intu Costa del Sol in Torremolinos, Spain 4 色彩疗法 Chromotherapy 植根于古老的印度脉轮系统(Chakra),颜色与身体的七个主要能量气场相对应,不同季节在花园展示不同颜色的植物和花卉,可以丰富客人在户外空间的体验。例如,红色被认为是踏实在地,黄色可以增强自尊心,而靛蓝则可以激发想象力。 Rooted in the ancient Chakra system, with colors corresponding to the body’s seven main chakras, color gardens with plants and flowers that showcase different colors through different seasons can enhance the guest’s journey through outdoor spaces. Red is considered grounding, for example, while yellow provides a boost to self-esteem, and indigo sparks imagination. Green Block in London, UK 5 芳香疗法 Aromatherapy 丁香或铃兰等香味植物和迷迭香或薰衣草等香草也能促进健康,可以沿小径或步道种植,以鼓励散步,丰富客人体验。考虑在设计中也加入教育元素,鼓励客人放慢脚步,停下来阅读不同植物在健康或烹饪中的作用。 Scented plants, such as lilac or lily of the valley, and herbs, such as rosemary or lavender also promote wellness and can be planted along paths or trails to encourage meandering and enhance the guest's journey. Consider incorporating educational components into the design too, encouraging guests to slow down and pause to read about the way different plants are used in wellness or cooking applications. 颜色和香气通常被放在一起考虑,一些与本地相关的植物和树木,如樱桃树或蓝花楹树,在开花时会成为自然景点。使用种类繁多、色彩缤纷、芳香四溢的植物——配备蜂箱和/或昆虫旅馆——也能有效地吸引鸟类和传粉者,促进该物业的生物多样性和栖息地再生。 Color and aroma are often considered together, with regionally relevant plants and trees such as cherry or jacaranda trees that become natural attractions when they bloom. Using a wide variety of colorful and fragrant plants – outfitted with beehives and/or bug hotels – are also effective at attracting birds and pollinators, contributing to the property’s biodiversity and habitat regeneration. Confidential competition entry in London, UK 6 农业 Agriculture 食物和农业提供了与景观的重要联系。考虑一下食物是如何以及为什么在当地种植和使用的,这将成为酒店或度假村故事中有意义且适合用于市场营销的部分。我们目前正在研究度假农场需要多少空间才能种植足够的食物来满足酒店大部分(如果不是全部)的餐饮需求,但即使是城市精品酒店也可以产生巨大的影响。食材花园只需要很少的空间,体量可以小到室内香草墙、屋顶蜂箱和露台鸡尾酒花园,也可以大至大型度假村的大规模有机农场。当空间有限时,酒店/度假村还可以与邻近的农业供应商合作,为集会、市集、农场晚餐等活动保留空间,从而使得景观获得经济效益。 Food and farming offer an important connection to the landscape. Consider how and why foods are grown and used locally, and this becomes a meaningful – and marketable – part of the hotel or resort’s story. We are currently researching how much space a resort farm requires in order to grow enough food to satisfy most (if not all) of the property’s F&B service, but even urban boutique hotels can have a huge impact. Culinary gardens require very little space and can range from interior herb walls, rooftop beehives and terrace cocktail gardens all the way to full-scale organic farms at larger resorts. Properties can also partner with neighboring agricultural providers when their own space is limited while reserving on-site space for events, artisan and farmer's markets, farm dinners and more help to monetize the landscape. Confidential urban project in Turkey 7 儿童活动 Programs for Kids 提供亲子设施是提高酒店或度假村收入潜力的另一种方式。对儿童健康有益的户外空间,包括健康且具有趣味性的健身计划、水疗护理、自然游乐或其他户外探索项目,可以为儿童对大自然产生长久的热爱奠定基础。 Offering family-friendly amenities is another way to enhance a hotel or resort’s revenue potential. Outdoor spaces for children’s wellness, including healthy and fun fitness programs, spa treatments, nature play or other outdoor exploration, can set the stage for kids’ long-term love of nature. 任何年龄的客人,无论景观规模如何,都可以从自然中获得独特而身临其境的体验,并形成让他们不断重访的情感连结。例如,邀请客人在度假村的花园或农场播种,可以促使他们在下一个季节再次到访,看看(甚至品尝)他们努力的实际成果。 At any scale, and at every age, guests can enjoy unique and immersive experiences with nature and form bonds that keep them coming back for more. For example, a program where guests are invited to plant seeds in the resort’s garden or farm, encourages them to return the following season to see (or even eat) the physical results of their efforts. Banyan Tree at Hann Lux Lifestyle Resort in New Clark City, the Philippines 景观需要从一开始就成为战略和设计的一部分。向客户展示我们描述的健康项目的图片,可以让他们马上了解这些丰富客人体验和通过酒店/度假村景观获利的机会。大多数经营者和管理者也是当地人,一个地区的生态故事也是他们自己的故事,他们会受到鼓舞,从而愿意主动去宣传这些故事。 Landscape needs to be part of the strategy and design from the start. Showing a client images of wellness programs like those described here will quickly illuminate opportunities to enrich the guest experience and monetize a hotel or resort’s landscape. Consider that most operators and managers will also be locals, so the stories of a region’s ecology are their own stories too, and they’ll be motivated to help tell them. 景观一直是关于健康和可持续性的,但时至今日,它才终于因为能够对酒店/度假村的经济效益带来重大影响,而获得了广泛认可。景观是一种资产和设施——是精心策划的宾客体验的关键组成部分。 Landscape has always been about wellness and sustainability and yet is now, finally, being recognized for the substantial impact it can have on a hotel or resort’s profitability. Landscape is an asset and an amenity – a critical component in the carefully orchestrated guest experience.
Fire, Water, Air and Earth