阅读:15945 2024-04-06

3 月 7 日,UNStudio为庆祝上海办公室翻新升级举办了设计沙龙,客户、同事、合作伙伴和媒体纷纷出席了活动。在此次活动中,UNStudio展示了他们的最新研究、洞见和项目,同时对来宾的长期支持与合作表示感谢。此外,UNStudio还表达了他们将在中国市场持续深耕的决心,以及持续用心设计和回馈当地社群的目标。

On March 7th, UNStudio celebrated their newly renovated Shanghai office with a salone attended by their clients, colleagues, partners and the media. At this event, UNStudio presented their latest research, insights and projects, while expressing their gratitude for the long-term support and collaboration of their guests. In addition, UNStudio conveyed their continual commitment to the Chinese market and their dedication to working and to giving back to the local community.

UNStudio创始人兼首席建筑师Ben van Berkel和UNStudio合伙人兼 UNStudio亚洲区管理负责人Hannes Pfau在活动上致开幕词,并对东道主城市和来宾表示感谢。Ben带来了以“面向未来的设计”为题的演讲并将活动推向高潮。随后,他与几位学者和专家,同济大学建筑与规划学院副主任董屹教授、万科开发经营本部产策合伙人张乐群先生以及中信资本前总经理卢峰先生展开了圆桌讨论。UNStudio总监Garett Hwang主持了圆桌活动。

Ben van Berkel, Founder and Principal Architect of UNStudio and Hannes Pfau, UNStudio Partner and Managing Director of UNStudio Asia, opened the event with words of appreciation for their host city and their guests. Ben highlighted this with a lecture themed ‘Designing with the Future in Mind’, after which he opened the panel discussion with the esteemed panelists Prof. Dong Yi, Tongji University, Vanke SP Mr. Eric Zhang and former Managing Director Mr. Lu Feng, CITIC Capital. Garett Hwang, Director of UNStudio, moderated the discussion.                             

Hannes Pfau致祝酒词:“今天在这里看到诸多我们“大家庭”中的成员,我感到十分荣幸。作为一家人,我们长期以来合作了许多项目,也一路共同成长。我们非常希望能够成为中国的设计社群中的一员,也希望进行互动交流。同时,我们也希望在这里继续开展多维度的工作…在15年后的今天,我们依然致力于深耕中国市场”。

Hannes Pfau said, "It's such a great pleasure to see so many members of our ‘family’ here today. We have been doing so many projects over a long period of time as a family and have been growing together. We very much want to be part of the knowledge community and share knowledge within China. We also want to continue to work here on many different levels…after 15 years, we still remain committed to this market."

Ben van Berkel表示:“我很高兴再次见到大家。今天有很多客户和朋友与我们一起庆祝。感谢大家出席今天的活动,与我们成为一家人。感谢你们与我们在上海的优秀团队携手发展。


Ben van Berkel expressed, "I am very happy to see you all again here. There are so many wonderful clients and friends here today celebrating with us…Thank you for joining us today and for being part of the family, alongside our wonderful team here in Shanghai."

In his lecture, Ben shared strategies for constant transformation and innovation within several global practices and discussed the importance of health and sustainability in the built environment. "We strongly believe that we should work with the future in mind. There are important discussions taking place about how we, as architects and designers, can create environments where people communicate more with each other and create truly bonded communities. We also need to become more sustainable in our architecture and truly dedicate our profession to reducing the carbon footprint of our projects. But it is also essential that we continue to consider the impact of indoor environments on the users of the buildings we design."

去年7 月,UNStudio 为庆祝香港办公室的升级翻新举办了暖房派对。最近,上海办公室的升级和设计沙龙活动的举办,进一步表明了UNStudio亚洲对当地市场的持续投入,他们改善建筑、城市和城市生活品质的使命,以及他们对创造更可持续、更健康的建成环境的愿景。


Last July, UNStudio celebrated the renovation of its Hong Kong office with a house-warming party. The recent upgrade of their Shanghai office, alongside the organisation of the Salone, further signifies UNStudio Asia's continued commitment to investing in the local market, their mission to improve the quality of architecture, cities and urban life, alongside their dedication to creating a more sustainable and healthy built environment.

Read more about UNStudio Hong Kong event through this link>>

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